Fox News Blogger Continues Bulletstorm Attack


New member
Jun 9, 2010
After reading the actual article, it seems you went very easy on them. The bias is so strong it's bordering on tangible, and he throws in quotes as though that means the article in its entirety can be considered research.

All those lies and logic flaws...oh God, overloading on frustration! I'm very tempted to write a rebuttle, but I've got projects I should be working on.

On the bright side, it's not like FoxNews carries much credibility nowadays...I hope.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
Wait, why is Fox going on a crusade against Bulletstorm, specifically? It's definitely not the worst. Just because it depicts incredibly unrealistic depictions of blood and the occasional bathroom humor doesn't mean that it needs to be the focus of their news station.


New member
Jul 2, 2008
I have one serious problem with this argument. I have said it again and again and its this : If video games cause so much psychological damage then how come everyone on this site isn't a stark raving looney?!


New member
Nov 29, 2010
Would you kindly give us citations or permanently isolate yourself from the internet you stupid hack? That claim that the ESRB ratings aren't enforced is pure fucking bullshit.


Nov 11, 2009
greenflash said:
God Some people must really hate video games.

They don't hate videoames. These are the people that hate/are afraid of anything that is different and new. Its the same people that crusaded against Heavy Metal, Rock Music, Violent Movies, Comic Books and so on.
Anything that is a bit macabre is evil in their eyes.

Ironically the Govenator is against violent vidiogames... and yet he was the poster child for violent movies in the 80s... See how illogical these people are?


New member
Jun 20, 2010
its interesting that its got written under the fox logo "Fair and Balanced"...uh ok...maybe "unfair and biased" would be more appropriate.


New member
Mar 19, 2010
Sadly not unexpected

Buletstorm is basically a "tongue in cheek" torture porn FPS - and only gamers will get the in-jokes.
Other folks will just see "mercy killing" etc as gross out confirmation of gaming as the work of the devil and gamers as evil minded psychos - to be pursued and condemned.

It does not help that the advertising for Bulletstorm glories in the things that the mainstream media will jump on - pretty much waving a red flag at a bull.

Heck - the marketing engine for Bulletstorm has only just stopped short of Cliffy B doing a John Romero on us - and has actually put me off the game....

Sadly the mentality of gaming marketing folks in some cases seems to be that any publicity is good publicity (yes - I am looking at you too Deadspace 2 marketing team) - so no surprises here.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
LawlessSquirrel said:
After reading the actual article, it seems you went very easy on them. The bias is so strong it's bordering on tangible, and he throws in quotes as though that means the article in its entirety can be considered research.
I think the escapist writer was choosing his words carefully after the mini-backlash that occurred after the last article:

Funny thing is, this second story on Fox News basically proves that Andy Chalk was right.


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
Fun facts: in addition to being a rapist, Bulletstorm can also make you: an arsonist, a polluter, a witch doctor, a graffiti tagger, a poacher, and a b-boy.

Good times. :D
Jan 27, 2011
Fox news: Mnehmnehmnehmnehmneh My experts I refuse to name say games are evil mnehmnehmnehmnehmneh, parents shouldn't need to actually parent their kids mnehmnehmnehmneh.

*SIGH* They seem to think that parents are supposed to just birth kids and then sit back and let the state take care of their kids for them while they...I dunno, sip tea and vote republican, or something.

If you have a kid, that kid is YOUR responsibility. Raise your own modsbanned kids! If you're not willing to do that, you shouldn't have HAD kids in the first place!

Deathfish15 said:
How come nobody sits there and says "the parents were to blame for not watching their kids and paying attention as they built bombs and stockpiled guns in their basement right under their noses (literally).

Rex Fallout

New member
Oct 5, 2010
As someone who has spent a signifigant amount of time doing both Debate and speech, I find it appalling that Fox allows this idiot to write this without quoting any sources- and for some reason, people believe this guy- my grandparents included! If i were to try to enter a debate round and try to bring up any sort of information without the source to back it up, they would laugh me out of the room, and its the same the higher up the chain you get, all the way up to the supreme court.

It's absolutely disgusting that Fox allows this man to work with them, but I suppose theres always a silver lining. Like if I cant find a job, I'll just apply for a job at Fox, and point out my talent for making shit up. I've lost all respect I possibly had for Fox, and that means that the only place I can trust for news now is the Daily Show and the Colbert Report, how sad is that?


New member
Jul 7, 2010
I love how schizophrenic and morally bankrupt this network is. Today it is that this game must be bad because the great government controls in Germany have censored it. I am sure in 'daily show' style you can find another report saying how bad Germany's censorship / goverment controls are, as they are socialist, like all other European countries. They seem quite happy to hold something up as the best thing ever, only to a short time later to explain how the thing they praised is the now the worst thing ever. Or visa versa.

Listening to Fox news is like listening to 'Gollum' from Lord Of The Rings arguing with himself.

Example conversation with Fox News:

'Why don't you give me ice cream, you never do anything good for me, you hate me.'

'Why are you giving me ice cream, it will make me fat and I could die, you hate me.'

'Why are you taking away my ice cream, you are always taking stuff I want away from me, you hate me.'

and so on.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I doubt anyone will be taking this dude seriously. At least Bullestorm´s getting free publicity.
Ask Rockstar if controversy hurt GTA sales.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Ha. Lets just view this from a film perspective. If some kid watches Saw and then say stabs a guy in the face. Who gets the blame? Obviously the parents but shit because it's a GAME it obviously makes the parents competely blameless!

Fuck it i'm gonna play some Bulletstorm to calm me down... There's some kind of delicious irony in there somewhere XD


New member
Oct 22, 2009
I agree with OP. If we leave it up to parents to make the final judgement on what movies/TV their kids can watch, what music to listen to, what books to read: then why treat videogames any different?
These are inherently artistic mediums (even if most are produced with money as the primary concern), and organizations like the ESRB and USK can only make judgments about general recommendations, so that parents have a better idea of what to expect from any individual product at a glance (without having to try each movie/book/tv show/ videogame on their own). But the decision remains with the parents.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
A 5 year old could find scat porn damaging and could probably find it online. Point is parents should use the parental controls and better monitor what their kids watch and play.