For 5 minutes, you have the entire world's attention


New member
Sep 15, 2010
Personally I don't like when all eyes are on me and usually make a fool of myself, so for that specific situation I would probably do this for 5 mins:

Also because most anyone who preached love, acceptance, kindness, and awesomness to the world gets assassinated, look it up.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Shout out the words: "REALITY TV SUCKS AND MY LITTLE PONY IS OVER RATED! Now that i have your attention fully.." Then play this song.

World peace would likely erupt followed by increased sales of Susumu Hirasawa's albums...You're welcome.


New member
Aug 7, 2011
"Did you really think that could get away with that, Pat?"

Or... 5 minutes of a Guy Fawkes mask blank stare.

Or... or... 5 minutes of "Really? Really?" while progressively raising my pitch.


New member
Sep 17, 2010
okay, so, i bet you're all thinking i'm going to say something deep and interesting, huh? well i am, so shut up and listen. pop musicians are lazy more often than not, the system prefers profit to people, you should take the time to treat your fellow human being with respect, learn to fuckin drive, and i'm looking at you for this one, florida. seriously, how can everyone in a state suck at driving? everyone stop it with this politically correct thing, or at the very least, white people, stop apologizing for things. i mean, my god, seriously? seriously? make a new elder scrolls game now, and fuckin include spears, crossbows, kukri, kama, halberds, and bring shortswords back. modern shooters need a tad more variety. George RR Martin... keep doing what you're doing. you kick ass. and Christopher Paolini, you keep writing too, but try to do it a bit faster. well, that's it. goodnight, and fuck all y'all *double flips of camera, walks offscreen*


New member
Feb 5, 2009
JakDRipa said:
"Stop protecting local farms with taxes and subsidies. When your government subsidizes agriculture they are making you pay to slow the development of 1the third world and . Yes, some farmers from your country would have tough times ahead of them if you cut them but a whole lot of other people wouldn't die. Plus, food would be cheaper and your taxes: lower. Tell your local representative/congressman/whatever to cut that shit out."

That would be me, kind of specific I know; but I honestly believe, and a lot of economists agree with me, that if everyone got together and agreed not to do this anymore, almost everyone would be happier almost immediately.
Also a disclaimer, when I say that you pay to slow the development of the third world, that's not why we protect agriculture, we do it so foreign labor doesn't take our jobs. But it kind of has this other effect of making people die of starvation.
Also the overproduction caused by the subsidies system propagates a "corn fed" environment that has come with consequences that damage not only the economy but land, animals and people. While no studies have explicitly linked obesity to corn/soybean production, its not a massive leap of the mind to say that one influences the other.

Be kind to one another. That is all.
Also, its national tongue awareness month.

German Borbon

New member
May 18, 2011
i would say:

i´m a man, you are a man, we are mankind, so why we fight, why?,religion, race, all that kind of things but in reality we are just being bitter to each other just for the sake of it, we could stop wars right now, we are doing it this 2 minutes, lets make this 2 minutes the start of a milennia, or even more

and then the rest of pure silence


New member
Mar 19, 2009
"Attention people of Earth. Near as I can tell, every system of laws, ethics, and moral standards ever produced can all be boiled down into one sentence; Don't be a dick.

Now many of you (you know who you are) are so thoroughly ensnared in your dickhood, that simply not being a dick would be a Herculean challenge. Regardless, at least try not to be a dick. Everyone else help them out.

Seriously, we're stuck with each other for the foreseeable future. Let's at least pretend we're getting along."

Yeah. That's what I would say.


New member
Aug 11, 2011
I would say something like:
"Stop staring at me! Freaks!"
Then I would go back to my cave to play Skyrim.

Shadow flame master

New member
Jul 1, 2011
Catfood220 said:
I'd probably start with something like "She's just a small town girl, living in a lonely world..." at which point everyone in the entire world will join in with the song, they can't help it, its just become one of those things.

As the song comes to an end, everyone just basks in the awesome thing that just happened and I (and to a lesser extent, Journey) will have just created world peace for however small an amount of time.
That would be so awesome if that actually happened.

OT: I would probally just cuss everyone in the world out. Or better yet, flip them all off seeing as I'm going through my teen angst phase now. But if you mean for me to say or do something inspiring, then I guess I'll talk about how we need to make a space colony. Why? Becasue with space colonies comes Gundams, and who doesn't want a Gundam?


New member
Mar 26, 2010
I would let them stare and ponder in uncomfortable silence until there were only a few seconds left ticking. Then I would reach over and press the button...


New member
May 25, 2010
Yes the world would go deaf but thats i sacrifice im will to make for five minutes of luaghter in someones heart


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Croaker42 said:
JakDRipa said:
"Stop protecting local farms with taxes and subsidies. When your government subsidizes agriculture they are making you pay to slow the development of 1the third world and . Yes, some farmers from your country would have tough times ahead of them if you cut them but a whole lot of other people wouldn't die. Plus, food would be cheaper and your taxes: lower. Tell your local representative/congressman/whatever to cut that shit out."

That would be me, kind of specific I know; but I honestly believe, and a lot of economists agree with me, that if everyone got together and agreed not to do this anymore, almost everyone would be happier almost immediately.
Also a disclaimer, when I say that you pay to slow the development of the third world, that's not why we protect agriculture, we do it so foreign labor doesn't take our jobs. But it kind of has this other effect of making people die of starvation.
Also the overproduction caused by the subsidies system propagates a "corn fed" environment that has come with consequences that damage not only the economy but land, animals and people. While no studies have explicitly linked obesity to corn/soybean production, its not a massive leap of the mind to say that one influences the other.

Be kind to one another. That is all.
Also, its national tongue awareness month.
I never understood this 'national tongue awareness month". if anything, it should be "national breath awareness month"

*suddenly becomes aware and in full control of breathing* god damnit >_>


New member
Jun 4, 2009
I would have a Nixon Mask on, and then pull a taser gun out, and shoot the camera man in the eye while saying: "ULTIMATE POWAAAAAAA"


New member
Jul 7, 2011
I would anounce my new totalitarian government with this
as my main probaganda poster


New member
Jan 23, 2011
"Glass is not a liquid. The trickle-down economic theory doesn't work. Microwave ovens do not cook food from the inside out. Gum does not take seven years to digest. Irregardless is a word. 420 did not originate as the Los Angeles police or penal code for marijuana use. Police Code 420 is 'juvenile disturbance'. Bronies are not gay/pedophiles/etc. Fans of anime are not weaboos. A duck's quack echos. Bats are not blind. Evolution has been scientifically proven. The Earth is more than 6,000 years old. There is no point to religious wars, the three main religions all follow the same deity anyways. Humans did not evolve from any modern primate.

Thank you for your time."