Fox News Attacks Environmentally Conscious Games


New member
Apr 9, 2011
Oh well, they never stopped people buying PlayStation Pornables, so this shouldn't have any effect on anyone.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
I have one question. Most of the time--now unlike you I actually watch the network, so I can safely say--most of the time, a Fox News program will have one guy arguing one side, and another guy arguing the other side.

So everybody, please tell me one thing; how does the stupid, reactionary, racist opinion represent what Fox News says, but the other side that The Escapist might agree on does not?

Now this particular example is an exception, sure. But it's not like it matters. I remember another Fox thing Escapist make a pissy fuss about, the "should someone get a grant to make Call of Duty??!" thing. There was another guy, on that show, saying what we all agree with. But what, he doesn't count? Well, he wasn't the host of the show, but he was still on the show.

Besides, there are times where the only people talking are on the left-wing side. Seriously, do you know who this is?
This is Shepard Smith. He is mostly liberal. He is one of the biggest names on Fox News.

What about this guy?
Everybody knows Geraldo Rivera, probably for the big, dramatic failures and stumbles he's suffered. He's a right-wing nut, right? No, he more liberal than conservative, actually.

And what about this fucking guy???
Every time, every episode, for about fourteen years; Sean Hannity starts up with his right-wing opinions, and then Alan Colmes fights back with his left-wing opinions and full force. I even remember a book/audiobook he made, and the subtitle was: "Why left is right and right is wrong." He doesn't have a full time show anymore, but he still appears occasionally.
And there's plenty more liberals on Fox, those are just the most famous I can think of off the top of my head.

So, The Escapist community, tell me, why don't we cheer on these guys?

I'm going to have to be totally honest, this is not, AT ALL about politics. About who's on which side. It's about jumping to unreasonable conclusions. If the articles all said "Such and such newscaster (who happens to be on Fox News) says something stupid." And all the witty comments made jokes about THAT GUY, then there'd be no problem.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
I am still confused by the American use of "liberal" and "conservative". Around here, the so-called "liberals" are way further right-wing than the "conservatives".


New member
Aug 5, 2010
Monsterfurby said:
I am still confused by the American use of "liberal" and "conservative". Around here, the so-called "liberals" are way further right-wing than the "conservatives".
I can't be sure, but I'm guessing you're from Australia? Perhaps?

Liberal is a very messy and broad term, but in most cases around the world, when applied to politics, it means 'progressive' (ie, supportive of changing things up to improve them, rather than thinking things are fine as they are. Say, legalizing same-sex marriage).

Australia originally had a 'conservative' party, they may have been called the Conservative Party, I'm not sure. Anyway, they were eventually disbanded and replaced with the Liberal Party, who called themselves such as they were more liberal than those they replaced. Nevertheless, they represented the right-wing, as the Labor Party (at that point at least) represented the left-wing.

Now in modern Australia, we have the rather stupid situation where the conservative party is called the Liberal Party.

But anyway, it's the Australian use of the word that is messed up rather than the American one (at least, more messed up).

It's a TERRIBLE over simplification, but basically think of things thus:
Left wing = progressive = liberal
Right wing = conservative

Although if you say that to the wrong people you'll get drawn into a ten hour semantics debate, but you get my drift.

Tyler Meiburg

New member
Mar 29, 2011
they are concerned about the "liberal agenda"???
sigh..... not even trying to hide how republican they are
this is why i hate fox


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Can't blame Fox, have any of you actually played Fate of the world (you should btw, its an awesome game)?

It is the most depressing game ever and after failing in game so hard with a global agency that has the backing and support of the entire world, you wonder what chance we have irl and can only conclude the human race is screwed one way or another.

Btw fox must have failed hard at the game, solar and wind power in fate of the world are awesome for low emissions, but it takes ages to set up enough of a supply line to serve as substantial source of fuel and it's really expensive to the point it cripples your eco if you really try to just rely on solar+wind everywhere.
Nuclear is actually a good power source for certain countries in the game just as it's a viable strat to partially rely on oil while you're in an energy transition to something else.

If anything the game's biggest lesson is ban most dangerous emission like clatharates (really not worth it) and make transition to coal free industry ASAP.
Aug 17, 2009
Horny Ico said:
KAPTAINmORGANnWo4life said:
So Sim City saying putting houses right next to underfunded nuclear power plants is a bad idea is wrong?
In real life, it's only a bad idea for a culture just starting on nuclear technology. By now, the U.S. refined nuclear power to be several dozen folds more efficient, making proximity a non-issue and nuclear waste a minor problem.

Well, (A) The key word was "underfunded", (B) Even without leaks, it's still a terrible idea for many reasons, and (C) That "minor problem" gives people cancer and utterly destroys everything it touches for more than a few seconds.

Oh, and since Sim City is just being built up, so it is just starting on nuclear technology. I don't remember any nationality attached to Sim City.

UltraHammer said:
I have one question. Most of the time--now unlike you I actually watch the network, so I can safely say--most of the time, a Fox News program will have one guy arguing one side, and another guy arguing the other side.

So everybody, please tell me one thing; how does the stupid, reactionary, racist opinion represent what Fox News says, but the other side that The Escapist might agree on does not?

Now this particular example is an exception, sure. But it's not like it matters. I remember another Fox thing Escapist make a pissy fuss about, the "should someone get a grant to make Call of Duty??!" thing. There was another guy, on that show, saying what we all agree with. But what, he doesn't count? Well, he wasn't the host of the show, but he was still on the show.

Besides, there are times where the only people talking are on the left-wing side. Seriously, do you know who this is?
This is Shepard Smith. He is mostly liberal. He is one of the biggest names on Fox News.

What about this guy?
Everybody knows Geraldo Rivera, probably for the big, dramatic failures and stumbles he's suffered. He's a right-wing nut, right? No, he more liberal than conservative, actually.

And what about this fucking guy???
Every time, every episode, for about fourteen years; Sean Hannity starts up with his right-wing opinions, and then Alan Colmes fights back with his left-wing opinions and full force. I even remember a book/audiobook he made, and the subtitle was: "Why left is right and right is wrong." He doesn't have a full time show anymore, but he still appears occasionally.
And there's plenty more liberals on Fox, those are just the most famous I can think of off the top of my head.

So, The Escapist community, tell me, why don't we cheer on these guys?

I'm going to have to be totally honest, this is not, AT ALL about politics. About who's on which side. It's about jumping to unreasonable conclusions. If the articles all said "Such and such newscaster (who happens to be on Fox News) says something stupid." And all the witty comments made jokes about THAT GUY, then there'd be no problem.

People resent the network because most of their programming distort statistics, use inflammatory language, and sometimes outright lie about many things. Having some perceivable Lefties does not change the fact that the network is incredibly biased and has a very great deal of sway with their audience. They promote harmful stances, such as anti-environmentalism, and are part of the horribly misguided Right Wing of American politics.

I'm not against any political view, nor am I an American, but the polarized, stagnant, ineffectual state of affairs in America are harming the rest of the world, and Fox is a part of that.


New member
Sep 8, 2011
LMAO. People at FOX should read the new S.T.A.L.K.E.R. book. It will turn their opinion upside down.


There's a principle in business
Nov 16, 2008
This is the final nail in the coffin that Fox is no longer a news agency, rather a conservative political party.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
What, so its ok to push the Conservative Agenda and not the Liberal Agenda?

I demand the federal government bring back the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE. Yeah news will be boring as hell, but at least you get to hear both sides of story!

wait news isn't suppose to be entertaining!


The Purple Fairy
Dec 8, 2009
It's a conservative channel, what you expect... while they are hard to fault when it come to economics topics, being adept of the only econimic system that work (oepn market). When it comes to social issue it'S really not the same... I can only hope they arent all like that on that channel, but i would have an hard time to judge the whole programation since i can't watch it.

General Vagueness

New member
Feb 24, 2009
I guess you guys didn't hear about how they recently called out Spongebob for mentioning global warming (in what seems like a throwaway line for a joke).
I get it now. They're on a 24-hour news network with a conservative/republican/right-leaning spin, as much as I want to detest the anchors, it's becoming evident to me they're just doing their job. The people that deserve our ire are the people that write the text on the teleprompters (which I'm guessing are the same people that write the paper copies the anchors read before they're on camera and lay out the structure of what to talk about).
So hey, Fox News teleprompter writer guy. Screw you. Oh and hey, that guy's boss. Screw you too.
As for energy sources, we should ban coal ASAP and get cracking on fusion.


New member
May 29, 2011

i knew faux news was stupid but this? this is pure 100% concentrated weapons grade stupid in its purest form.i can kinda understand the rag on cod and violent videogames but raging on something like this?


New member
Nov 21, 2009
I think this is a great thing. Why? They are admitting that games are a medium of art by which authors can and will express opinions. Dangerous opinions. Lock-up-your kids opinions.

They should take a look at certain religious games to see what conservative values-based games can be. Or Call of Duty.

Or, gasp



New member
Aug 31, 2011
If enviromental games = liberal agenda then wouldn't all those violent games they love to hate be conservative agenda?

Show you support for Mitt Romney today by teabagging some kid on COD :p


New member
Jul 31, 2010
Blindrooster said:
I'm speechless.... I hope fox goes bankrupt.
Yeah me too. But what are the chances of that happening? That piece of **** makes more money than God!...almost.

That's the big "I can't believe it" thing when dealing with Fox, It's not the stupidity. People say stupid things all the time. It's the number of poeple buying into that crap that astonishes me.