What in the absolute, utter, blue blazes were they thinking? Whose idea was this? Who concocted that godawful design, was it somebody who has literally never seen Sonic before and just drew the best description somebody could give them in 30 seconds over a crackly walkie-talkie? It's "deliberate parody" levels of bad. It's Mega Man Box Art level bad. In the words of one Twitter commenter, it's actually impressive how they managed to make Sonic look like crappy CG and simultaneously like just a guy in a suit.
The trailer? Well, that dashes any hopes that nightmare-Sonic will at least be in a fantasy setting with a consistent aesthetic. Of course, it's set in a present day setting. Of course the US Army is a plot element (is Michael Bay directing this, or something?) And Dr Robotnik - Jim Carrey?! At least we can't accuse this film of not capitalising on the hottest, most popular, up and coming acting talent. In the words of Homer Simpson, that was sarcastic, by the way.
This is a god damn car wreck. Sonic has just had his Bob Hoskins moment, but this time they don't even have the excuse that it's the 90s and they don't know any better. Right now I'm still 10% convinced this is an elaborate April Fools joke, and 80% suspect that somebody is deliberately engineering the hugest flop ever to manipulate stock prices, like in The Producers. The remaining 10% is the slim chance this is a genuine attempt by a well-intentioned team to create what they believe will be a well received Sonic film, in which case God help us all.