Fox News Attacks Environmentally Conscious Games


New member
Sep 11, 2008
Anodos said:
Ok, and what is your criticism of this? Ice doesnt melt?

Edit: Not saying i agree with what theyre saying. But you dont give a counter arguement. Besides you saying that the gas is non-toxic (it is toxic) and that it doesnt create a greenhouse effect (it does)
Um. No. Of course ice melts. My point is that environmentalists are overstating their case so as to throw the populace into a panic. And I'll grant that CO2 can cause a greenhouse effect. What I don't grant is that the increase of emissions will amount to anything any time soon, or that the environmentalists have even properly done their research at all. It's all politically motivated alarmism.

Also, what, CO2 is toxic? Huh? You're aware that you breathe that stuff every day, aren't you? Exhale it, even?


Elite Member
Aug 19, 2009
Oh no! God forbid I actually allow my children to be exposed to other people's viewpoints! As responsible adults we're supposed to be able to control every single thought and idea our children have! WHAT'S THIS WORLD COMING TO!!?!?! ZOMGWTFBBQPWN!!!!

Honestly, this is typical Fox News for you. The only thing that surprises me about this is that they didn't start bitching about Catherine. Fox News: Apparently, they think a game where you cheat on your significant other is not even worth mentioning, but exposing our children to a game where you play as A FUCKING FLOWER PETAL is corrupting their innocent little minds.
Aug 17, 2009
Horny Ico said:
KAPTAINmORGANnWo4life said:
Nuclear plants melt down. They fall down. The safe distance from a nuclear meltdown is not even the other end of a city. You've got to go MILES to be safe from it, and even that is changed significantly by the wind. And really? Nobody's ever just dumped waste somewhere it shouldn't be? Like, oh, say, under a road in an urban region? And Sim City isn't in a nation, nor anything really analogous to a modern society. It's a city that just magically springs up with approximately 1960-present Western levels of technology, but plays by our world's rules. And nuclear waste, like many, many other things doesn't entirely leave what it touches, nor can you truly clean it all up. It seeps (if in Hard Water) or leaves behind flecks (if it's the actual material), which cause earth to become dead, and the same goes for anything alive.
Once again, you grotesquely over-estimate the probability of danger. The ONLY way to achieve a meltdown is to remove a very specific central component, which only happened at Three Mile Island because of eco terrorist sabotage and at Chernobyl because Socialists can't do anything right. And your rant about how horrible nuclear waste is is exactly the technology has been refined to produce as little of it as possible. As for the waste that we're going to assume is discarded, I fail to see the sense in punishing the many for the crimes of the few. Your Captain Planet-influenced knowledge (that's not a compliment) ignores the fact that a business must avoid wasting resources to maximize profit.

Of course, you indirectly admit you weren't properly reading my post anyway. I was plainly talking about how cities are IN countries and you read that as "cities are countries" because you're an illiterate bafoon. So the game portrays without a country, fine. But if they're going to show the dangers of nuclear power, they should do it right by allowing the player to refine the feature thus eliminating that danger.
Alright, when did we decide throwing insults around accomplished anything? This is a discussion on the Internet, not a debate on real life funding or validity. You've clearly become far too emotionally invested in the discussion to even bother with it anymore. And don't bother saying I backed down from your superior Capitalist logic, because if I felt a discussion like this had any merit left, I'd surely continue it.

(PS. Spell buffoon right before you assert that someone is one).


New member
Apr 1, 2011
More frustrating than Fox's stance on the liberal slant of the games is their assumption that these are meant for children, or that children will even be able to understand them.

This is especially true for McDonald's: the Game. Molleindustria makes no secret about their socially provacative leanings - they are intended for and enjoyed by an informed audience. Do they think a kid is going to enjoy or understand "Every Day the Same Dream"? Similarly, there's no way Fate of the World is going to hold the average 5-year-old's attention.

Fox can't wrap their heads around the fact that adults actually do play video games.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
Anodos said:
Clonekiller said:
Ah. I see. So, anyone who thinks Fox News is bad is obviously and intelligent human being, and anyone who favors Fox News is an unintelligent fool. Sure, Fox News might have the largest and most diverse viewership among cable news networks, but who needs those pesky facts getting in the way. It's a whole lot easier to say "only idiots watch Fox News".
Why trust a news source that lies? If i read something in a paper, i want to be reasonably sure its true. If not, whats the point? Its a fact that people who watch fox news come out even more ignorant on news then before, thats a statistical fact. Why? Because they misinform people. Why,if they misinform people, its just "the way the are", but other news misinform people, they need to APOLOGIZE, because they did something WRONG. THink about it. I mean, if they started STEALING, i guess anyone who says "stealing is wrong. Fox news shouldnt do that" is an idiot, right?

Lying is wrong.

Fox News needs to stop doing that.

Pretty simple.
Good point. Very well then, I'll make you a deal. If you, or anyone else reading this post for that matter, can provide me with definitive proof that Fox News presents its audience with incorrect information, (including but not limited to misquotes, fudged numbers, and so on) I'll gladly join the Fox-News-is-bad club. Here's the catch. The proof needs to involve a Fox News reporter or news anchor. Guests and opinion show hosts don't count.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
wow...i mean...WOW! holy...i cant even describe...and you thought fox was as stupid as they could get...boy did they prove us ALL this point they MUST be trolling us just to laugh their asses off...THEY HAVE TOO! no one can take this seriously,NO ONE! they dont even know what sources of energy is cleaner then another...sun and wind arnt cleaner then nuclear,what were you on when you wrote that? hell COAL and OIL is more environmentally safe then nuclear,why? cause they dont have NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS/MELTDOWNS,have you seen whats been happening AROUND THE WORLD!? have you even LOOKED at Chernobyl,what do you think that was!? fairy dust!? sigh~ its gonna get worse from here isnt its gonna be "squirrels are secretly trying to run the government!" and if i swear to GOD if ANYTHING is even REMOTELY simmalar to that im gonna go right down to their headquarters and slap them all upside the head and yell "NO! ...BAD!" and hit em again... /end rant


New member
Oct 19, 2008
TLS14 said:
Outlaw Torn said:
Does Tetris have a Communist agenda?

OT: Typical Fox News. Really, I'm sad they got rid of Glenn Beck. He had their best comedy program.
I believe that Red Eye is their best and funniest program.

Anyway. I'm really rather appalled at the responses of some of the people on this site. "I don't like what they say, so they should burn/die/dissolve/go away." Seriously? Just because someone or some people don't say things you agree with? If you don't agree with it, how about instead of crying "BANKILL!", just don't watch it. You're saying you'd like to do with Fox News what they say they'd like to do with GTAIV, or whatever. How can you NOT see the hypocrisy?!

And no, I don't agree with them on this point, but I definitely don't want to shut them down because of what they think.

Also, I love that song. I first heard it in AP European History, and now it's on my Phone :)


New member
Feb 7, 2010
"Next on Fox News; Could popular media be the reason your child has a mind of their own? We speak to an 'expert' about how all forms of creative media, from video games to books, might cause your child to hold an actual opinion on something that differs from your own. Sources say that these were made by creative individuals with opinions, ideas, and experiences that differ from your own and aren't even screened to make sure they don't express any ideas outside the christian-conservative values. Should government be doing more to make sure we're all getting the same messages in our games, movies, and books? Specifically messages we like?

That's at 11, but first another report on how we hate socialism."

Everyday I hear shit like this it scares me. You release a game tomorrow preaching pure, unfiltered conservative values or christian beliefs these guys wouldn't bat an eye.

As they say, "It's only indoctrination if you hate it."


New member
Jul 23, 2011
RDubayoo said:
Anodos said:
Ok, and what is your criticism of this? Ice doesnt melt?

Edit: Not saying i agree with what theyre saying. But you dont give a counter arguement. Besides you saying that the gas is non-toxic (it is toxic) and that it doesnt create a greenhouse effect (it does)
Um. No. Of course ice melts. My point is that environmentalists are overstating their case so as to throw the populace into a panic. And I'll grant that CO2 can cause a greenhouse effect. What I don't grant is that the increase of emissions will amount to anything any time soon, or that the environmentalists have even properly done their research at all. It's all politically motivated alarmism.

Also, what, CO2 is toxic? Huh? You're aware that you breathe that stuff every day, aren't you? Exhale it, even?
Indeed i do. Good thing i dont INHALE alot of it, or I will die. Basic chemical fact. Why do you think you EXHALE it?

Same with carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and various other things you eat and breathe.

Who cares what "environmentalists" say? What about, i dont know, the people who actually know what theyre talking about and research the science and then publish their science for all to see? And unrelated scientists peer reviewing it? Or are you one of those people who think all scientists are lying?


New member
Nov 20, 2008
I hate to play devil's advocate here, but for once I think Fox News has a point.

Simcity Societies was an interesting game concept that got hijacked in development and became nothing more than an advertisement for British Petroleum. See, early in the game's development BP approached Tilted Mill Entertainment and offered a substantial sum of money for the developers to include an "environmental mechanic." Essentially, all industry built in Sim City Societies will cover the landscape in thick clouds of smog, kill tons of plant life and make everybody unhappy. Unless you build Environmentally safe factories and power plants, all of which just happen to have the BP logo on them.

Simcity Societies came out before the Gulf Oil Spill and playing it today is hilariously ironic. The environmental mechanic is really obnoxious, it dominates the game and squeezes out more interesting aspects of designing your society and the only way to fix it is to sell out to BP.

The same people who dumped umpteen billion barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, yet here they are beating you about the head and neck with how environmentally conscious they are.

Oh the Irony.


New member
Jul 23, 2011
Clonekiller said:
Anodos said:
Clonekiller said:
Ah. I see. So, anyone who thinks Fox News is bad is obviously and intelligent human being, and anyone who favors Fox News is an unintelligent fool. Sure, Fox News might have the largest and most diverse viewership among cable news networks, but who needs those pesky facts getting in the way. It's a whole lot easier to say "only idiots watch Fox News".
Why trust a news source that lies? If i read something in a paper, i want to be reasonably sure its true. If not, whats the point? Its a fact that people who watch fox news come out even more ignorant on news then before, thats a statistical fact. Why? Because they misinform people. Why,if they misinform people, its just "the way the are", but other news misinform people, they need to APOLOGIZE, because they did something WRONG. THink about it. I mean, if they started STEALING, i guess anyone who says "stealing is wrong. Fox news shouldnt do that" is an idiot, right?

Lying is wrong.

Fox News needs to stop doing that.

Pretty simple.
Good point. Very well then, I'll make you a deal. If you, or anyone else reading this post for that matter, can provide me with definitive proof that Fox News presents its audience with incorrect information, (including but not limited to misquotes, fudged numbers, and so on) I'll gladly join the Fox-News-is-bad club. Here's the catch. The proof needs to involve a Fox News reporter or news anchor. Guests and opinion show hosts don't count.

You kidding? lol Thought it was well known.

This is a channel pretty much documenting the lies Fox news tells every week. Like trainspotting, lol

Dont forget my favorite, YOUR favorite, EVERYBODYS favorite....

Did you know that we cant explain how tides work?

And many many more. Like I said, people see them do it all the time. Thats why its divided between the dieahards who believe anything they say, and well, the people who dont like lying.


New member
Oct 31, 2007
Clonekiller said:
Good point. Very well then, I'll make you a deal. If you, or anyone else reading this post for that matter, can provide me with definitive proof that Fox News presents its audience with incorrect information, (including but not limited to misquotes, fudged numbers, and so on) I'll gladly join the Fox-News-is-bad club. Here's the catch. The proof needs to involve a Fox News reporter or news anchor. Guests and opinion show hosts don't count.
Before I offer up my two cents, who do you consider an actual reporter on the Fox News Channel? The only one I can think of offhand is Chris Wallace. Every other major figure on that channel that gets more than five minutes of consecutive airtime seems to be a pundit, not a reporter. Which is an admittedly effective tactic: if you dedicate most of the face time to people who are not, strictly speaking, journalists, you neither have to maintain journalistic integrity nor must you rigorously fact-check. After all, pundits are not held to the same standard as reporters.

Anyway, I don't really think many people really think that whatever news show antagonizes their particular core belief system is lying, per se. Lies are dangerous. Lies can be caught. Lies can be pointed out, and lies undermine one's position. The greater problem is in fallacies.(Edit: Now that I think about it, most people do think that those shows lie as opposed to simply forcing fallacious conclusions, because they either don't know the difference or think it's intentional)

Much of the time, when a report is considered a lie, that isn't strictly true. For instance, when a news report comes in saying "Studies show that video games cause premature ejaculation" or some such nonsense, they are (probably) not lying. There are studies, and they say that video games will stick you with the long-resounding nickname of "Quick-Draw." However, the studies themselves are often performed by people with less than stellar credentials who likely resort to methods that would be laughed out of any legitimate scientific circle to acquire their conclusions. This becomes a false appeal to authority, which is one of many fallacies that news anchors may resort to. There are also fallacies like straw-men, slippery slope, and false dichotomies, all of which are often easily observed on most major news networks.

The advantage of resorting to fallacies is that they are not lies and are therefore not judged as harshly. In fact, most people aren't even aware of them when they're happening, and often casually shrug off any attempt to point them out. For some reason, people seem to believe that pointing out a fallacy is just "expressing one's opinion," and not demonstrating flaws in someone's argument.

TL:DR - Fox news has very few actual news anchors. They don't lie, they simply have hideous flaws in their logic, as do many other news networks. I suggest the fake news if you need your fix. The Onion News is a pretty good source for that...


New member
Mar 21, 2010
KAPTAINmORGANnWo4life said:
Lots of stuff, answered all the questions really well.
Thanks for being clear and intelligent. Seriously! Most of it I wouldn't disagree with, and never have.

You see this is the misconception people get, that by saying Fox is anywhere above "absolutely right-wing evil black-lynching Nazis", and that I watch the network at all (and by that I mean I watch it occasionally, normally for the good parts) that I must be trying to defend it wholly and completely. I understand people could assume that, so that's okay. But really, honestly, all I've wanted the Escapist to acknowledge is that they do give the left a voice, and that we should focus on the individual news people themselves instead of rounding it all into one entity (kind of like how right-wing nut balls round all school shooters into the category of 'gamers' ;D).

Although I suppose you won't even to do that much, will you? With the statistics for who is on the left vs who is on the right, you focused totally on the hosts. Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly pretty much always invite someone with competing views onto their show on just about every issue. And like you said, those are two of Fox's biggest shows. The Fox and Friends people? I never watch them, but like I said, what about Shepard Smith?

And tell me, if the people behind the network really did have a bias, one big, scoping agenda, why would they give the left any room? You act like because most of the people are conservative, that it somehow makes the liberal people not count. Like what, a person watches television, they see four people present one side on an argument, then one other person presents the other side, and you're saying they won't even consider the one other guy? Just because he's the minority? You expect people to be persuaded that easily?

My point is it's not just how much time and people are devoted to each side. Like exactly what percentage of hosts have which opinions. It's not that simple. And even if it was, like I just finished saying, not even the actual percentage is that far off.


New member
Oct 16, 2007
It's amazing to me just how openly biased and predictable that network is, this just proves it, they will negatively spin everything they consider to be part of the "liberal" political platform. I bet if a democrat gave a speech all about how blue the sky is, they would try to bring in a scientist to tell us that actually the sky is more green than blue. Amazing.


Suffer not the Flamer to live
Jun 26, 2009
Y'know what? I don't mind this. I don't mind that Fox news hasn't done its research into these games to understand the meanings behind them. I don't mind that they seem to be blissfully unaware that Molleindustria, Red Redemption ltd and Thatgamecompany created games with either a political statement or simply an artistic expression of emotions and views on the world today and I especially don't mind that the above three companies have got some exposure on national television, even if it could have been under better conditions.

Because sometimes great things need to have an ignorant hater to bring them into the limelight. It happened with rock music, television, films, popular culture of Japan and also still happens to this very day (curiously enough, most predominately in USA).

As a further effort to help these games gain further exposure I'd reccomend everyone tries playing the games if they can. I'd also reccomend going onto [] and checking out some of their other works, as they've made some pretty awesome stuff.


New member
Oct 1, 2009
This is a morning news show, these kind of guests and uninformed opinions are hardly exclusive to Fox. The way gamers chase Fox around is crazy, but I guess we're just not mainstream enough without their acceptance, or something.

Anodos said:
Clonekiller said:
Anodos said:
Clonekiller said:
- snip
- snip
Dont forget my favorite, YOUR favorite, EVERYBODYS favorite....

Did you know that we cant explain how tides work?

And many many more. Like I said, people see them do it all the time. Thats why its divided between the dieahards who believe anything they say, and well, the people who dont like lying.
I don't believe you understood the context of him saying "tides comes in, tide goes out". Notice that he didn't say that the mechanism which creates the tide is unknown. Rather what he means is that the complexity of how we're arranged is too coincidental for him not to ask the reason, "why?"


New member
May 19, 2008
Maybe all games and books and movies should have a sticker that says: "DANGER: Fiction may challenge your world views." Would that help?


New member
Nov 21, 2009
InsaneInfadel said:
I believe that Red Eye is their best and funniest program.

Anyway. I'm really rather appalled at the responses of some of the people on this site. "I don't like what they say, so they should burn/die/dissolve/go away." Seriously? Just because someone or some people don't say things you agree with? If you don't agree with it, how about instead of crying "BANKILL!", just don't watch it. You're saying you'd like to do with Fox News what they say they'd like to do with GTAIV, or whatever. How can you NOT see the hypocrisy?!

And no, I don't agree with them on this point, but I definitely don't want to shut them down because of what they think.

Also, I love that song. I first heard it in AP European History, and now it's on my Phone :)
I believe the issue is more that they pretend to be a news organization, and editorialize more often.