Frieza Returns In New Dragon Ball Z Movie For 2015


New member
Oct 12, 2011
Freiza had his chances and blew them all, time to give Garlic Jr another shot.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
...Isn't DBZ kinda old my this point? I know it's stupidly popular, but come on people let it die already!

Don't get me wrong, I liked the show when I was a kid... but the older I got, the more it rubbed me the wrong way when I realized that it's basically the same story over and over again. And that Goku beats everyone while the other characters are useless.

I still want to see Team Four Star's take on this one, thought.


New member
May 5, 2014
Oly J said:
this is cool and all, but Frieza is just completely outclassed at this point, I thought when Beerus mentioned 12 universes, that was a setup for a sequel (he mentioned that other universes have spawned fighters even greater) so I thought maybe this was an alternate universe Frieza that found his way to the 7th universe (which the series has thus-far occupied) and turned out to be incredibly powerful, but no, since he's being revived by the Dragon Balls, I think we can assume it's the same Frieza, I mean, maybe he's been getting stronger in Hell, but even then it's hard to believe he'd be a threat to Goku, who became an actual God in the last movie, and unless I'm much mistaken, managed to retain much of that power even after the form expired, whether he lost it or not is never stated, but even if he did, he knows how to reach it now, for that matter so can Vegeta, or any Super Saiyan for that matter. My point being Frieza is going to need one hell of a power-up to be taken seriously this time around
Or maybe Frieza isn't originally from universe 7 and him being there at all was some sort of freak anomaly that made him more powerful than he should've been relative to the power inflation? But that's me just being a DBZ apologist, I'm a sucker for flashy light and loud noises... keeps my attention.


New member
Oct 25, 2012
jamail77 said:
Whatislove said:
Fucking Toriyama constantly writing Vegeta like shit just because fans liked him so much he had to keep him in instead of killing him off (which is what he really wanted to do).
Toriyama is already on record saying that was a mistranslation and he doesn't hate Vegeta at all. It might surprise you to hear that actually...
In an interview in the March 2014 issue of Saikyo Jump (released on February 2014), Akira Toriyama says that, in the event that there is talk of another animated film after Battle of Gods (2013), he would like Vegeta to play the main role (adding that this is nothing more than intentions, and that he has not decided anything at all).[footnote][/footnote]
I've seen the quotes and everything he said, he has still said Vegeta was never part of the plan, he may not hate Vegeta, but Vegeta had to be written in due to popularity and he took over storylines that would have been done by one of Toriyama's favourites, Piccolo; There is definitely some resentment there.

About your quote... read it yourself again, he said if they were going to make another animated movie (after battle of the gods) he would like Vegeta to be the main villain, There are several things wrong with that:

1. We are getting another animated movie, the one this thread is based off, and guess what.. it aint a Vegeta main villain movie, it's a frieza, super-saiyan-gods only movie.
2. If he did make a movie where Vegeta was the villain, it would still suck because he'd write Vegeta to lose everything in the movie anyway, of course he couldn't "win" the whole movie but I would be surprised if he got a single kill, I'd be surprised if he even managed to kill Krillan. Vegeta would be written as some stupid dr robotnik who gets foiled at every turn and then an epic battle would ensue and Goku would turn some extra super special level of super saiyan that only he can transform in to, because god knows being of royal blood line, training your entire life long after everyone has quit, being in more fights than anyone else, having strong saiyan morals, pride, motivation and drive, means nothing when you compare it to achievements like being sent to earth as a baby, having your tail chopped off at a young age, and being brought up by an old human man.

P.S I'm not angry at you or your post, I'm just angry in general about DBZ.
Even from the start it was fucking stupid, Goku's Kamahameha wave beats Vegeta's Galick gun despite the fact that Vegeta uses the Galick gun to BLOW UP ENTIRE PLANETS FFS, but it's forgivable because that is where Vegeta was supposed to end; but Cell surviving the final flash with only half his body damaged? even though he took the full brunt of it? and trunks makes a point of telling us all he will destroy the planet with that final flash?
And don't even get me started on Final Sacrifice somehow not disintegrating all the tiny pieces of Buu, a giant energy field that destroys anything in it doesn't destroy pink blobs of goop?

After the monumental kick in the balls they gave Vegeta fans in the Cell saga
"Oh hey, Vegeta is the strongest ever, the first to ascend super saiyan, no wait, joking, he is actually the weakest and his son is way more powerful even though they were in the chamber for the same amount of time, oh yeah, Vegeta actually fucked up his ascension too, he is like super saiyan 1.5 and everybody is SSJ2"
Vegeta should have got the kill on Buu, the final sacrifice was a good ending, it was great character progression, it would have ended on a high note, but instead, that all means nothing 15 minutes later because we can't let Goku NOT get the win twice in a row! even though we let his weakling, whiny teenage son get the kill last time.


New member
May 21, 2011
Whatislove said:
he may not hate Vegeta, but Vegeta had to be written in due to popularity and he took over storylines that would have been done by one of Toriyama's favourites, Piccolo; There is definitely some resentment there.
That much is true. I remember when I told a friend of mine that Toriyama wanted Piccolo to go Majin and fight Gohan and he said how stupid that was and how he's glad he got reined in by his publisher friend. Haha

Whatislove said:
About your quote... read it yourself again, he said if they were going to make another animated movie (after battle of the gods) he would like Vegeta to be the main villain
It says main role. I agree that can be interpreted in many ways, but LITERALLY every site I read reporting on that quote translates it as protagonist. I find it hard to believe that the mistranslation has gone on uncorrected this long. I know lack of focus on Vegeta upsets you, but being pessimistic about news to the extent you even decide to interpret something without being sure is only going to make it worse on you. Who knows? Maybe you're right. I'm just saying that assuming the worst possible scenario isn't going to make you feel any better.

Whatislove said:
"Oh hey, Vegeta is the strongest ever, the first to ascend super saiyan, no wait, joking, he is actually the weakest and his son is way more powerful even though they were in the chamber for the same amount of time, oh yeah, Vegeta actually fucked up his ascension too, he is like super saiyan 1.5 and everybody is SSJ2"
Didn't Cell state, at least in the anime, that Vegeta was most likely capable of accessing Trunks' level as well and just chose not to use it because he realized its weaknesses were too great? Vegeta was also the only one who managed to damage Cell enough to bother him during Cell's clash with Gohan despite the fact that Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, and Piccolo were all blasting Cell almost simultaneously. His attack was instrumental in why Cell died. Trunks got blasted the minute Cell instant transmissioned back to Earth in Ascended Perfect Form or whatever it's called. Trunks also messed up his training as well.

If you want to see Vegeta getting fairer treatment I suggest reading Dragonball Multiverse, a fan manga:

This universe's Vegeta is always a level ahead of that universe's Goku. Ignore why he needed it to face a Cell Jr; that requires context of the fan manga. The only one yawning out of all the universe's combatants (They're in a multiverse tournament) is a Vegito from a universe he never defused in and seeing as how he's half Vegeta...

This is the Vegeta from the above image calling BS on how other universes have stronger saiyans than HIM right before his transformation

I appreciate that you too the time to point at you meant no anger towards me by the way. Always nice to see in the forum.

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
jamail77 said:
Whatislove said:
he may not hate Vegeta, but Vegeta had to be written in due to popularity and he took over storylines that would have been done by one of Toriyama's favourites, Piccolo; There is definitely some resentment there.
That much is true. I remember when I told a friend of mine that Toriyama wanted Piccolo to go Majin and fight Gohan and he said how stupid that was and how he's glad he got reined in by his publisher friend. Haha
Damn, that actually would've had some good emotional weight in the show. They should've kept that.


New member
Nov 21, 2014
I signed up today after finding this website. Sooooo hello everyone. Please let my intentions remain very clear. I only intend to join conversations and possible debates, i have zero interest in arguments, name calling or negative critism of any kind.

So let me add to the topic and forgive me if this was already posted. But are we looking at the dead world in shades of grey? Maybe we're neglecting the possibility that just because a selfless hero (who's actually pretty damn selfish) sacrifices his life to save a world gets to keep his body as a reward, then whos to say the same can't be said for a evil genius that destroys them for say.

Perhaps theres certain criteria for each side.

Perhaps freiza was able to keep his body and perhaps been continuously training ever since death to gain his revenge...It sounds logical if you consider the fact that if goku trained in a heaven, frieza can train in hell. Im rambling, but it is a possible theory of "How".


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Whatislove said:
After the monumental kick in the balls they gave Vegeta fans in the Cell saga
"Oh hey, Vegeta is the strongest ever, the first to ascend super saiyan, no wait, joking, he is actually the weakest and his son is way more powerful even though they were in the chamber for the same amount of time, oh yeah, Vegeta actually fucked up his ascension too, he is like super saiyan 1.5 and everybody is SSJ2"
Vegeta should have got the kill on Buu, the final sacrifice was a good ending, it was great character progression, it would have ended on a high note, but instead, that all means nothing 15 minutes later because we can't let Goku NOT get the win twice in a row! even though we let his weakling, whiny teenage son get the kill last time.
Isn't that sort of...uhh..wrong? The only SSJ2 durin Cell saga was Gohan. Both Vegeta and Trunks only ascended with Trunks goin farther in sheer power than Vegeta. However as...someone...pointed out, Trunks may have gained a ton of power that outright dwarfed that of Perfect Cells, he couldn't utilize that power effectively because he was so slow. Vegeta recognized that limitation and trained exclusively at the first ascended level because it was the perfect balance of power and speed.

Now that kind of went to shit after Goku and Gohan basically made fools of both of them by surpassin the two even while at SSJ1. The logic that they used sort of makes sense. You get a ton of power to go up in level, but you expend/waste just as much reachin that point. However it didn't really put Vegeta and Trunks in the best light.

As for Buu, Goku may have gotten the win, but Vegeta sets up the win. Without Vegeta Goku would never have had time to power up the Spirit Bomb. In a straight up fight Goku lost terribly to Kid Buu. Vegeta, despite only bein able to reach his equivalent of SSJ2, was able to hold his own against Kid Buu long enough for Goku to finish the job with the help of everyone in the universe.


New member
Nov 30, 2014
Have any of you considered this, if there are any holes in my theory that I haven't spotted please let me know.
Whis at one point offered Goku the position of god of destruction for this universe, so that mean's they don't just live forever, AND that another person can be given the mantel of "god".
Freiza was hated by Beerus, considering that at the beginning of battle of gods he was planning on killing him, but Goku had first.
Also it seemed very ominous when Beerus told goku that there were 12 universes, each with a god of destruction. This being the case I believe it is safe to say that not all the gods of destruction get along.
My theory is that Frieza has become the god of description of another universe and was picked because of his already high power, hate for the strongest in a rivaling universe and also the hate Beerus had for him.
Another reason I think this could be accurate is that from the way Goku's power level increases EVERY time a new enemy comes, he would be far more powerful that Beerus would be. Thus why Beerus and Whis will be in the movie, but not just go "Nope, die Frieza".
Also let's be honest, on the cover Frieza has god aura.
Any holes you can find guys?


New member
Dec 1, 2014
For once i'd really love to see vegeta kick the shit out of freiza. No one deserves to more than he does, with all the crap frieza put him through.


New member
Nov 30, 2014
Joemama000 said:
For once i'd really love to see vegeta kick the shit out of freiza. No one deserves to more than he does, with all the crap frieza put him through.
Lol imagine if it's just 90 minutes of Vegeta pummeling Freiza as he hasn't improved at all since death or something like that. Just a vegeta fan wank fest. That would be glorious.