From Dust Always-On DRM Rumors Denied - UPDATED


New member
May 5, 2011
I am really looking forward to this game. I'm still eager to hear the exact details of DRM before I decide to buy it though - that is the only thing putting me off at the moment.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
My gamer's manifesto:

I will not purchase any game new that requires a phone home to install.

I will not purchase any single player game new that requires a phone home to play, including not playing out of the box until it "checks for updates". The one exception being steam where I'll buy from steam for convenience and if it has no multiplayer component apply a crack to avoid the steam check. A game publisher has no business knowing if I'm playing their game or not.

I will not install any 3rd party malware like securom in order to play a game. If your game doesn't require home phone but requires crapware it decreases the likelihood of purchase but since all crapware can be avoided with cracks and launchers it doesn't matter that much.

If your game has a major multiplayer component and is not an MMO I will not purchase a game unless individuals are able to run their own servers.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
I will not be buying anything with always-on DRM. I've echoed this a million times, but it needs to be seen by any of these bastards where it might count. I've have even sent emails to Ubisoft and EA. Really want to play ME3 and BF3, but if this really is the road they take, no thanks. That's all I have to say about it, until the games are actually released.

However, game companies that support opening a new game and playing straight away without connecting first, updating, or installing 3rd party crap, I will support whole-heartedly.