Funny events in anti-woke world


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
So someone just shot up a bunch of cars on the highway near where I used to live. And it made me think. I could in theory get a gun, but what am I supposed to do if this happens to me. Am I just supposed to have a loaded pistol near my car at all times while wearing a bulletproof vest?
hOw DO yuO kNOw it WaSnT a goOd gUY WitH a GuN?


Fall in line!
Jun 16, 2011
Jesus Christ.
Where do you think he got the idea?

There is no other way around it, but to reduce the total number of guns in America. But how do we do that? It's very hard in America.
Baby steps. Small changes. Increased enforcement. Oversight to ensure correct and consistent enforcement. These are good places to start.

The first thing any serious gun control advocate should do in my opinion is taking down 2A.
But now you've lost the argument before you've even begun. Now you sound exactly like the gun-stealing boogeyman invented by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, and Fox News. You've played into their hands for no good reason. There are millions of law-abiding, reasonable-minded gun owners in America, and believe it or not a lot of them support regulation, but if you spout off about gutting the 2nd they'll turn off faster than the Texas power grid in a cold snap.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
A couple of points. Firstly, bringing mental illness into it doesn't help. People with mental illness are overwhelmingly he victims of violence, no the perpetrator, and the implication that they are a menace just makes people hide their mental illnesses.

Secondly, controlling guns from the Phillipines (or elsewhere) wouldn't be that hard, there's border controls for a reason. And while you can 3d print a gun, it's no small thing, not something you can do on the spur of the moment. Sure, without normal guns, the proportion of 3d printed guns (or otherwise homemade guns) used in crime will go up, the total number will drop.

Third, getting rid of the 2A is a noble goal, but unachievable. Taking small bites out of the gun industry is the way to go. Also, stop subsidising them, because obviously.

As an aside, "assault weapon" bans based on irrelevant criteria and banning certain guns based on name, not capability is stupid. Hell, some manufacturers, when one of their products gets banned in California, say, can make an almost identical gun which hasn't been banned yet and sell that.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Some rather interesting patch notes in the game Domina.
Apparently, this is quite tame compared to what you can find on his social media feeds.

Also from what I have read the dev has removed content from the game and then put it back as paid-for DLC. That is sharp practice, and should make anyone think twice about the ethical standards of someone who supposes to give people life advice.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
The sequel:

In other news, today I learned that Twitter has a downvote option now. That's kinda hilarious.
I read all that, and somehow it is unsurprising to me that the setting of this game is Ancient Rome. Not that it doesn't make sense, but wankers like this always seem to have some level of obsession about the Roman Empire. I don't know why, and I kind of don't want to know either.
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I read all that, and somehow it is unsurprising to me that the setting of this game is Ancient Rome. Not that it doesn't make sense, but wankers like this always seem to have some level of obsession about the Roman Empire. I don't know why, and I kind of don't want to know either.
Something something slavery, something something gladiators are sigma males, something something all the statues are white.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Something something slavery, something something gladiators are sigma males, something something all the statues are white.
Not to mention that the word "fascist" comes from the word "fascine", a bunch of sticks tied together (you can break one stick, but not a bundle, unity is strength). EDIT: That was used as a symbol by Rome, and carried by lictors with an axe in the bundle, and they could use the axe to kill people and the stick to beat people.

On the other hand, during the Republic at least, they were generally ok with foreign religions (to the extent that they'd try bribing enemy's gods to get them to defect) and rich people were supposed to spend lots of their money on public works.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I read all that, and somehow it is unsurprising to me that the setting of this game is Ancient Rome. Not that it doesn't make sense, but wankers like this always seem to have some level of obsession about the Roman Empire. I don't know why, and I kind of don't want to know either.
The Roman Empire is easily characterised as martial strength and societal order: both are big things with certain forms of right wing arseholes. There's another element of a nationalist perception that foreigners are inferior and backward "barbarians".

Note also how strength and bravery to such people usually equates to the boringly superficial notion of willingness to endure physical pain and risk of death. Strength and bravery is also admitting ones own vulnerability, resilience in the face of adversity, and much more that macho arseholes rarely consider.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Note also how strength and bravery to such people usually equates to the boringly superficial notion of willingness to endure physical pain and risk of death. Strength and bravery is also admitting ones own vulnerability, resilience in the face of adversity, and much more that macho arseholes rarely consider.
One suspects that the fact they know they probably won't have to risk their lives so can't be proven wrong about any claims about their willingness to do so plays a part in lionising that over things they'd actually be expected to do.


~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
The sequel:

In other news, today I learned that Twitter has a downvote option now. That's kinda hilarious.
Oh dear, he's a "semen retention warrior" too. Those guys have this weird innate obsessive ability to make 'not having a wank' sound so much more creepy and gross than just having a wank. I do not recommend looking further into that subculture. It's too late for me of course.
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The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
The Roman Empire is easily characterised as martial strength and societal order: both are big things with certain forms of right wing arseholes. There's another element of a nationalist perception that foreigners are inferior and backward "barbarians".
"Strong white men who brought 'those people' to heel and civilized the world" seems to be the delusion. The Spartans especially get super-loved by that sort for "culling the weak" and being "alpha males". (They ignore all the pederasty.)

Oh dear, he's a "semen retention warrior" too. Those guys have this weird innate obsessive ability to make 'not having a wank' sound so much more creepy and gross than just having a wank. I do not recommend looking further into that subculture. It's too late for me of course.
Well, you're not a "real man" unless you can get a woman to have (unprotected) sex with you on demand. Or so I'm told.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
At what point does the fash become too obvious for even average believers to handwave?

Behold, "doing your own research" crowdsourced results...

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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
So... Ukraine started Covid-19 through US funded biolabs while Trump was president. Or in other words: Trump funded the start of Covid-19? Am I doing this right?
Almost there. The main rule to remember is: if it's a bad, then it couldn't have been Trump...even if he was in power, then it must be the "deep state." Anything good is Trump, everything bad is deep state, liberals and Satan. If something goes against this, then it's fake news. There's also the element of "clones" to consider, depending on the person and circumstance. Sometimes even time travel.
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