Never posted here but I think this is the right time to begin because I feel quite concerned as a french man.
I remembered some people complained about the DLC in AC3 about George Washington while it was clearly said to be an uchronia.
Now AC Unity based a lot of its promotion on history and "oh see, we have historians on the team", they looked pretty proud about it. Sounds logical people backlash when the expectation isn't met. Exactly like when you have a hardscience fiction which does the physics wrong.
As for Melenchon, I'm french as I said and I really don't like him. I'm pretty sure raising the problem with AC Unity is basically part of his political agenda since he was regularly targeted for "hating France" (which is quite stupid also by the way). He also supported video game as an art form in several interviews after this "incident" and says that he should be allowed to criticise and debate its contents the same way he can do it for any other art form. Sadly I must agree with him on that. Though, it also looks like a way for him to show to everyone that he is "progressive and support video games", he likes to try to be the "cool" guy around. But I must admit he is probably one of the only french politics who did say that video games should be recognise as an art form.
STILL, Melenchon is mostly a formerly successful politician who tries to continu existing by trolling (I'm not joking, he trolls a lot). But he did start a big controversy in France with this.
As for the realism in AC Unity, its portrayal of revolution IS simplistic. History is not as simple as that. AC Unity just uses all the popular tropes about the french revolution. Believe or not, even in France these tropes are classics and many people believe that the revolution is as simple as :
King lacked skills => Revolution => Terror => Napoleon
This is just not as simple. Revolutionaries also wrote the the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, they abolished slavery, and much more. Of course you had terrible times too, like in most revolutions btw, but don't forget the Revolution was a 10 years event. You can't summarise it by the Terror.
Now, did Ubisoft did bad ? Probably not, the Terror must be the best period for an AC game. It's a really harsh, violent chaotic time in Paris and all France.
It still felt to me that if they didn't want problems about history, they should have said "this is an uchronia" the same way they said it for George Washington's DLC in AC3, though.
Is this controversy good for video games ? Surprisingly enough, I think it is in France. Major medias are talking about this debate, about games, not to say "games make you violent and are toys for kids" but to discuss if history should be taken seriously in games. It is a valid debate, a debate that movies, books, any art form is subject to. The fact that a politician, even if I don't like him, even if it is for political agenda, brings this debate on TV while repeating that he considers video games an art form... is a good thing, in my opinion.
Also: he admitted he hasn't played the game and was complaining about the contents in the trailers. Since people were asking.
Also again: the picture of the article is hilarious