Fox: Deadpool Movie Coming February 2016


Plop plop plop
Sep 28, 2009
COMaestro said:
If they can stick with the feel of the proof of concept video and manage to make an appealing story, Fox might have a hit on their hands with this. I do hope they keep Ryan Reynolds, as I feel he fits the character of Deadpool quite well.
Yes. And, more importantly, it will give him a character so that he won't be able to play any other Marvel character. Now, if only they chould also restrict his work with DC characters... retroactively...
SonOfVoorhees said:
WOuld love an R rated version of Deadpool. Only thing is, depending on cost, it may be PG13. It is a hard movie to sell to people who dont know the character....i can only imagine what they will think of the crazy trailers. :)
I give it a 50/50 that they do an R-rated movie. If the studio is willing to target more the college-age male audience that make up the bulk of sales for ultraviolent horror movies (Saw, Hostel, Evil Dead, etc.), "adult" comedies (Hangover, Horrible Bosses, and your standard stoner fare), and action specticle movies (300, Sin City), then they will probably greenlight a raunchy, ultraviolent r-rated funny gorefest. And with Deadpool, you start with jumping the shark and get crazier from there.
SeeDarkly_Xero said:
MovieBob said:
Created in 1993 by Rob Liefeld as a villain for the New Mutants... that right?
goes and checks Marvel Wikia
It is. #98.
I guess that means I own the first appearance of Deadpool...
Huh. How about that.
First iterations of characters are almost unrecognizable outside of the most culturally recognizable characters. Hell, a good chunk of retcons are made just to explain those changes.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
Aiddon said:
The only thing I worry about is that it's a February release which is typically considered a graveyard month. However, it is Deadpool and I hope to The One Above All that it does the character justice
To be fair, February seems less and less like a dead month nowdays. Winter Soldier and the Lego Movie were February movies as well.

Brian Tams

New member
Sep 3, 2012
please don't suck, please don't suck, please don't suck, for the love of all things that are great, DO NOT SUCK.


New member
Oct 27, 2010
Well, while I don't usually enjoy lolrandumb humor, I liked the Deadpool game enough to make me interested in this move. Mite b really cool.


New member
Sep 2, 2008
For the love of god, don't overplay the randumb aspects of him. Just do one of the good arcs with some seriousness in it...


New member
Jul 13, 2010
xaszatm said:
Aiddon said:
The only thing I worry about is that it's a February release which is typically considered a graveyard month. However, it is Deadpool and I hope to The One Above All that it does the character justice
To be fair, February seems less and less like a dead month nowdays. Winter Soldier and the Lego Movie were February movies as well.
The Lego Movie was in February but Winter Soldier was not. It had premiers in mid March, European wide release in late March and didn't get a US release till the first week of April. That's still precedes the "traditional" start of blockbuster movie releases (May) by quite a bit, but it wasn't that early in the year.


New member
Sep 11, 2008
wetfart said:
If this is a hit I wonder if they'll ever do Cable & Deadpool. That was a great series.
That would be great. Cable and Deadpool worked so well together.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
SilverUchiha said:
If they get rid of the box office poison that is Ryan Reynolds, I'll get interested in this again. Have yet to see a movie of his I liked or liked him in. And I don't want him touch Deadpool at this point. Odds are I'll be disappointed, but we'll see.
Well, I liked him in the last Blade movie. Well, parts of the last blade mo-

Ok, that part where he's tied up, and Blade bursts in, looks at him, and then walks off without saying a word, because Ryan Reynolds is very annoying and shouldn't be in anything ever? Best part of the movie.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
As long he doesn't look like Wolverine Origins, still a wise crack and break the 4th wall, it should be good, well I'm talking about FOX here.


New member
Jan 24, 2014
The Gentleman said:
SeeDarkly_Xero said:
MovieBob said:
Created in 1993 by Rob Liefeld as a villain for the New Mutants... that right?
goes and checks Marvel Wikia
It is. #98.
I guess that means I own the first appearance of Deadpool...
Huh. How about that.
First iterations of characters are almost unrecognizable outside of the most culturally recognizable characters. Hell, a good chunk of retcons are made just to explain those changes.
Well... no... Deadpool looked pretty much the same then as he does now... perhaps more nutty and tweaked in the "Ambush Bug" style of talking to the audience... but not that much has changed over all (given, no one KNEW anything about him then and to be honest, I can't speak much to his current canon at all.)

But my point about owning his first appearance wasn't about how different he is today. It was more of a shrug to indicate that even though I own it, I didn't care enough about Deadpool to consider what that issue represents as a collector's item until now.
I'm a far bigger fan of New Mutants than Deadpool any day.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
I kind of foresee this going incredibly poorly.

Like I said in a thread about the leaked test footage months ago, Deadpool is the kind of character that's really cool and fun in small portions, but it's going to be hard to write enough funny material for him for a full 1.5-2 hour movie without the character ending up more annoying than endearing. Not to say that it can't be done, but I have a feeling it won't be nearly as good as people want/expect. I mean, even in the test footage I was groaning half the time, and that's only a couple minutes long (although to be fair, I was also laughing the other half).

To me Deadpool is better as a character that pops up as a cameo every once in a while, does something cool, cracks some jokes, and then leaves.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
People want a deadpool movie to be serious? I've only seen the game version and the lego marvel superheroes version, but isn't that like saying "Hey, let's make a fast and furious movie without cars!".

Elementary - Dear Watson

RIP Eleuthera, I will miss you
Nov 9, 2010
SeeDarkly_Xero said:
MovieBob said:
Created in 1993 by Rob Liefeld as a villain for the New Mutants... that right?
goes and checks Marvel Wikia
It is. #98.
I guess that means I own the first appearance of Deadpool...
Huh. How about that.
Hey, that is really cool! What's he like in it? Nothing like he is now I guess?

OT: Woop woop! This I am looking forward too... Then again I look forward to all superhero movies! :p


Socialist Justice Warrior
Jul 17, 2014
It should be a sequel to Wolverine Origins, with Deadpool on a mission to kill Weapon XI for poor impersonation or whatever the hell that was meant to be.

I hope that the two different internal captions appear in some way. Yellow Box and Courier Box are characters in their own right!