"Frumpy Mom" Says Videogames Made by the Devil

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Another bloody middle aged mother who has no understanding of video games at all, what else is new when they bang on about crap like this?


New member
May 10, 2009
By the way, the comments on her post on that blog are all of other people from the site criticizing her for not parent right for her kid having GTA 4.

my faith in humanity just went up by not one, but TWO percent!


New member
Sep 18, 2009
tellmeimaninja said:
Overly-religious extremely conservative people are idiots. End of story.

If video games are made by the devil, then call me satanist and give me something to sacrifice.
You can sacrifice the lady who wrote that stupid uninformed biased pile of sheep innards.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
>< O great, this where some people would take the most extreme example of a belief and then laugh at EVERYbody. Gyaaa!
Anyways. . .Well, that's her opinion and nothing more. She has the right to it. And she may be on to something if that's really what's happening to her kid.
But as for me, nothing's wrong with me or anyone I know that plays games. So I'm not changing a thing.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Is this even worth mentioning? It's another one of those grouchy I-am-always-right moms who has to much free time and Internet connection. I don't even want to waste the time.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Ugh, I'm just tired of it. I'm sick of this crap. Parents blaming a media that carries just as much guilt as any other electronic media, hell, even as much guilt as my radiator (those radiators, they're plotting against us!). They have no valid arguments for this kind of thing, yet they still get the chance to talk in the media, while gamers who would love to speak for their own cause gets stuck sitting on their ass watching how these people keep blabbering on the TV. Oh, the wonders of the magic talking box!

The day they hire speakers on gamer's behalf to debate these nutjobs, I will be the first in line. I will go through history of gaming, explain how gaming has not done anything bad, but in fact has also helped people(wanna ask how I have an A in English?) and best of all, shut up those idiots (I was going to write something much worse, but I hesitated) who try to destroy a media like they're the almighty prophets of God. There is a simple solution to making your child not play games. Don't buy him/her the fucking game and be a "good" parent!

And stop preaching to other people to stop gaming. I know how to handle my own life, no self-important ***** of a mother should walk past me and just take it from me. I'm happy as a gamer, I've met people through gaming, I joined The Escapist through gaming and have met some of the smartest people I've ever talked to. If gaming wasn't there, I'd just be another depressed child sitting in my room, thinking if I should jump out the window. No, I'm not referring to emo or anything like that if that's what you think, my point is that gaming has not only been a fun little hobby, but a life-saver to me. It has saved me from depression many times the last few years through the simple actions of distracting my brain from real life. Don't people understand? Ask the people on this great website, and we can simply ask how many have "ruined their lives" through gaming and the gaming community. Most would probably say that gaming has improved their lives, without having to lie!

If there's one thing religion has made itself ironic over, it's that people oppress other people through imposing their values on them. Yeah, that'll get you into Heaven. Liberate a group of people of their choice. ("Hey, turns out we were wrong. It says "Deliver us from free will", not "Deliver us from evil"") Doesn't matter how small the group is, doing that is "the devil's work", if we are to speak in their terms. God, these people piss me off. If it's my God that is real, he'll be existentially face-palming over the universe (I'm a deist).

Sorry for the long rant and harsh language, I'm tired, having a bad day and this really snapped the twig of the day. I hope the mods and members won't strike me down too hard for my little hate speech.

Also, if I could get any person to hold this little speech in public, I'd resurrect George Carlin. He'd be perfect for the job.


New member
Sep 27, 2009
Yeah and she came out as a success unlike all those highly paid game developers. Nothing says successful like being a writer.


New member
Oct 28, 2008
Toastngravy said:
Onyx Oblivion said:
Awwwwwwwwwwwww, shit. Does anyone have that "Islam is the Light" Penny Arcade comic?

Moving on then.
Heh. Yeah...I don't mind the usual anti-game talk because for the most part they make sense. Not making sense in the "Yes these are the 100% cause no questions asked" but making sense in the psychological way. If a child dies for what ever reason, let's not even talk about how, and they were an active video game player the parents will of course put that into the pile of obvious reasons. Why? It's nothing but a scapegoat. The parents mentally need something to blame to help the cope with the loss. Video games may have not been the reason at all, but it's there and it helps. They rarely know what their social life at school is like or even that their parenting skills are questionable.

No matter what the reason, Video games are an active scapegoat no matter what. It's merely a coping mechanism much like how a large amount of the people that play video games play them to cope with the stress of everyday life (and do it rather well).

Sorry started to ramble...the point being this is the stuff that does bug me. She claims, for the most part, if you play video games you're pretty much dumb. This is the fun part. Almost all kids these days play video games. Many of which are pretty darn intelligent and will more than likely be much better off than this woman will be financially and, for sake of argument, mentally. That's great you don't want your children to be playing video games, all the power to you. Just don't go about preaching how "stupid" people will become by playing these. Even if for some reason you must do that, at least make your argument sound partially valid.

...Need to stop rambling.
Man, anyone would do better financially than her as she is probably some stay-at-home mom who does nothing but watch soap operas.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Greg Tito said:
When do kids ever think these days? When do they ever have brains free from electronics long enough to ponder the universe? To think of things that might someday lead them to a cure for cancer?
She has got a point here.
Less videogames would give us all time to find a cure for ignorant Christian mothers.


Oct 13, 2009
Haha some people take thing way too far. how can you be scarred for life when some one is playing a game in public?

Sightless Wisdom

Resident Cynic
Jul 24, 2009
Hey...what's wrong with Satan? :p(jokes, not even going there). Seriously I laughed pretty hard when I read some of this stuff, but at the same time I just want to slap her for begin so fucking absurd.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
tellmeimaninja said:
Overly-religious extremely conservative people are idiots. End of story.

If video games are made by the devil, then call me satanist and give me something to sacrifice.
Got it in one.

Goodnight everybody!


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
I love what this guy says about her blog.
1900 -> Cinema was created by Satan! Children will go mad!
1920 -> Radio was created by Satan! Children no longer speak to their parents, they listen to the radio instead!!!!
1950 -> TV was created by Satan! Family dinners in front of the TV is a heresy. Children no longer speak to their parents or play outside, they watch TV!

OMG video games were created by Satan! Kids no longer play outside!
Recognize the pattern of the old conservative spirit frightened by new tech it cannot really understand? Sorry Frumpy mom, you turned over to the dark side.