It's a bit of a letdown to me that a respectable gaming site like The Escapist denounce a game and say that a central part of the game "sucks"... The game's been out a week and the guards weren't set up to react to attacking players properly, and the back door was bugged to open to anyone not just Order. A bug in a game a week after release is NOT a reason to say it sucks, don't be so sensationalist LOOLLOLOLOOLO WAR SUX when it's commonplace for flaws like this to arise just a few days after the release of games.
Take a long hard look at WoW, what most people consider to be the established MMO that is played most. First week? Hah. It didn't have battlegrounds or organised PvP, it had melee classes with talents to spec into Intellect, a caster stat (nowhere near the half of it), no blue or epic gear, and no real goals or aims at all. Not that it has any goals or aims now, since everything gets nerfed so that unskilled and casual 1-hour-a-day players can be wandering around clad in tiered PvE gear or a full arena set.
Major screwup, The Escapist. Saying a game sucks for having some easily fixed flaws that were't meant to be there is a pretty huge mistake when you're meant to know your stuff..