Flawed gems


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
thoughtwrangler said:
FPLOON said:
Virtua Quest... A gem so flawed that barely anyone knows about its existence...

But seriously, outside of some questionable control choices[footnote]The C/Right stick to use the game's version of a grapple hook that only goes in the direction the character's facing instead of just using the L/L1/L2 buttons... Then again, the L/L1/L2 buttons only moves the camera to the default "behind the character" camera position instead of just using the C/Right stick to control the camera more freely... So, I only ask this one question: Who the fuck thought that kind of control scheme was a good fucking idea?![/footnote]as well as a basically pointless "level-up"-type system[footnote]Why have it if the game's going to force me to "level-up" anyway?! It's not like it increases my stats or anything like that because only the upgrade tools as well as which fighting type I end up adopting the most can do that... Just because I can't do certain sidequest[footnote]which are only there to, hopefully, get a rare upgrade tool for your stats or "lost data" for you collected Virtua Souls...[/footnote] because I'm not at the right "level" story-wise doesn't mean it counts by any stretch of the meaning in this situation and you know it, game...[/footnote] due to plot reasons (just to name the major flaws), its use of both stats and fighting style customization options gave this game potential to be a good spin-off to the Virtual Fighter series...

Too bad it was a ~10-hour repetitive/mediocre game with an ending that will remain a cliffhanger for the rest of its life, basically... and I keep going back to it either on GameCube or PS2 because I have both versions...
I agree. I really wanted to like Virtua Quest, but the dungeons got monotonous I started falling asleep because fun stuff had stopped happening for at least an hour. It's too bad too, because the demo was a lot of fun :(
Oh my glob, I remember playing the fuck out of the demo on [mainly] the GameCube whenever I went to my local Target or, at the time, Circuit City! *sighs* I still remember how it had a snippet of the first server where you reach your first Virtua Soul...

(Also, as far as I'm aware of right now, you are the only one I know who also knows about this game's existence beforehand...)

Pink Gregory

New member
Jul 30, 2008
MarsAtlas said:
Far Cry 2. One of my favourite games ever, and in many ways, its better than Far Cry 3.

*knocking on the door*

Oh, I wonder who that is.

*opens door to see men in white clothes and straight jacket*

They're coming for me! Far Cry 2 was better than Far Cry 3 in terms of emergent storytelling and weapons were more balanced and [sub]even though the combat in Far Cry 3 is undeniably better Far Cry 2 offered better surrounding which gave better ways to engage the enemy and I know the voice act-[/sub]

*van doors slam shut*
I am in complete agreement.

Read this - http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2014/11/20/why-far-cry-2-is-the-best-in-the-series/

and also this - http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/forums/showthread.php?16981-Conflict-Diamonds-in-the-Rough-%96-Far-Cry-2-s-wasted-potential-and-the-Ubisoft-Game

Personally, it might be more to do with the fact that I don't like what everyone feels that shooters should be (i.e. Doom or Duke Nukem 3D), I find those games boring, ironically.

Also as far as I'm aware this was before that buuuuuuuhUbisoft... feeling that I personally started feeling around AC Brotherhood.