Fox News Attacks Environmentally Conscious Games


New member
Jan 30, 2011
tl;dr anti-Fox dribble.

I decided to give Escapist the benefit of the doubt on the subject. I had a feeling they would be anti-Fox the moment I saw the title but I do know that often the more elder of the correspondents have been a bit uneducated on the subject (See O'Reilly on Mass Effect but don't change the subject). So, I'll watch the video and comment on each thing I hear.

0:20; One part of the Sim City games is that you are fined if your city isn't 'eco-friendly'. Now, in the real world there are fines for being anti-eco. That is polluting. But I can't find laws stating that a city has to be eco-friendly (Planting trees and enacting clean air ordinances and car emissions ordinances.) That's called a nudge and I don't like that.

1:00; The game apparently pushes planting soy farms and alternative energy sources as apposed to Nuclear plants. I'm sure it doesn't explain that not all people like soy and that alternative energy sources at the moment are not as efficient in land and materials needed compared to Nuclear plants. At least James Lovelock believes so.

1:40; the point made there is one that I always use. Parents should screen their games. Sit in for the first hour, read the reviews, watch the Lets Plays before you let your kid loose.

For the rest of the video, the guest pulls back as apposed to what some of you believe. He doesn't say there is a liberal agenda, but they are pushing things that parents might not agree with. Do I believe that often things are pushed that I don't agree with? Of course. I don't think God is in enough games but that's just me. I still play them and as often as I can, I go against what they set up for me.

I might just get Sim City just to make one of the most wealthy cities in the world with the lowest poverty rate without alternative energy.

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
I'm not even suprised...

...That's easily the worst part of this.
No, the worst part of this is that they say "liberal agenda".

The fact that our country is so fed up with left or right winged politics and less about the actual state of the country is PATHETIC.

It's like our goverment is run by bitching COD fanboys on one side, and Bitching Battlefield fanboys on the other.


No offense to either group, I realize that nmost of you are not like that.


New member
Sep 1, 2010
I wonder how civilization can still function when a large portion of the most powerful country on Earth actually listens to these inexplicably stupid morons...


New member
Feb 3, 2009
uguito-93 said:
Really? Really? Are Fox news just extremist conservative idiots just for the sake of being extremist conservative idiots?
It's the (right wing) American Way!!

I'm seriously not even going to watch the video, for fear that it will send me into an uncontrollable, yet above all VIOLENT rage. Fox News just tends to bring that out in me. I tried watching The O'Reilly Factor once. Once. It was an hour of middle aged adults, some of whom had PhDs, arguing like children. Actually insulting and talking over each other. It was embarrassing just watching it. No wonder the rest of the world hates us.


New member
Jun 29, 2011
Fox don't like environmentally-focussed video-games?!? Oh those fiends! /sarcasm

Seriously though, I personally can't believe this is hot news. We all know Fox don't like video-games, and it's well established that Fox are global-warming sceptics, so it was only a matter of time they made a comment like this to get their right-wing firebags riled up.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
LittleMikey said:
I'm glad i'm not American, having to actually put up with something like that on TV would be horrible :/
It is.
And the sad thing is I feel as though there's more morons than rational people.


New member
May 11, 2009
I'm quite fine with them overreacting about games like GTA4 and such but those games?

You just went full retarded there Fox news. Well actually you where retarded before as well. You've gone beyond that.

How are these people not fired?

It would be worse if some Fox news fans actually agrees with Fox news on this.


New member
Nov 6, 2010
Zefar said:
It would be worse if some Fox news fans actually agrees with Fox news on this.
Oh, they do. For every dumb thing Fox says, there is an irritatingly large group of people who accept it as fact.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Daveman said:
Fucking hell Fox News... you hate GTA because apparently kids will all become murderers and next you hate on the friendly games that encourage you to be nice?

BREAKING NEWS: Monopoly makes kids more ruthless property developers and Scrabble is un-American because "Quran" scores better than "Bible".
When I saw this I almost died from laughing, well played.


New member
Jan 11, 2011
Kinguendo said:
SickBritKid said:
Meh, this is Fox & Friends. They tend more toward the extreme side of the conservative scale.

I'm a fan of Fox News and I despise Fox & Friends. But anyone who judges all of FNC's programming just based on Fox News is spreading their own misinformation...
But... thats not what we are saying. We are saying this stupidity is just one more example of the entirety of FOX "news"' bullshit.

And... wait. Anyone who judges all of FOX "news" Channels programming based on... FOX "news"?

So, anyone who bases their opinion of me just based on my actions are not being fair? That seems... not quite right.

EDIT But then what do I know, I am just one of those silly Liberals spreading my agenda by being nice.
If you were to beat a woman, but were still a good person and a decent guy(hell, lets just say that it was Hank Pym-like circumstances), would it be fair for me to call you a woman-beater and a horrible human being based on that single action?

Fox & Friends represents one of the more hard-right to far-right arms of Fox News, like Sean Hannity or Neil Cavuto. However, there are PLENTY of center-right and even center-left voices on the channel that provide great dialogue and discourse on the channel and disregarding them just because Fox & Friends is full of shit is just plain bullshit.

That said, I'm not defending F&F in any way, shape, or form. I despise them just as much as you guys do, if not more(because they misrepresent my side of the aisle).


New member
Apr 10, 2009
SickBritKid said:
If you were to beat a woman, but were still a good person and a decent guy(hell, lets just say that it was Hank Pym-like circumstances), would it be fair for me to call you a woman-beater and a horrible human being based on that single action?

Fox & Friends represents one of the more hard-right to far-right arms of Fox News, like Sean Hannity or Neil Cavuto. However, there are PLENTY of center-right and even center-left voices on the channel that provide great dialogue and discourse on the channel and disregarding them just because Fox & Friends is full of shit is just plain bullshit.

That said, I'm not defending F&F in any way, shape, or form. I despise them just as much as you guys do, if not more(because they misrepresent my side of the aisle).
Its just not true... the accurate metaphor for FOX "news" is if a person does something decent ONCE in between beating his wife, does that make him a decent person? You are pretending Fox & Friends is the only example of bias and blatant misinformation, O'Reilly Factor, Hannity, Megyn Kelly, just to name a few.

I dont know of a single center-left person on FOX... who is that person?

And lets not forget the memos that keep on getting leaking from FOX telling them to misrepresent information and outright lie.

I also find it odd that its called "FOX News Channel" yet the amount of opinion programming far outweights the actual news programming.

Its just the propoganda tool for the Republican/Tea party.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Wow...Just wow. Oh, its not the story I'm suprised by, its the fact that anyone still listens to a company owned by the Murdochs!


New member
Dec 27, 2008
BREAKING NEWS: right wing capitalists hate environmentalism because it stops them ruthlessly fucking the planet for profit and will use their propaganda agents in the media to discredit it and spread paranoia about it whenever they can.

oh wait, thats not news is it?

The credibility of the games was dubious because people were making money from them
credibility of the games

oh you, news corp.

News Corp executives questioned over News of the World phone hacking scandal []


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Clonekiller said:
For the record, I don't watch any of the shows on Fox News that aren't news shows. They are lopsided and don't report anything accurately. If someone relies on an opinion show for news, (Bill O'Reilly, Chris Mathews or John Stewart) they are a fool. Opinion shows have never reported accurate news.

Interesting attempt to deflect the original point though. I ask for solid proof that Fox News lies, and I get I huge tirade about how obviously stupid and bigoted I am. Guess what? Despite the fact that the internet is massive beyond all reason, I have yet to receive any convincing evidence that shows blatant lies and hate speech from Fox. Instead, I get video links to opinion shows that are in direct competition to most of the stuff on Fox. Since that seems to be all that anyone can manage to muster, I must assume that people hate on Fox News because their chosen form of media TOLD them to. PROVE ME WRONG.

P.S. Bigotry is when someone creates a category that they put people into without getting to know them. Example, assuming all conservatives are gun-totin, bible-banging, f150-drivin morons is about at bigoted as you can get without referencing skin color. And when someone comes along to challenge that belief, like me, you attempt to cram them into that category, regardless of their personal beliefs and arguments. And when someone points that out, the inevitable response is to launch personal attacks.

P.P.S. On a typical week day, Fox News broadcasts about 8 hours of opinion shows. As a 24 hour network, the other 16 hours are devoted to news shows. I seem to recall "lions share" meaning vast majority.
You're right, but I think it's a little misguided to say that your point absolves Fox News, or even that people are wrong when they say Fox News lies. Even if all of the lies on the station are made by guests and opinion hosts, Fox News (the station) is still the one giving those people a voice, and they are quite manipulative about how they present the difference between fact and opinion. That's the problem.

I don't know if you've ever taken a mass communications or journalism class on bias, but Fox News is essentially a textbook example of how to portray opinion or flat out lies as fact without the station itself (IE its reporters) stating something that isn't true. And this isn't even taking into account the allegations that the station actually coaches some of its guest "experts" into making some of the crazy claims that they do.

So yes, while you're right that Fox's reporter have never actually lied on screen, that doesn't mean that the network as whole isn't extremely sneaky and underhanded about how they portray world events. You seem to acknowledge this yourself in your earlier posts. Why anyone would continue to watch the network (even if it is just their news programs) despite all that is beyond me.


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Dec 7, 2010
boholikeu said:
You're right, but I think it's a little misguided to say that your point absolves Fox News, or even that people are wrong when they say Fox News lies. Even if all of the lies on the station are made by guests and opinion hosts, Fox News (the station) is still the one giving those people a voice, and they are quite manipulative about how they present the difference between fact and opinion. That's the problem.

I don't know if you've ever taken a mass communications or journalism class on bias, but Fox News is essentially a textbook example of how to portray opinion or flat out lies as fact without the station itself (IE its reporters) stating something that isn't true. And this isn't even taking into account the allegations that the station actually coaches some of its guest "experts" into making some of the crazy claims that they do.

So yes, while you're right that Fox's reporter have never actually lied on screen, that doesn't mean that the network as whole isn't extremely sneaky and underhanded about how they portray world events. You seem to acknowledge this yourself in your earlier posts. Why anyone would continue to watch the network (even if it is just their news programs) despite all that is beyond me.
By that logic, you shouldn't watch CNN, CBS, and most certainly MSNBC. Spin happens on every news network on TV. Saying Fox News is "the only one" or "the biggest offender" is quite incorrect. I have personally seen more lopsided arguments come from CNN and MSNBC than Fox. (Obviously I'm not watching the networks at all hours of the day, but I have seen more evidence of bias, spin, and assumptive language come from CBS and MSNBC) People typically overlook any kind of spin on the network they prefer since usually it's spin they agree with. Conservatives tend to view Fox as the god of networks, while liberals either love CNN or MSNBC, depending on their devotion to their political beliefs. Point being, quit calling out Fox as "a conservative propaganda machine" when it is simply not true. (As stated before, prove me wrong) They spin just like everyone else, just in a different direction. The real question is, how dizzying in the spin, and from what I've seen, Fox's spin is certainly not the worst.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
uguito-93 said:
Really? Really? Are Fox news just extremist conservative idiots just for the sake of being extremist conservative idiots?
er, yes actually. the same with most political factions actually. which is why most governments are completely useless, the politicians are more interested in making sure they stay in power and disagree with the other side so their own team will continue to support them than actually serving the people and making sure the country is working as best it can despite that being what they are supposedly paid (and paid mighty fucking handsomely even though most of them are loaded before they even get into politics) to do.

right wingers trying to defend FN as not that biased when they have glenn motherfucking beck and anne 'nazi stick insect' coulter on the books is absolutely hilarious though.

SickBritKid said:
If you were to beat a woman, but were still a good person and a decent guy(hell, lets just say that it was Hank Pym-like circumstances), would it be fair for me to call you a woman-beater and a horrible human being based on that single action?

Fox & Friends represents one of the more hard-right to far-right arms of Fox News, like Sean Hannity or Neil Cavuto. However, there are PLENTY of center-right and even center-left voices on the channel that provide great dialogue and discourse on the channel and disregarding them just because Fox & Friends is full of shit is just plain bullshit.

That said, I'm not defending F&F in any way, shape, or form. I despise them just as much as you guys do, if not more(because they misrepresent my side of the aisle).
except fox news is more like your typical wife-beater to carry on your metaphor. it presents something approaching factual news (with a conservative lean but hey thats fair enough), i.e. tries to make up for smacking the lady around with good behaviour, claims to be fair and balanced etc, i.e. promises to stop beating her, then gets drunk, i.e. on the attention it gets from borderline facist idiots and lefties complaining about it for being the racist retard clown of the news industry, and throws out a load of deliberately unresearched opinion bullshit and ludicrous 'interview' shouting matches , i.e. goes home and pops his wife in the face.

oh and if you think that hank pym punching his wife because of his frustration at his own inadequacy and jealousy over her relative success is OK, well, god damn man i dunno.

im just glad we have the BBC in britain, they aren't perfect by any stretch of the imagination (for instance only being critical of the government and policy when it suits them) but they seem to be a damn sight better than anything america has to deal with.


One day, we'll wake the zombies
Mar 29, 2010
As frustrating as it is to see Fox News get more attention, the facepalm worthy behaviour never gets old. I really can't say that I'm surprised though.


New member
Jan 11, 2011
Kinguendo said:
SickBritKid said:
If you were to beat a woman, but were still a good person and a decent guy(hell, lets just say that it was Hank Pym-like circumstances), would it be fair for me to call you a woman-beater and a horrible human being based on that single action?

Fox & Friends represents one of the more hard-right to far-right arms of Fox News, like Sean Hannity or Neil Cavuto. However, there are PLENTY of center-right and even center-left voices on the channel that provide great dialogue and discourse on the channel and disregarding them just because Fox & Friends is full of shit is just plain bullshit.

That said, I'm not defending F&F in any way, shape, or form. I despise them just as much as you guys do, if not more(because they misrepresent my side of the aisle).
Its just not true... the accurate metaphor for FOX "news" is if a person does something decent ONCE in between beating his wife, does that make him a decent person? You are pretending Fox & Friends is the only example of bias and blatant misinformation, O'Reilly Factor, Hannity, Megyn Kelly, just to name a few.

I dont know of a single center-left person on FOX... who is that person?

And lets not forget the memos that keep on getting leaking from FOX telling them to misrepresent information and outright lie.

I also find it odd that its called "FOX News Channel" yet the amount of opinion programming far outweights the actual news programming.

Its just the propoganda tool for the Republican/Tea party.
O'Reilly hosts a good, strong, fair debate on his show every night. He often plays Devil's Advocate for either side of the aisle so long as he doesn't wind up having to interview idiots and loons from either side. He's given Ron Paul, Michelle Bachmann, and even Sarah Palin the what-for whenever they've tried filibustering and bloviating on his show. So his ire is not entirely served to the Left. Note that I'm talking about the more mature O'Reilly of post-2008, not the old Republican firebrand he was during the Bush years.

Not to mention the fact that Fox still has great hard news in the form of Shepard Smith, Bret Baier, and Chris Wallace(though the latter two do mix in punditry).

You don't know of a single center-left person? How about Juan Williams? Bill Schultz? There's even hard-left guys like Alan Colmes and Bob Beckle, among MANY other contributors to the network.

Also, if you want to level your ire at Fox, then why don't you be fair and level it at MSNBC, CNN, CBS, and every other left-leaning outlet that distorts the truth just as, if not more so, than Fox?