For those of you hyped for MW3, I ask... why?


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Why does anyone ever buy an FPS when they are all essentially the same game with different settings and slightly different mechanics? Because they enjoy playing the game, even if it's not groundbreaking.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
I played the first MW and it didnt grab me at all and are boring. Just prefer the WW2 shooters as they are more interesting, especially the guns and the history. Also im not interested in online gaming death matches either so even less reason for me to buy it.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Father Tunde said:

We like things that you don't. It's our opinions. I'm not a fan of South Park, nor of Sprouts, but I don't ask people to explain to me why they like them.
Do you know what "hype"means ? you sir have missed the point of this thread by miles. He didn't ask why you like the game. He want's to know why you are hyped for it. Or were you just trying to find an excuse to use your picture?
Dec 27, 2010
Counter-question: If you're not interested in the game, why bother even thinking about it?

I haven't been a huge fan of COD since 4, but I don't constantly b*tch about the series, or harass it's fans.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
i wise man once said: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" (although if he was indeed a "wise" man, we'll have to assume he was using the word "ain't" ironically)

what i mean is, it's the exact same formula as COD4, with new weapons, modes, killstreaks, and locals.

you may as well as fans of batman why they keep buying new comics, since they all predominantly feature batman beating up bad guys and speaking in a gravely voice.

same reason people order from the same pizza place, go to the same bars, and have sex in the same positions that they have the last 5000 times they did those things

people like what they like and don't WANT them to change. but it is a thrill to have very minor changes to things you like, so you'll almost assuredly still enjoy it, but have new things to enjoy about it as well

Dylan Blackler

New member
May 22, 2011
I think BF3 multiplayer is much better with much more features, I will prob end up borrowing Cod off someone becouse it is just the same thing at least BF3 will have jets =P


New member
Sep 25, 2011
As far as I can work out it'll be more or less indistinguishable (I'm not including tarted-up graphics here) from MW2, which itself was more or less indistinguishable from MW1... But then I'm not the target market, being as online gaming leaves me cold. I'm far more excited about Arkham City, which I just bought, Skyrim, and AC:Revelations (both of which I will be being buying at launch)


New member
Aug 29, 2011
I think the real questions should be: Is a first person campaign really necessary for a game whose primary focus and appeal lie in the multiplayer. Why waste a lot of time and effort on a piece of gameplay that will not see the light of day from most of their players. Instead of charging $60, why not just take out the first person campaign and sell it at $40? I'm sure you'll get a lot more people to want it on launch day if they find out that they would be paying for the 2/3 of the game they actually paid for.

I might get some responds about, "Well, each CoD game needs a THEME. We can't have a theme in a game if there's no story or campaign mode." Well as intriguing as that statement could be, it not a very valid one. WW3, people. I know we may be a little hazy on WW1 and WW2 was awesome as a war, but is it so hard to imagine what a war on a global scale could entice?

I have to admit, the mere mentioning of WW3 on the earliest trailer got me excited for this newest CoD installment, then I remembered it's a CoD game, so I'll only get to know about how awesome the war will be if my brother feels like playing single player campaign after he's prestiged for the 10th time.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Onyx Oblivion said:
Survival mode with perks and shit!


I *am* that easy to sell a game to.
Hell, with me its even more ridicolus, if you say it has adorable little midget things that can shoot guns at horrible giant golems then I will easily buy your game the second it comes out. Seriously, go watch anything on the Asuras on Guild Wars 2, those bastards are the cutest thing I've seen in years.

Actually, if you show me a artsy style that looks good and decent gameplay then I'll buy it, same with CoD, I'd buy it if it had a WaterPaint style.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Armored Prayer said:
For me because despite all its issues its still genuinely a good quality game.

While yes the recent CoD games have been going downhill and its community is downright atrocious, the main gameplay itself have always been great, and while its short of a shame that it now plays like an action movie I still find it oddly entertaining.
the fact that you can SHOOT said atrocios community also helps A LOT :)


New member
Feb 5, 2009
TF2 has flourished and it is older than the original Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Yes, even the original MW is the fourth installment, making MW3 the seventh game in the series.

Then these people bash games like Final Fantasy for going as far as the fourteenth game (in the main series).


New member
Aug 31, 2011
Almost all games these days are just clones of themselves. BF3 is just BF2 and BFBC mixed, the assasins creed games, halo's, batmans. If you liked it once you will probably buy it at least one more time. They would have to be crazy not to take our money.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
Why? Because the multi-player is tight, exciting and responsive. I mean sure it's not the most creative thing to come out all year but it does change significantly game from game. C0D4 was my favourate, balanced weapons, nice mix. COD5 brought zombies and a great multiplayer WW2 theme, plus loved the Japanse weaponry. COD6 the weapons started getting an emphasis on faster firing and more crazy and hectic with add ons. COD7 I haven't played much of to be honest, but the guns have slowed down and it takes far longer to kill someone than in previous COD's which again significantly alters the gameplay.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
My first CoD game was Blops.
I wasn't really interested in military style shooters and then my wife brought home Blops to play with her friends and I started getting into it myself.
I didn't do the prestige thing but it was fun.
I don't see us buying it every year but this one has maps that take place in the neighborhood that my wife and her friends work in so you know we're getting that too.
And I'm excited about it.


New member
Aug 1, 2011
United States
Never been a huge fps fan but ive always enjoyed cod games' multiplayer. Couldn't tell a thing about the campaign. Theyre just fun to me. I like the fast paced gameplay, its easy to pick up, nothing feels clunky. Yea they havn't done much innovation but if something is fine the way it is you dont want to change around too much. Im personally interested in how the point streak sytstem works since im always playing the objectives. And its the one game that i can sit back and play online with my friends since i dont get many multiplayer games. I was interested in getting bf3 at one point as well and even though it looks gorgeous and realistic; the more gameplay i saw of it, i realised it just didnt look fun to play. So mw3 will be my next gaming purchase and im excited to play it.

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
Well, I just like shooting people in the face and MW3 is the next CoD game that's comming out. I traded in Black Ops about a month ago when Gears 3 came out so I don't have a CoD game right now and I kinda need a CoD game to balance everything out in terms of games for me. Besides, I want to see how this over-the-top story with Makarov and World War 3 plays out and the multiplayer has gotten better with each game in my opinion. The new killstre-err...I mean strikepackages/pointstreaks are also going to be very interesting as capturing domination points, capturing flags, blowing up bomb sites, and other objective based games will count toward the next streak in your tier. There is even a set of streaks that DO NOT reset when you die so that will be very interesting.


New member
Oct 22, 2011
Why do you ask why people are hyped for MW3?

It is one of the most popular online FPS games (I personally never enjoyed it)
It is one of the best console FPSs (I prefer Quake Live and Counter Strike on PC)
It has decent graphics and solid gameplay (You get what you pay for)

Just accept it for what it is. I know why you are angry! Games like NieR or the World Ends With You get no hype while a new Call of Duty is the coming of Christ apparently, even though its just a revised version of the old one, but we can't hate on it since it is... What it should be I guess.

How should they innovate it in your opinion? What should they change?
The truth is , they can only change the setting and graphics.

Some gamers like competition, some gamers like FPS and some gamers like 'realistic' warfare settings.

I just think that gamers that started in the 90s are less competitive (meaning they curse less and try to become better rather than curse others out, not that they don't enjoy competition).

Gaming is like reading books, I think. If you started reading early on, you have most likely read colorful stories at the age of 6-10 and as you get older you started enjoying more complex stories. If only the Gamers that started playing as they grew up existed right now, Call of Duty most likely wouldn't be hyped so badly now or might not even exist anymore or be completely different.

Just like every other type of media though, gaming needed to become more mainstream. Nobody could take stories in video games seriously if they hadn't grown up with them, just like people can't read Shakespeare and appreciate his work if they have never read a book before, so they had to bring in more and more competitive gameplay that everyone can enjoy right away with less focus on the story, kind of like the Twilight series that just tries to concentrate on one topic and make it less complicated than one of the more refined love stories.

Voila, Call of Duty. Be grateful for it, because developers wouldn't have the money to make the Mass Effects and Skyrims without the millions of new players that were introduced to the Gaming scene. If you don't like it, don't play it, but appreciate what it has made possible.


Last day of PubClub for me. :'-(
Mar 23, 2011
Mordwyl said:
TF2 has flourished and it is older than the original Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Yes, even the original MW is the fourth installment, making MW3 the seventh game in the series.

Then these people bash games like Final Fantasy for going as far as the fourteenth game (in the main series).
It's the eighth, actually. You must have forgotten one.

4: Modern Warfare
5: World at War
6: Modern Warfare 2
7: Black Ops
8: Modern Warfare 3
...a decade from now...
18: Look, we beat Final Fantasy at number of games, but this one's just titled Future Warfare 2, so no one is going to even suspect that!

I agree about the Final Fantasy point. They're hypocrites when they complain that a game goes to number 14, yet they want more and more of their certain franchise. What really gets me are the people who think that FF has this overarching storyline, though. No, they're 14 DIFFERENT stories, which kind of explains why there are so many.

Most other series don't have that excuse as to why there are so many games. Except for sports games and certain shooters, of course. You know, the ones that are guaranteed to sell millions of copies when they use the same formula.

To be honest, I'll stick with stuff that has a small, dedicated community, like HL2 Deathmatch or Unreal Tournament 3.