French Ad: Vita's as Fun As a Four-Boobed Girl


New member
Aug 7, 2012
DVS BSTrD said:
grabbing is so mainstream, trace your fingernails and fingertips over almost any part
of a woman you'll get a better response most of the time
( woo, touchscreen all sensual and.. um just no. bad sony. )

pretty sure that's the point of the ad, anyhow especially since it's for france
and they're known for the touchy-feeley stuff
I wonder if the Vita will have a pressure sense as well so it can rate how sensual you are haha


New member
Feb 20, 2008
I find this ad amusing to be honest. It's not amazing but it's not that bad either.

And I really don't see it as objectifying women as I know very few women who actually have 4 boobs, personally. It's just a bit of humour. May not be for everyone, I understand that, but then again no ads are.

At least it shows a little bit more thought than the usual "amazing new bit of sleek tech that will look sweet in your open-plan 400m2 loft conversion, for the cool and hip good looking guy with a five o'clock shadow and all of his cool friends" that is more or less the norm.

Foolproof said:
Its France. Is there really anything else that needs to be said?
I didn't realise so many people were aware that the French were typically creative and humorous. So I guess, 'no' it doesn't if everyone is apparently aware of that.


Souris la vie est un fromage
Apr 6, 2009
It's actually not that much sexual for a France ad. But USA is much more prude I guess than lots of country...


New member
Oct 21, 2011
Zachary Amaranth said:
Fappy said:
I wish I had been in their marketing department when they came up with this idea. Must have been an interesting day >.>
You probably wouldn't remember it, what with all the hallucinogenics being used.

Seems like it was a requirement for attendance.
Guy 1: Ohmygodthisisagreatidea
Guy 2: Did you just leap in from the window. But we are on the fourth story.
Guy 1: Yes. Sure. Okay.
Guy 2: Jesus man you look terrible... and you're covered in vomit and and blood
Guy 1: Don't worry they didn't follow me. New Idea......Tits
Guy 2: What?
Guy 1: Double Tits. Two sets. Jimmy-o gave me the idea. He was in my toilet bowl last night.
Guy 2: .....
Guy 2: Go On.....


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Double the boobs...
Double the bras...
Front clasp or back clasp, left or right overlap ARGH!

*Curls into the foetal position and cries*

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
rhizhim said:
Beautiful End said:
Real talk here: Who doesn't see that four-brested woman as a Silent Hill character? it could easily be one!
i dont know. i'd probably have a hard time to concentrate enough to swing my weapon or shoot at them..
And then kill you. Because you hesitated. Genius!

I dunno, I could easily see that monster right next to the nurses and Pyramid head getting kinky.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
D64nz said:
A) many gamers have girlfirends, many of which are already hostile to games
1. If someone is already hostile to gaming (which is pretty mainstream right now) I don't assume them to be rational. This advertisement is not going to make them more hostile because they already convinced themselves they are stubborn pricks who decided to hate something. My point? Doesn't hurt anyone, half of gamers are female and don't date stupid people.

D64nz said:
B) If we want sex in digital form there
Which is exactly what the product is not offering.

Ever heard of "abstract"? They put a fine piece of art on the advertisement and people will look at it. The point is not making people think they're getting boobs with the vita.

I mean, I'm not in marketing or whatever but you people seem to take everything waaaay too literally.

Mortons4ck said:
It may or may not objectify womyn, so womyn may or may not be offended.
It doesn't objectify anything. If anyone is offended they are obviously on a crusade, and in that case anything is offensive to them.


New member
Feb 2, 2008
I may be in a small camp here but fuck it, I found it funny. Hell I'll go one step further and put myself in an even smaller camp and say: this really isn't that offensive, its just silly. and there's nout wrong with silly.

unless you ask this guy:



Fixed by "Monday"
Mar 28, 2010
I actually think this ad is a bit sexist. Now hear me out, it is not because of how "sexy" it is, I honestly don't care. An ad can have people dancing around nude for all I care, sexuality does not necessarily make something sexist. My issue is with the idea that someone, when coming up with this ad, had to think to themselves, "You know what is sexy about women? Tits! You know what's even sexier? DOUBLE THE TITS! We should make an ad about women with double tits! GENIUS!" That is objectification, that is wrong. If it is supposed to be a total joke, I get it, and that is kinda funny, but I refuse to give Sony that much credit.


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
They did this before with the boob-stab lady. But is it really a big deal? Women have breasts, the majority of men like to touch them, that has been established. It's just like advertising anything else, they have something that's fun and you want it.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
gibboss28 said:
I may be in a small camp here but fuck it, I found it funny. Hell I'll go one step further and put myself in an even smaller camp and say: this really isn't that offensive, its just silly. and there's nout wrong with silly.

unless you ask this guy:

I like this camp. I'm gonna hang out there.

Honestly the balance would be nice I think, equal weight on the front and back.

But back boobs is strange, silly strange.

Revnak said:
I actually think this ad is a bit sexist. Now hear me out, it is not because of how "sexy" it is, I honestly don't care. An ad can have people dancing around nude for all I care, sexuality does not necessarily make something sexist. My issue is with the idea that someone, when coming up with this ad, had to think to themselves, "You know what is sexy about women? Tits! You know what's even sexier? DOUBLE THE TITS! We should make an ad about women with double tits! GENIUS!" That is objectification, that is wrong. If it is supposed to be a total joke, I get it, and that is kinda funny, but I refuse to give Sony that much credit.
I bolded the part where the projection began.

Nobody on this thread was there for the meeting. For all we know someone started laughing and said "4 boobies!" and kicked their legs about before writing it out in a flurry of laughter and tears.

The problem with objectification or sexism arguments is writers often project how they'd approach the incident and don't remember that there are different people out there that come to conclusions in different ways.

For some people it isn't that complicated, they just giggle at the thought of boobies or peenies and they make ads to reflect that maturity. Or perhaps they are horny, or angry, or happy, or maybe they ARE sleazy sexists. But the projection is the problem, probably my only complaint with folks discussing sexism on the escapist. 100% of the threads devolve into insane levels of projection.

Not really up to debate the matter, just more an observation.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
This is objectifying women at it's worst and Sony should be ashamed. They even cut her head off ffs.

Also: Suggesting only men play video games much -.-

I'm not so much offended as rolling my eyes in depression that this is a thing.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
ITT: cultural shock

j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
You know that the world isn't divided into people who devotedly love games, and people who rabidly hate them, right? Not everyone who is hostile towards games is irreconcilably so.
Exactly. People who have decided to hate gaming are a very vocal minority but still a minority. Like you said, it's not a 50/50 world. Most people are absolutely indifferent to this advertisement and I've yet to see people raging about this outside gaming websites.

This advertisement is not likely to make anyone switch sides.

j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Plenty of people don't like games simply because
Guess what? Nobody is forced to like them or cater to them. I enjoy gaming without giving a fudge about Sony's stupid marketing ideas. If people have decided that factor X or Y turns them off from gaming, it's their free choice. Personally, they are missing out but why should I care?

j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
A comparison is explicitly drawn between the Vita and the quartet of breast in the advert. Moreover, the implications of 'touchable sides' creates an implication that boobs exist only to be fondled. Therefore, if a woman has more boobs, according to Sony she's going to get more fondling.
No, you have interpreted the ad that way.

Personally, there's more to a woman's front torso than breasts. Just saying, but it's you who's focusing on the boobs.

j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
If I saw a four breasted woman, my reaction would be to wonder just what happened for her to develop such a strange genetic condition. I'd like to think I would sympathise with her. My reaction would not be to imagine fondling her breasts, because I'm not a sleazeball.
It's you who's still thinking about fondling breasts. Again, just saying.

j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
it makes implications about me, and my reaction as a man.
It doesn't. It just doesn't. Everyone has a different interpretation of what they analyze. Mine wasn't sexual at all.

j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
Again with the strawmen.


I'd love to see your take on Animal Farm. "I don't get what's so clever about this book. It's just a story about a bunch of talking animals on a farm. If anyone finds anything clever in this they are obviously pretentious blowhards, and in that case they'll find clever stuff in anything."
Pot calling the kettle black much?

I operate on a deeper level. Some people look superciliously and interpret the meaning "boobs", I actually looked at the advertisement and saw art. Artception. BWOOOOOOOOMMMMM

Moonlight Butterfly said:
This is objectifying women at it's worst and Sony should be ashamed. They even cut her head off ffs.
I literally don't know what to say about this except that it actually gave me a literal headache.

Moonlight Butterfly said:
Also: Suggesting only men play video games much -.-
It's you who's suggesting that, and who's suggesting every woman will hate this ad upon sight.