senordesol said:
The point being: if it's 'fantasy'; make up some 'fantastical' things -stuff that may not have a real-world analog.
Some stuff, no reason to get rid of everything real.
OTOH, if you can make up a brand new way of things working, good for you...very hard though.
OTOOH, there's no reason for anything in particular to be different. We generally accept that gravity works, and metallurgy is much the same, and so on. Way back when in D&D, the elves had a magical talent for seeing in the dark which was just a passive IR vision that could detect body heat. Certain other monsters had active IR, could see further, could see things that didn't have bodyheat, but they could themselves be easily seen by things with passive IR.
Likewise, there was a Conan story were the ancient monster was the last remnant of a species which had evolved before humanity, and then fallen into decline when their water source got poisoned.
I think it's unfortunate that there's a divide between science fiction and fantasy nowdays.
(Not to mention those insufferable people that insist on bigotry in their fantasy (no gay people, women are second class etc) because it's "realistic", but don't mind dragons and wizards and whatnot)