First-World Proselytizing


New member
Jun 14, 2011
The good news is that there probably isn't a man in the sky condemning you for 2000 year old moral outrages.


New member
Jan 5, 2009
As a Christian, there is a big difference between hearing and knowing about Christianity and accepting Jesus into your heart, just as there is a big difference between knowing something is out there versus truly being a part of it. Sadly, no one can really explain it because spirituality is a personal thing.

I've lived with Jesus in my life and I've lived without Jesus in my life, and for my part, things are *so* much easier for me with Him than without Him. I certainly don't expect non-Christians to be on the same page, and I can't. Those Christians who *do* hold non-Christians to be on the same page tend to be the more self-righteous ones that cause headaches for the rest of us.

Having said that, in simple terms, what missionaries (etc) do is a universal concept - Marketing. Churches want to market themselves just as any organization. For all they know, you've been thinking about church for a while, and they want to let you know they're out there.

From a Christian's perspective, it's no different than a gym marketing itself - you know getting in shape is good for you, but that doesn't mean gyms don't need to advertise. The only difference is spiritual health instead of physical health.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
ZorroFonzarelli said:
As a Christian, there is a big difference between hearing and knowing about Christianity and accepting Jesus into your heart, just as there is a big difference between knowing something is out there versus truly being a part of it. Sadly, no one can really explain it because spirituality is a personal thing.

I've lived with Jesus in my life and I've lived without Jesus in my life, and for my part, things are *so* much easier for me with Him than without Him. I certainly don't expect non-Christians to be on the same page, and I can't. Those Christians who *do* hold non-Christians to be on the same page tend to be the more self-righteous ones that cause headaches for the rest of us.

Having said that, in simple terms, what missionaries (etc) do is a universal concept - Marketing. Churches want to market themselves just as any organization. For all they know, you've been thinking about church for a while, and they want to let you know they're out there.

From a Christian's perspective, it's no different than a gym marketing itself - you know getting in shape is good for you, but that doesn't mean gyms don't need to advertise. The only difference is spiritual health instead of physical health.
See, that's the kind of faith I can respect. It's clearly represented, it doesn't push too hard, it offers the chance to at least try and dig deeper. If I choose not to - no biggie. All the considerate Christians I know don't think any less of me because I'd much rather nerd over quark-gluon plasma than the mystery of the Eucharist.

I tend to think matters of faith are pretty personal. There's a way to present any given faith that manages to leave the recipient some time to think it over. Choosing to believe (or not to believe as the case may be) isn't something people tend to do in a flash. There's motivating instances, personal reasons or deeper philosophical considerations that come into play.

Then, of course, you've got the more active proselytizers. "CONVERT RIGHT FUCKING NOW OR FUCKING DIE!" they say. Or worse, if you go by some Baptist churches - "CONVERT NOW AND WIN STUFF!"

I think that's the issue, here. Pushing for a disingenuous "conversion" hurts everyone and everything that's involved. The faithful's credibility, the incipient member's own dignity, the deeper aspects of the presented creed or faith; and whatever it is that's being left behind.

That's more or less why, as an atheist, I tend to cringe when I hear some of my peers switch to all-out aggression when faced with Christians.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Hero in a half shell said:
Most of the Escapist community are from America/Europe, and how many people on these forums would call themselves Christians?

Not a lot.

It's not just about being informed Jesus exists, the message of Christianity is that because Jesus exists and because of what he did (died on the cross to remove sins) you have to then take action by asking Jesus to forgive you. or else you are still guilty of your sin.

Even though virtually everyone in Europe/America may know about Jesus, how many have actually made the step to ask him to forgive their sins? That is why missions and outreaches still happen in those countries.
I think his point is that everyone at least gets the gist and you're not going to get many converts when everyone's already rejected what they're relentlessly pedalling.

Arakasi said:
The good news is that there probably isn't a man in the sky condemning you for 2000 year old moral outrages.
And if there is, he doesn't exactly sound like the sort of chap you'd want to bow down to. He has been known, after all, to demand a blood sacrifice.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
Colour-Scientist said:
Daystar Clarion said:
I'm still curious as to way Coca Cola still advertise...

Does anyone in the first world not know about Coca Cola?
Most people know that money is needed for cancer research too.

I hope they realise that they're wasting their time advertising soon.
Well, one of those things is infinitely more worthwhile than the other :D
Ya, I totally agree. If we didn't have Coke advertising where would I get my daily polar bear infusion round Christmas time.

(sic) humor

New member
Nov 19, 2009
To both Christianity and Coke: just because you're well-known doesn't mean you're well-liked. I can see why people would want to invest some time and energy to bring you around to their point of view.

I mean, this group of people has started wars that have cost countless lives and driven others to depths of obsession and depravity that most rational people couldn't even fathom. Their zealots and political puppets have made created a cultural atmosphere of bigotry and narrow-mindedness that has ironically driven so many people away from their message.

But we can't let those ding bats ruin this for the reasonable people who also partake in that philosophy.

What I'm saying is, give Coca-Cola purchasers a chance.

White Lightning

New member
Feb 9, 2012
Daystar Clarion said:
I'm still curious as to way Coca Cola still advertise...

Does anyone in the first world not know about Coca Cola?
I didn't know about it...

I'm sure there are people who haven't heard of it. Hell there are people who haven't heard of WW2, No I'm not exaggerating (I spelled probably spelled that wrong but I'm tired) people have actually not heard of it. It makes me sad because these people are allowed to breed.


New member
Aug 30, 2011
You're sort of obliged, when you're the one who knows who created the universe and watches over humanity, to spread the word when everyone who doesn't know is going to live the rest of eternity in anguish if you don't explain that it's true. It doesn't matter that it's futile and you look like an idiot, it's the principle. How could you sleep at night knowing people will go to hell and you could've prevented it?

At least, I imagine that's what it's like. I'm the person scowling as you try to hand me a pamphlet. Or in one case, shouting over you as you act like some sort of train station evangelist.

I did see an interview though, with a marketing director at Coca Cola, and apparently they aim to have absolute saturation, ie. Coca Cola wherever you look. As in that is a real thing that they are trying to make happen.

Colonel Mustard

New member
Jun 2, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
I'm still curious as to way Coca Cola still advertise...

Does anyone in the first world not know about Coca Cola?
Brand awareness, that's why; marketing campaigns for stuff like Coca Cola aren't there to sell Coca Cola, per se, but they're there to remind us that Coca Cola exists, and that when it's a hot day and you're thirsty and there's a corner shop open, that advertising makes you think 'man, a nice cold can of Coca Cola would be really nice about now.'

Same thing with people still trying to get others to convert to Christianity; the ratio of success to effort is probably not worth it in direct terms, but by reminding you of Christianity it's brought to the forefront of the mind. So when it's a hot day (read: you're feeling down, in need of something more important than yourself yadeyada) and you're thirsty (read: for spiritual guidance) so you go into the corner shop (read: a local church) and get yourself a nice cold can of Coca Cola (read: a nice cold can of Jesus).

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to market Christ in a Can. It Messi-icious!


New member
Mar 17, 2012
I see Daystar has begun derailing the thread in the first few posts.
As pretty much everyone has said, this is basically brand advertising, be it for coca cola or religion.

Captcha: french fried


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Possibly they are trying to get other types of christians to join their church.

As an aside, everyone knows, eveyrone fucking has it drummed into thyem, that unprotected sex is one of the main ways HIV/AIDS is passed on. But you have to keep telling them, over and over and over again, because there are people tool fucking stupid to pay attention the first few dozens times, and the moment the government awareness campaigns slow down there's an increase in transmission rates, and people act surprised.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Hagi said:
Veylon said:
Vern5 said:
I was once asked if I had heard the "good news". I was bored and waiting for somebody so I said, "Tell me more, excited individual"

I immediately lost interest when she started with "You're Asian, so you might not know-"

In truth, every westerner has heard the News. The reason there are still missionaries is because we are not all convinced of the "Good" in this news and the missionaries know that. At any rate, some of these amateur preachers are just so excited about the goodness of their cause that they MUST TELL EVERYONE.
A good chunk of it is that young Christians (especially evangelicals) are often assigned to spread the Gospel as part of their growing-into-Christianity. Of course, it would be expensive, inconvenient, and even dangerous to evangelize where Christianity isn't already popular (say, Tehran or Manchuria), so mostly they just mill around their local area for a while and hope for a "conversion" or two they can take to their supervisor so that he'll promote them to the next level.
Promote them to the next level?

I didn't know Christianity had levels xD

Does this mean you can actually get to be a lvl 15 Paladin in real life?
Maybe they were a Reformed Neo Buddhist and wanted to become a level 5 Laser Lotus.
It does come with a bitching outfit.



New member
Oct 14, 2009
ZorroFonzarelli said:
I've lived with Jesus in my life.
I bet Jesus would be a terrible roommate. Great for parties sure, and you'd definitely save on the food bills, but whenever you try and bring a girl back he'll be all judgemental and ask if you plan to get married anytime soon.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Hero in a half shell said:
Most of the Escapist community are from America/Europe, and how many people on these forums would call themselves Christians?

Not a lot.

It's not just about being informed Jesus exists, the message of Christianity is that because Jesus exists and because of what he did (died on the cross to remove sins) you have to then take action by asking Jesus to forgive you. or else you are still guilty of your sin.

Even though virtually everyone in Europe/America may know about Jesus, how many have actually made the step to ask him to forgive their sins? That is why missions and outreaches still happen in those countries.
There's also the issue that, as with the marketing examples others have used, people aren't trying to push Christianity as a whole but their preferred flavour of it. Mormon beliefs are greatly different from Catholic, which are greatly different from Evangelical Fundamentalist, and so on. Hell, the more extreme members of those groups don't even consider one another to be Christians; they often see them as either poor souls deceived by Satan or just plain heretical.

Even if everyone has heard of Christianity, they're probably aware of it as a general concept ("it's that Jesus dude, and something about Santa, right?") rather than the specifics of any particular sect. The central message may be the same but the trimmings are very different (sola scriptura vs interpretation, different versions of the bible, transubstantiation etc), and generally people trying to push "the good word" are specifically trying to sell you their version of the good word rather than non-specific that, hey, this Jesus guy was pretty cool.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
someonehairy-ish said:
Hero in a half shell said:
The message of Christianity is that because Jesus exists and because of what he did (died on the cross to remove sins)
-which is stupid because if God is omnipotent why would he need a 'sacrifice' to remove people's sins? Surely he can just magic them away with his big fluffy beard...
Sorry to be so rude about it but this part has genuinely never made a single shred of sense to me.

Also people play up the fact that God sacrificed his only son for us. So what? He's God, he could magic a billion suns into existence, it's hardly a massive deal.
I have never, ever managed to get a straight answer to this question. I've read some attempts at justifying at, but that's all they ever seem to be; attempts. They never address the central question that underpins all my misgivings about the Jesus stories, which is why?! Why do everything in such a roundabout, half-arsed way? Why bother at all? Why not just be cool about the whole deal?

The standard answer given is usually "God is so much greater than us, he sees things from a totally different perspective, obviously we wouldn't understand why he does things but whatever he does is the right thing"

Which basically means "I don't know either, stop asking awkward questions and go away"

Aris Khandr

New member
Oct 6, 2010
Colonel Mustard said:
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to market Christ in a Can. It Messi-icious!
Messi is good, but I don't think he's that good. Barca fans may disagree.


Jabbering Fool
Mar 31, 2010
Hero in a half shell said:
Most of the Escapist community are from America/Europe, and how many people on these forums would call themselves Christians?

Not a lot.

It's not just about being informed Jesus exists, the message of Christianity is that because Jesus exists and because of what he did (died on the cross to remove sins) you have to then take action by asking Jesus to forgive you. or else you are still guilty of your sin.

Even though virtually everyone in Europe/America may know about Jesus, how many have actually made the step to ask him to forgive their sins? That is why missions and outreaches still happen in those countries.
You can only ask god for forgiveness (in Catholicism anyway) Jesus was all about telling people that, not being worshipped in a cult of personality.