First Thundercats Trailer Breaks Out the Lizards and Sword Fights


New member
Sep 6, 2008
xPixelatedx said:
This is going to be on cartoon network!? Awww... For a second I thought this was going to be an actual anime. A violent, gory, sexy, swearing Thundercats would have been pretty cool. But if they can play it off with good writing I guess it can turn out well, Avatar last Air Bender did.

I am just a bit worried, American cartoons don't have the best track record after 2000. Anyone remember CN's attempted reboot of He-Man?
Yeah, it's a shame that tanked, that was a good one. had good action.

Soylent Bacon said:
Ohthankgod, it's a cartoon tv movie. When I saw the title, I was worried it would be some live action monstrosity to be released in theaters made in a flawed attempt at appealing to the nostalgic crowd.

...I don't know. Some people do release some pretty weird/bad things.
Not a movie my good man. New series.

Judging by what I can see, and the fact there seems to be a whole city of Cat People, they're changing the plot. In the original Thunder Cats, there was only the half dozen or so of them, they fled their planet for..some reason I cannot remember, and settled on Middle Earth, where they were utterly alien and went around beating the shit out of the local mutant bullies much to everyones suprise.

In this version it looks like the plot centers on Liono's ascension to king and the Generals attempted coup. He's likly working for/manipulated by/drawing on resources from Mumm-Ra.


New member
Nov 4, 2009
Anyone remember CN's attempted reboot of He-Man?
The reason why that reboot failed is because they weren't trying to make a new, updated program; they were just trying to re-make the old show with better animation. And let's be honest, the old show wasn't that fantastic.

Its kind of a shame, though. It's the first and only time in history where Evil-Lyn has been AWESOME.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Verlander said:
An anime remake of Thundercats? Well the kids need to know the awesomeness... although why things can't just be re-released is beyond me
Honestly? Because the good cartoons now are better than the good cartoons then. Quality has improved on everything from animation to writing. Thundercats, much as I loved it, subscribed to the Captain Planet school of thought where there has to be some sort of morality lesson tied into everything. Although it could go badly in the end, I look forward to seeing the Thundercats concept being redone with more focus on a running narrative.

And if the show does well? Well you'll probably see the originals re-released after all, so everyone wins.


New member
Sep 2, 2010
In my part of the world, Cartoon Network is currently in Hindi. I will literally put a gun to my head and pull the trigger, before I watch perfectly good Cartoons dubbed in Hindi.

It's such a shame. CN taught me English, after all :(


New member
Nov 14, 2008
This seems like it's going to be a kids series, It's a bit before my time but it was a kid's series originally i'm amusing? So it will likely be kind of deep but not really like most kids cartoons.


New member
Feb 10, 2007
Nannernade said:
Prof. Monkeypox said:
Hallow said:
Cartoon Network looks like it's coming around...
God, we can only hope it was just a phase!

Actually, I think quality goes in cycles, but that's another discussion.
Just give it about a month, they'll come out with about 6 more reality shows about holes in cars or something.
They only did that crap because the economy tanked and cartoons are expensive. While reality shows are the cheapest things imaginable to make. I hold out hope that as the economy improves that they'll put the cartoon back into Cartoon Network.

Though the fact that they tried to rename themselves CN so that you wouldn't notice that there's reality bs on a network dedicated to cartoons does make my position questionable.


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Well personally and I know many will disagree but it looks to me to be alot better than the original.
I never felt like the original did a good job of fleshing out the world and for a kid the whole planet seemed unpopulated except for said thundercats and there villains.

Why the hell were they fighting was another question of mine. Actually maybe some of you can answer those 2 questions for me?

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
So they turned it into another anime series? I know the original's opening was done in Japan, but they've just decided to go all out with it this time?

Great. Just what I needed.

Okay, maybe I'm being to harsh. If this is being written as a Western style cartoon that just happens to be animated by Japan, it could be good. But if it starts falling into the tropes that turn me off 90% of anime shows, I'm changing the channel.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Soviet Heavy said:
So they turned it into another anime series? I know the original's opening was done in Japan, but they've just decided to go all out with it this time?

Great. Just what I needed.

Okay, maybe I'm being to harsh. If this is being written as a Western style cartoon that just happens to be animated by Japan, it could be good. But if it starts falling into the tropes that turn me off 90% of anime shows, I'm changing the channel.
Well you've got cat girls [] already, so that's one down. How long is this list, anyway?


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Scars Unseen said:
Verlander said:
An anime remake of Thundercats? Well the kids need to know the awesomeness... although why things can't just be re-released is beyond me
Honestly? Because the good cartoons now are better than the good cartoons then. Quality has improved on everything from animation to writing. Thundercats, much as I loved it, subscribed to the Captain Planet school of thought where there has to be some sort of morality lesson tied into everything. Although it could go badly in the end, I look forward to seeing the Thundercats concept being redone with more focus on a running narrative.

And if the show does well? Well you'll probably see the originals re-released after all, so everyone wins.
Well, it was more of a general observation. Your points are valid though. I would argue that the story writing hasn't improved, but that's just me. That's a generalisation as well.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Scars Unseen said:
Soviet Heavy said:
So they turned it into another anime series? I know the original's opening was done in Japan, but they've just decided to go all out with it this time?

Great. Just what I needed.

Okay, maybe I'm being to harsh. If this is being written as a Western style cartoon that just happens to be animated by Japan, it could be good. But if it starts falling into the tropes that turn me off 90% of anime shows, I'm changing the channel.
Well you've got cat girls [] already, so that's one down. How long is this list, anyway?
Face faults, limited animation, money shots (I.E full animation) being rarely used, faceless crowds, power lines blurring out the background to conserve money, annoying voices, minimal movement, black lines close up on eyes, overuse of keyframes, there's a lot.

Sean Strife

New member
Jan 29, 2010
xPixelatedx said:
This is going to be on cartoon network!? Awww... For a second I thought this was going to be an actual anime. A violent, gory, sexy, swearing Thundercats would have been pretty cool. But if they can play it off with good writing I guess it can turn out well, Avatar last Air Bender did.

I am just a bit worried, American cartoons don't have the best track record after 2000. Anyone remember CN's attempted reboot of He-Man?
These past couple of years, Cartoon Network's really stepped it up with Adventure Time, Regular Show (both of which I was actually thinking I was gonna hate until I actually saw some episodes), Young Justice, and even MAD (although MAD is more hit or miss than anything). So this could actually be pretty good.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
ryai458 said:
Is this for furries or can normal people watch this without getting weirded out?
your already a furry so stop worrying and learn to love mammals


New member
May 18, 2009
Darkauthor81 said:
Nannernade said:
Prof. Monkeypox said:
Hallow said:
Cartoon Network looks like it's coming around...
God, we can only hope it was just a phase!

Actually, I think quality goes in cycles, but that's another discussion.
Just give it about a month, they'll come out with about 6 more reality shows about holes in cars or something.
They only did that crap because the economy tanked and cartoons are expensive. While reality shows are the cheapest things imaginable to make. I hold out hope that as the economy improves that they'll put the cartoon back into Cartoon Network.

Though the fact that they tried to rename themselves CN so that you wouldn't notice that there's reality bs on a network dedicated to cartoons does make my position questionable.
Well either that happens which would be nice or it'll turn into what MTV turned into Music Television into... whiny 13 year olds complaining about being rich. >.>


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Osafiny said:
Anybody have the time on the Mum-ra drawing? I see the reflection one at 0:12, but not the other.
25 seconds in there seems to be some kind of huge statue, but I can't really make much out.
Also at 01:05 there is somebody caught in a... no idea what it's called... which could be him, maybe, but that doesn't seem to be a wall carving.

Samechiel said:
Only he wasn't talking about the original show. This is the first time we've seen shots of them for the NEW show. Learn to context.
It's hard to "context" (that doesn't really work as a verb) if there is none.
It doesn't refer to any earlier news posts about the new Thundercats, and I didn't even know they were working on it.
I'm guessing the other people commenting on Wilykat [] didn't either.
Those two characters were re-imagined before to have barely any clothes on.
Of course this is before the original cartoon, rather than after, like the comics.


New member
Feb 10, 2007
Nannernade said:
Darkauthor81 said:
Nannernade said:
Prof. Monkeypox said:
Hallow said:
Cartoon Network looks like it's coming around...
God, we can only hope it was just a phase!

Actually, I think quality goes in cycles, but that's another discussion.
Just give it about a month, they'll come out with about 6 more reality shows about holes in cars or something.
They only did that crap because the economy tanked and cartoons are expensive. While reality shows are the cheapest things imaginable to make. I hold out hope that as the economy improves that they'll put the cartoon back into Cartoon Network.

Though the fact that they tried to rename themselves CN so that you wouldn't notice that there's reality bs on a network dedicated to cartoons does make my position questionable.
Well either that happens which would be nice or it'll turn into what MTV turned into Music Television into... whiny 13 year olds complaining about being rich. >.>
Oi! Why is it that channels start out awesome but degrade over time? Anyone remember how awesome Fox use to be? Or the Sci-Fi channel? Back before those God awful made for tv movies they crank out every month.