First Day of ME2 - Expectations met?


New member
Jul 7, 2009
For Mass Effect 2's launch day, how did the game fare for you (if you played)? Did it meet your expectations? Exceed them? Fall painfully short? Or did you have none or simply not care (you pathetic soulless lifeform you)?

For me personally, I'm looooooving it. Awesome graphics, NPC personalities actually make me care (at least about certain individuals), fun shooting, explosions, jibs on asari promiscuity. I mean, what's not to love?

Only thing that bugs me so far, teeny tiny miniscule text. I have a crap TV, so I can't read a thing, not even mission logs. I've wanted to upgrade for a while now, and I think this may push me over the edge to do it.

SO, what did you all think?


New member
Jul 7, 2009
EspirituExterminatus said:
The helmets do not remove. This is by design and not a bug." and theres nothing like seeing Shep downing a shot of something directly into his helmet or having a emotional responce while looking at a blank visor to take ya out of the game.
Yeah that did bother me some... I have this awesome Collector's armor but haven't wanted to use it yet, because my femshep is just TOO sexy to have her face covered up.

I mean... I wanted to watch her emotional responses.


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
To all the people complaining about the gear/customization/inventory: It's mostly the same.

In ME1, you simply got guns with bigger numbers to replace your old guns. Same with armor, omnitools and biotic amps.

In ME2 you get the same, only without the cluttered and pointless inventory system that you end up converting to Omni-gel anyway. And at least you can make sure your armor looks the way you want it. The only potential downside is the lack of upgrade slots, but the research system and more weapon types make up for that.

Combat is far better. I'd like to hear anyone present a rational argument that ME1 combat was superior in any way. Graphics are better without being a bigger burden on the hardware. Story and characters are just as good if not better. The entire game flows much smoother. Heck, even the new hacking minigames are better than the old one.

Basically, aside from the somewhat annoying planet scanning (which goes faster when you upgrade your scanned and get some practice) most of the complaints are basically nitpicking.

If you want something to ***** about, try this: If you start a new character the game defaults to the "arsehole" ending from ME1, which means the Council is dead, Humans take over the new Council, Shepard picks Udina as the new Council Leader. As it stands, as soon as I finish my first playthrough of ME2, I'll have to go back and play ME1 just to get a decent save out of it. I don't understand why new characters aren't allowed to specify these things, there's even a section of the game early on where it could have been done easily...


New member
Oct 7, 2009
Expectation definitely met. No complaints so far. 22 hours into the game, and the story is superb.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Huh, I was thinking of making a thread like this in the shower today. Glad someone beat me to the punch. I've played about 10 hours so far, so here goes:

Gameplay - combat:
I like it a lot except for the fact that they redid all the key bindings and I had to reset them all to my likings. The lack of crouch isn't that big a deal because you are almost always either behind cover or dead, you simply don't loiter around in the open. In ME1, I used pause a lot to line up shots, in this one the shooting is much much much more fluid and natural which is a huge plus. On the downside, the heat clips (ammo) dealio is a huge turn-off for me much as I expected, mostly because now you have something extra to worry about that just doesn't add anything to the game. So far, shotguns have also become extremely underpowered (well, they were overpowered in ME1) because of less accuracy and limited ammo.

Gameplay - Exploration
Ok, I haven't done a whole lot of this, just scanned a few planets and jumped a few systems. Getting rid of the Mako is nice, the drop ship mechanic works well (i.e. there is none), and planet scanning works out just fine for me (as do most of the new mini-games, although they've been easy so far). Hearing Tricia Helfer say "Probe away" gives me a a hardon anyways, so, yeah.... Ahem, where was I? Right, the navigating around systems thing is annoying because of the fuel requirement which seems unnecessary and doesn't add to the experience.

Gameplay - Loot and XP
Huge revolution going on here and I'm mostly loving it. No more lists of useless guns and armour to comb through, no more heaps of useless add-ons that just got finicky. I'm not a big loot person, so I see the steps Bioware is taking with this RPG to be a huge step forwards, but other people might not appreciate it as much. It basically ties in with the new combat, allowing you to focus on the fighting and less on the item scrounging. The XP system has also been changed so that you get most of it through quests, not killing enemies. It doesn't really affect the game so much, and seems like a relatively minor change.

Presentation - Graphics etc
Wow, I was worried this game might not run on my laptop, but amazingly it runs even better and looks a lot prettier than ME1. With the first game, it often felt as if I was running through molasses and I had to use pause+aim to line up shots on fast moving targets. Huge thanks to Bioware for optimizing this one a lot better. The art design is solid, and its always nice to see some of the little things from ME1 make a return, like the crates, wallsafes, power junctions, and other misc bits of room furniture. The voice acting has been good so far, but Bioware still hasn't figured out lip synching - its a continuous project but they don't seem to be making much progress. The other downside is longer loading screens, but since the trade-off seems to be less loading within levels, I can live with it.

Story and Characters
So I saw someone mention in the other thread that the title of "Illusive Man" is setting new lows in infantile drama, even compared to the "Shadow Broker" (who is still in the game). Well, yes, but then again I just think of him as Martin Sheen, so no difficulty there. Miranda has so far proven to be interesting, Garrus has more of a personality and an interesting rapport with Shepherd, and the Salarian scientist is pretty hilarious if jarring at first. Jacob has kind of fallen flat on me, and I just picked up Jack. Too early to rule on the story overall though, we'll see.

ME2 is a very different game from ME1 and I like that although its taking a while to get used to. There is more of an emphasis on missions and once-through areas that disappear once you finish the mission (plague area on Omega and Purgatory so far for me), so it sort of feels like an amalgamation of open-world universe, local static exploration areas, and once-through levels taken straight from the shooter genre (I once played Gears of War on a friend's PC for a bit and it was quite similar, except with more grunting.

I'ld give it an 8.5 for now, but if the story gets epic it could easily jump to a 9.0. Expectations not met, but they gave me something equally excellent instead. This ain't ME1, and I'm fine with that.


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
Love the combat system.

They actually had the sense to put an actual, and accurate, crosshair instead of a fucking circle -.-


Battlefield control, terminated.
Nov 30, 2009
Xzi said:
OMG, I just heard a game salesman say, "have you tried Galaxy of Mythology yet? I hear it's got 11 million players now." ROFL @ epic win.

Plus I just bought a space hamster. A freaking SPACE HAMSTER!
Don't forget that Tali will sometimes yell to her combat drone: Go for the optics Batiga, go for the optics!

They just can't help themselves making references.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
The only thing I don't like about the game is you can't put your gun away or take it out as you please.
Dec 14, 2009
MatsJn said:
Xzi said:
OMG, I just heard a game salesman say, "have you tried Galaxy of Mythology yet? I hear it's got 11 million players now." ROFL @ epic win.

Plus I just bought a space hamster. A freaking SPACE HAMSTER!
Don't forget that Tali will sometimes yell to her combat drone: Go for the optics Batiga, go for the optics!

They just can't help themselves making references.
Really!? Ah man I'm gonna love this game... stupid damn EU release date.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
I found it to be more of a challenge than the first mass effect, which was good, cause I beat that one way too easily. The elimination of elevators is nice, as is the new ship. I had mixed feelings about the new ammo system, but I found that it works well. The removal of the inventory screen takes some getting used to, but I find that it works once you do get used to it. The new hacking mini-games are something I really don't know my feelings about. I like that you have a bit more of a challenge to hack than in the first, but it also gets kinda boring after a while. My only real problem, though, is that the text is far too small. I have to get right in front of the screen to read it. Other than that, though, ME2 exceeds ME1 by SOOOOO much.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
TheLastCylon said:
The only thing I don't like about the game is you can't put your gun away or take it out as you please.
In combat areas, you can. The default is "H" for holster, although I remapped that to "q" asap.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Spectrum_Prez said:
TheLastCylon said:
The only thing I don't like about the game is you can't put your gun away or take it out as you please.
In combat areas, you can. The default is "H" for holster, although I remapped that to "q" asap.
Playing on 360, but if there is a holster option for PC, there might be one for the 360.