KAPTAINmORGANnWo4life said:
Lots of stuff, answered all the questions really well.
Thanks for being clear and intelligent. Seriously! Most of it I wouldn't disagree with, and never have.
You see this is the misconception people get, that by saying Fox is anywhere above "absolutely right-wing evil black-lynching Nazis", and that I watch the network at all (and by that I mean I watch it
occasionally, normally for the good parts) that I must be trying to defend it wholly and completely. I understand people could assume that, so that's okay. But really, honestly, all I've wanted the Escapist to acknowledge is that they do give the left a voice, and that we should focus on the individual news people themselves instead of rounding it all into one entity (kind of like how right-wing nut balls round all school shooters into the category of 'gamers' ;D).
Although I suppose you won't even to do
that much, will you? With the statistics for who is on the left vs who is on the right, you focused totally on the hosts. Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly pretty much
always invite someone with competing views onto their show on just about every issue. And like you said, those are two of Fox's biggest shows. The Fox and Friends people? I never watch them, but like I said, what about Shepard Smith?
And tell me, if the people behind the network really did have a bias, one big, scoping agenda, why would they give the left
any room? You act like because most of the people are conservative, that it somehow makes the liberal people not count. Like what, a person watches television, they see four people present one side on an argument, then one other person presents the other side, and you're saying they won't even consider the one other guy? Just because he's the minority? You expect people to be persuaded that easily?
My point is it's not just how much time and people are devoted to each side. Like exactly what percentage of hosts have which opinions. It's not that simple. And even if it was, like I just finished saying, not even the actual percentage is that far off.