Funny events in anti-woke world


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Yes, because a number of site chose to call it racist............. against people from Mongolia............. for showing them as invaders...........when it's based on actual historical events (well not the single handed clearing the Island thing just the invasion)
And then proceeded to consistently score the game very highly. So is it relevant that they bring up some things up for discussion, some things even poorly when that doesn't detract from their stance on the game one bit? And if they do have goofy takes on the game does that make it less silly that the right attempts to sell off a left leaning game as their own?

because some fruit loops online were trying to claim Sonic the Hedgehog was racist and offensive to try and push people to see Birds of Prey because one movie deliberately made statements they liked and the other wasn't making those kind of statements. I believe it's called a Dog Whistle.
Quite frankly I don't think anyone on the left with perhaps the fringe of the fringe of the fringe as an exception believed the movies were in direct competition. Because they kinda scew to entirely different audiences. I guess one could see the sister character as kind of a stereotype which I don't find too damning to point out.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
1. That's the hilarity of it, that was an actual left wing twitter hashtag for a while because Link looked feminine in Breath of the Wild and some activists decided that Nintendo should make the lead playable character in the Zelda franchise a woman rather than a man. Problem being some activists who has 0 interest in the franchise but decided to try and present themselves as long time fans Nintendo should be working to appeal to and immediately failed in that attempt by failing to realise the male lead isn't Zelda lol.
Or, you didn't realise it was a meme.

It's OK. Happens to lots of people.
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Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
Nah that already happened when people tried to link the devs behind Kingdom Come Deliverance to a Neonazi organisation to try and get them arrested.
No such thing happened as far as I'm aware.

Also Druckman was the game director and considering the amount of certain fetish content (Session Wrestling) that mysterious ends up in games he directs. Rumour or not he was apparently fine with his team creating that character, their look and creating said scene.........
Or maybe you and everyone else making these accusations needs to get their head out of the gutter. Not every video game developer puts their fetishes in their work. The character they accused of being a self insert of Druckmann looks nothing like Druckmann and isn't even voiced by him. You guys really needed to stretch to find something objectionable about the guy.

I literally never saw any of that.
I did. It got overshadowed over the controversy of the first movie design.

I saw people objecting to Sonic look and the woke lot then attacking people calling them entitled toxic people for wanting Sonic to look better in the film. Also hilariously said people calling it censorship to try to keep sonic more in line with the design of his actual creator lol.
What does wokeness have to do with any of it? The people saying this weren't doing it out of any political ideology, it was just some stupid Internet squabble.

Because most of them don't spend their entire time doing the same thing as a female character in the story only better while the female character fails over and over..........
You're kidding, right? Pop culture is littered with male characters who accomplish everything a female character fails to do and then some. I could fill an entire library shelf with the number of male characters in shonen anime and manga who do this, and that's with just one genre. Writers have been showing male characters outfighting or outthinking female characters for centuries. And people are mad for a little turnabout?

Nope, a different one I've named twice already
Having looked him up, I'm not sure why you think the right would create a character like this. Then again, I doubt the right could make a character like the original Captain America given what happened when he debuted.

Some-one thought it would be good and obviously asked for it lol
That some being... three white women. Like the ones who originally starred in the original show.

But this time she's black and from an inner city school
Last I checked, no one was interested.

Critical acclaim means little these days - see how many critically acclaimed films as still talked about these days much.
You're talking about it, aren't you? Critical acclaim, not to mention good audience reception, is a lot more than most anti-woke darlings can hope to get.

Also about those toy sales.............
What about them? Kids haven't given a damn about toys in years. I don't see anything made by the anti-woke crowd pushing merchandise either.

The woke lot rushed to proclaim it great and much needed and any-one not liking it to be an evil toxic fan.
Which Thundercats show are you talking about?

After making it part of a Doctor Strange movie and seriously toning down much of that aspect of America Chavez's character which was a retcon of her character actually to give her an origin story rather than her just being before.
It wasn't a retcon. It's from the comics.

Warrior Nun
I'm sure I could name a few more things the woke lot have thrown their support behind that have flopped, I mean the new Doctor Who isn't doing so hot lol
I can name a hell lot more that succeeded and plenty more failures that the anti-woke crowd supported. My Son Hunter, Terror On The Prairie, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Amongst Thieves, The Tomorrow War. Get Woke, Go Broke has been proven to be a lie, time and time again.

Because the point of the first one just a mostly deconstructionist book.
Deconstruction doesn't mean what you think it means.

In the second one Danny Devito played Penguin and his version of Penguin did have not a relationship as such but was on pretty good terms with Catwoman.
Did you read the comic?

Um..........didn't a load of people send the creator of the new Voltron series death threats because they wouldn't make a certain slash ship romance cannon?
Yeah and were rightfully called out on it. When the right does something similar they either call the victims whiners or accuse them of lying.

Also as for doxxing, plenty of people deemed right wing have been doxxed over the years. Far less ones deemed Left Wing.
Coming from you, I find that questionable.

Also Piracy?? Oh the horror

I was referring to this idiocy.

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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
And then proceeded to consistently score the game very highly. So is it relevant that they bring up some things up for discussion, some things even poorly when that doesn't detract from their stance on the game one bit? And if they do have goofy takes on the game does that make it less silly that the right attempts to sell off a left leaning game as their own?
A number of sites that called the game racist don't do reviews with scores.

Quite frankly I don't think anyone on the left with perhaps the fringe of the fringe of the fringe as an exception believed the movies were in direct competition. Because they kinda scew to entirely different audiences. I guess one could see the sister character as kind of a stereotype which I don't find too damning to point out.

Some of the tweets are linked in said article.

Or, you didn't realise it was a meme.

It's OK. Happens to lots of people.
Nah, the person who started it rapidly locked their account and kept it locked for some time because so many people were clowning on them.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Also Druckman was the game director and considering the amount of certain fetish content (Session Wrestling) that mysterious ends up in games he directs. Rumour or not he was apparently fine with his team creating that character, their look and creating said scene.........
So what?


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Nah, the person who started it rapidly locked their account and kept it locked for some time because so many people were clowning on them.
Sure thing.

BTW, what's the actual hashtag? When I search "#MakeZeldaAGirl", the only result is your post here on the Escapist.
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Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
BTW, what's the actual hashtag? When I search "MakeZeldaAGirl", the only result is your post here on the Escapist.
That's because it exemplfies the triviality and nonsense of Dwarvenhobble's modus operandi. Something that is so hard to find it's either probably just a myth grown in the fevered imaginations and retelling of the political right.

This is, after all, a man who thinks that an ex-president of the USA potentially committing fraud is a nothingburger, but at the same time expects that we should take seriously every weird Reddit/Tumblr rumour he comes across and can't substantiate.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Sure thing.

BTW, what's the actual hashtag? When I search "#MakeZeldaAGirl", the only result is your post here on the Escapist.
The actual hashtag, as I remember it for the quantum seconds of its existence, was MakeLinkAGirl or something like that. Either done as a meme, well meaning but ignorant fans, or idiot chancers seeking to start a fight.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
No such thing happened as far as I'm aware.
I'm presently working to track down the link for this one, watch this space if I find it again but seems a number of sites have decided to remove some articles relating to this so it's not showing up through normal searches.

Or maybe you and everyone else making these accusations needs to get their head out of the gutter. Not every video game developer puts their fetishes in their work. The character they accused of being a self insert of Druckmann looks nothing like Druckmann and isn't even voiced by him. You guys really needed to stretch to find something objectionable about the guy.

Really you don't think they look a bit alike?

Also Seems kind of suspicious that multiple game running with Druckman's name attached to them had a female character rather brutally beat a male character very easily with no real trouble and the one game inbetween that Druckman had no hand it with 2 female leads didn't have this happen.

Look if you wanted actual objectionable stuff I could start with him praising Anita Sarkeesian and then ramp up to the studio crunch culture that happened and studio organisation issues that nearly lead to accidental workplace deaths due to late night working.

I did. It got overshadowed over the controversy of the first movie design.
I don't suppose you have any links for this? I mean I'm sure it did just curious to see it more than anything.

What does wokeness have to do with any of it? The people saying this weren't doing it out of any political ideology, it was just some stupid Internet squabble.
Owning the "Toxic people" pretty much, it funnily formed mostly along Woke / Non Woke lines in this regard for some unknown reason.

You're kidding, right? Pop culture is littered with male characters who accomplish everything a female character fails to do and then some. I could fill an entire library shelf with the number of male characters in shonen anime and manga who do this, and that's with just one genre. Writers have been showing male characters outfighting or outthinking female characters for centuries. And people are mad for a little turnabout?
I think you're missing the word villains in front of female here lol.
It's very rare female characters on the heroes side are portrayed as entirely incompetent unless they're being rescued in the plot.

It's Rey not needing Luke because he's a disillusioned old man and Finn being mostly reduced to a side character not capable of helping Rey much because she's so awsome.
It's Vagrant Queens main character dynamics

Having looked him up, I'm not sure why you think the right would create a character like this. Then again, I doubt the right could make a character like the original Captain America given what happened when he debuted.

The point would be what if the right created a I dunno Proudboy Captain America fighting evil immigrants or something stupid like that.

You're talking about it, aren't you? Critical acclaim, not to mention good audience reception, is a lot more than most anti-woke darlings can hope to get.
Except form the audience who liked the old She-Ra.......

Also isn't Yellowstone doing pretty well these days?

Plenty here were watching Reacher at one point.

Top Gun Maverick did well too.

The Northman is held in pretty high regard.

Also isn't Southpark on like season 17 or something now?

What about them? Kids haven't given a damn about toys in years. I don't see anything made by the anti-woke crowd pushing merchandise either.
*points to Southpark games*

In terms of stuff aimed at kids well there aren't many kids showed made to push right wing values to kids these days. There weren't before either I mean maybe Bibleman had an action figure but who knows lol.

Most of the "Anti-woke" merchandising stuff would probably be I dunno maybe Snyderverse DC stuff? Maybe Anime figurines?

Which Thundercats show are you talking about?
Thundercats Roar

It wasn't a retcon. It's from the comics.
It was a retcon in the comics in so far as she had no defined origin before that point as such with the retcon aspect being she wasn't an interdimensional traveller before.

I can name a hell lot more that succeeded and plenty more failures that the anti-woke crowd supported. My Son Hunter, Terror On The Prairie, Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Amongst Thieves, The Tomorrow War. Get Woke, Go Broke has been proven to be a lie, time and time again.
Didn't the Tomorrow War actually do ok as it was on prime?

Also if we're going for this.

Strange Worlds
Charlies Angels reboot film
Birds of Prey
Terminator Dark Fate
Ghostbusters 2016 - it broke even or made a tiny profit at best and the studio saw it as underperforming enough to not greenlight a sequel and to actually cancel production and release of an animated series something like Ghostbuster Ecto Force.
Terminator Dark Fate
A Wrinkle in Time
The Black Christmas remake

You can take all the shots you want at Terror on the Prairie which unlike the woke failures was an attempt at a new thing not relying on name recognition of something existing and not very well advertised (I'd been following news of it and didn't even know it had come out until a month or so ago which tells you there was an issues)

Deconstruction doesn't mean what you think it means.
It actually was as well Look at Not Starfire and then look at Starfire and see if you can spot a point being made lol

No but what's so objectionable?

Catwoman finding she's attracted to Penguin and not being superficial and put off by his lets say not that attractive looks?

Yeah and were rightfully called out on it. When the right does something similar they either call the victims whiners or accuse them of lying.
Only after there were a lot of right wing people calling it out lol. Still no journalists or publications really even mentioned it or called it out there.

Coming from you, I find that questionable.
Mike Cerovich
Sargon of Akhad (sp?)
The Quatering
Milo Yinnopolis
Alpha Omega Sin
Jade 3 Fox
Pretty sure Blaire White has been doxxed a few times now.

Hell some idiots tried (and failed) to dox me. Poor due who they thought was me, hope he didn't have to deal with too much shit.

I was referring to this idiocy.


sorry the recut is stupid but you objected to the piracy aspect not the stupidity of the endeavour, if you want to call it stupid go ahead but trying to dunk on people for piracy when certain Left Wing people have done whole videos on file sharing culture just seemed like a stupid aspect of it to object to.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Just funny as all.

Yoko Taro can just go - yeh I like sexy ladies.

Druckman could easily come out and admit it's his fetish and I'm sure people would have a bit of a laugh but it wouldn't be any worse than Tarantino and his long standing foot fetish stuffin the end.

It's just people getting so up in arms when it's brought up in relation to Druckman as though he's somehow too pure or something to do that lol.

Sure thing.

BTW, what's the actual hashtag? When I search "#MakeZeldaAGirl", the only result is your post here on the Escapist.
That was more the tag made to mock them.

Their actual tweet was (not linking to it on the simple ground here I think they got dunked on enough)

"Cool they made Zelda a Girl"

Here's an image of that tweet.

Hope that will suffice for you.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
The actual hashtag, as I remember it for the quantum seconds of its existence, was MakeLinkAGirl or something like that. Either done as a meme, well meaning but ignorant fans, or idiot chancers seeking to start a fight.
Oh, right. Well that doesn't have the "haha they didn't know Zelda was a girl already" aspect that Dwarvenhobble was going for, then.

While I'm not particularly bothered either way personally, I don't see much reason Link couldn't be a girl in a future installment. He's been reincarnated numerous times (as has Zelda). Ain't nothing stopping him reincarnation as a woman.

Well, except the inevitable clusterfuck controversy Internet slapfight that would ensue.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
That was more the tag made to mock them.

Their actual tweet was (not linking to it on the simple ground here I think they got dunked on enough)

"Cool they made Zelda a Girl"

Here's an image of that tweet.

Hope that will suffice for you.
Oh, so... its not anyone actually demanding anything or criticising anything, it's literally just a throwaway "oh cool look" line where someone made a mistake.



Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
It's just people getting so up in arms when it's brought up in relation to Druckman as though he's somehow too pure or something to do that lol.
Or maybe people are just tired of the right being a bunch of fucking weirdos...

That was more the tag made to mock them.

Their actual tweet was (not linking to it on the simple ground here I think they got dunked on enough)

"Cool they made Zelda a Girl"

Here's an image of that tweet.

Hope that will suffice for you.
So a tweet from a nobody. Cool. Definitely a big leftist movement. God you lot are so odd.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Seems the philosophor Theodor Adorno has a perfect example of his concerns personified in everything Dwarvenhobble has attached his anxieties to.

View attachment 8485
Sorry you'll have to be a bit more specific here unless you're trying to suggest my love of Belle and Scott Pilgrim vs The World has turned me fascist lol.

Also it's not the consumption of media making me content. It's the time off, alcohol myself and sex and violence in media making me more zen at present lol


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Oh, so... its not anyone actually demanding anything or criticising anything, it's literally just a throwaway "oh cool look" line where someone made a mistake.

It was actually at the time when people were pushing for Link to be made female.


Or maybe people are just tired of the right being a bunch of fucking weirdos...
Hey I'm not the one with the fetish for being beaten up by strong women.......That's Jim Sterling..........

So a tweet from a nobody. Cool. Definitely a big leftist movement. God you lot are so odd.
See above reply to Silvanus about the whole campaign and that tweet being an example of some of the activists jumping in on the cause.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Also Seems kind of suspicious that multiple game running with Druckman's name attached to them had a female character rather brutally beat a male character very easily with no real trouble and the one game inbetween that Druckman had no hand it with 2 female leads didn't have this happen.
First of all, again, so what? Secondly, one of those two games has the female character easily beat a male character by surprise blasting his knee off with a shotgun, which has very little to do with her muscles.

Also, that other game with the two female leads has them easily beating entire platoons of guys with very little trouble, so why doesn't that count?
Just funny as all.

Yoko Taro can just go - yeh I like sexy ladies.

Druckman could easily come out and admit it's his fetish and I'm sure people would have a bit of a laugh but it wouldn't be any worse than Tarantino and his long standing foot fetish stuffin the end.

It's just people getting so up in arms when it's brought up in relation to Druckman as though he's somehow too pure or something to do that lol.
No. No, it wasn't just funny. If it was just funny, certain people wouldn't incessantly go on and on about a woman looking muscular and not traditionally attractive, as if it was a personal insult to them. They wouldn't accuse the developer of making the women ugly on purpose, and they wouldn't try to push the rumour that the creative director mo-capped a sex scene with an actress because he had a crush on her. All of that wasn't the reactionaries having a laugh at Druckmann's expense, it was them trying to prove he was some sort of degenerate "cuck" who was tricking gamers into watching "ugly, manly women".


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Just an odd little man.


First of all, again, so what? Secondly, one of those two games has the female character easily beat a male character by surprise blasting his knee off with a shotgun, which has very little to do with her muscles.
Important note of that being the character she does it to was a well liked male lead of the previous game who she ten proceeds to beat to death.

Also, that other game with the two female leads has them easily beating entire platoons of guys with very little trouble, so why doesn't that count?
Goons don't count come on now. They don't even have names.

No. No, it wasn't just funny. If it was just funny, certain people wouldn't incessantly go on and on about a woman looking muscular and not traditionally attractive, as if it was a personal insult to them.
Except people keep seemingly trying to argue Abby was created for some egalitarian great moral reason. Meanwhile much funnier to point out she likely was made as personal fap material by Druckman lol.

They wouldn't accuse the developer of making the women ugly on purpose, and they wouldn't try to push the rumour that the creative director mo-capped a sex scene with an actress because he had a crush on her. All of that wasn't the reactionaries having a laugh at Druckmann's expense, it was them trying to prove he was some sort of degenerate "cuck" who was tricking gamers into watching "ugly, manly women".
Yes and? Sorry but isn't knocking people off pedestals something the woke side keep doing quite often to others being held up? Funny how it's now bad when done back to some-one they support.