Former Aussie Premier Calls for R18+ Game Rating


New member
May 24, 2008
And this is but a hint of why some of us Queenslanders actually do miss having Mr Beattie as our leader...


Seriously, f*** you Anna Bligh. F*** you. :(


Pub Club Am Broken
May 30, 2009
Thanks andy. In the words of Elvis "a little less conversation" please. (I'm looking at you AUS govt.)

Fire Daemon

Quoth the Daemon
Dec 18, 2007
Allevil said:
I always kinda liked that guy.
Yeah, so did I.

Anyway, this is good news and all but it's important to note that he is retired. No doubt he still has friends and probably holds some minor sway in politics but it would be very, very minor. This changes nothing.

Also, am I the only one sick of these articles being written by a Canadian? An article about a former Canadian politician would probably be greeted with a 'what the fuck do you know about this' if it was written by an Australian irregardless of what it was about. Someone has to comment on this stuff and I'm glad that the article was written and Andy Chalk is probably the best news reporter on the Escapist, but it still pisses me off when I see people with a skewed/limited perspective reporting on things as if they have a thorough understanding. Then again, he could understand everything perfectly, that doesn't come across but neither does ignorance.