Funny events in anti-woke world

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
Related to my annoyance to the far right trying to claim Mario is bemusement about how they so smugly shout that Disney is humiliated, humbled or panicked by its success. they think its a gigantic shock that a properly made Mario movie made by a reliable bankable studio was a success? And does any success of a non Disney related movie means an instant collapse for the house of mouse? Why exactly would a Mario movie tell us anything about Disney?

Secondly is how reviewers are out ''to get'' Mario and are supposedly ''seething'' at its success. Firstly even the glowing fan reviews of the Mario movie point out that the movie doesn't take any risks, is overall very safe in everything it does and is also kinda rushed. Why is it suspicious that a reviewer with no inherent interest in Mario would rank such a movie as ''mediocre'' instead of a genre defining masterpiece? And does the far right assume reviewers are actually surprised that a Mario movie made good money and was well liked by Mario fans?
If Disney weren't already so rich, I'd suggest these far right youtubers cut them a check from how much money they make bashing them.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It's hilarious they use the phrase "Better a slave then dead" considering that so many right wingers arm themselves to the teeth because "They'd rather be dead then a slave".

Oh wait, we're talking about the natives here. The Heathen Natives.

And of course, the hilarity of "How Dare you come from the Future to Judge me by your standards" less then a minute after "We have bad shit in Europe, but nothing like Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice". Oh, Columbus, when you say bad stuff, you mean the rampant anti-Semitism and suppression of religious minorities and also SLAVERY, RIGHT? Having an ongoing continental religious schism over an attempt to reform the catholic church's(which is one of the largest powers in Europe) known corruption issues? How about that time Crusaders toppled the largest Christian empire in the East over a stupid debt fight? The genocide upon the initial capture of Jerusalem? THOSE BAD THINGS? Take the plank out thy fucking eye, ye dipshit, before talking about the speck in someone elses.

AKA it's bad to judge 15th century Christian Europeans for slavery and destruction of native cultures but it's okay to judge 15th century Pagan Native Americans for Cannibalism and Human Sacrifice. The Double Standard is fucking amazing there though not suprising.
They're the equivalent of these assholes...

What we all call them:

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Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012

So, the horror that is the UK Home Office. It seems this department most exists to be helmed by dubiously competent tyrants. The current incumbent is Suella Braverman, darling of the Tory right wing. However, Suella unfortunately can't seem to let a week go by without embarrassing herself and her office.

In early April, Braverman launched an attack on Britons of Pakistani heritage for being the main culpritsrunning child sex abuse gangs, pumping good old Tory Islamophobia. (Contextually, given her Hindu background and potential hostility between Pakistani/Muslim and Indian/Sikh/Hindu communities, this is doubly incendiary.) It was most remarkable for a number of reasons, not least the facts from her own department don't agree, and in one of the most delicious instances of timing to underscore that disagreement, just a few days later:

This week, the police entered a pub and removed the golliwogs that the landlady had on display following a complaint from the public. (Seriously, what sort of person puts up golliwogs in their pub?) Braverman complained about this police action. It has since emerged that the landylady's husband has been photoed in a "Britain First" (a racist far right political group) t-shirt, and had put up socal media posts of golliwogs joking about lynching. Good to know who Suella is on the side of!

Let's remember that Suella was fired as Home Secretary by short-lived PM Liz Truss for breaching the Ministerial Code by misusing government resources (never mind that she also publicly undermined Truss). She was reinstated by Rish! upon his accession because she carried a lot of MP votes to ensure he won the leadership content, and has since gone on to merit being sacked several times afterwards, except remains protected by that mystifyingly high support within the parliamentary party. This is, after all, a woman whose "dream" is to send UK asylum seekers for detention in Rwanda (seriously!), rather than, mm, I dunno, ensure that people can get their passports on time, leave Dover without a 14 hour delay, or ensure that there's sufficient policing to properly investgate rapes.
Ah, the Pakistani thing is like how Chicago or LA gets its record of one of the top ten crime ridden cities in the US. You know the ones, you see it all the time in FOX. Then you realise the word city is there for a reason... it's a cap. It's only collating data on cities above a certain population. Take the requirement out and these two cities go down in the rankings. Then, perhaps, look at crimes based on proportion of the total population. Most cities dont even make the top 20 counties for crime rates. It usually very rural counties.

Which is weird because I could have sworn FOX uses the terms crime rates all the time. So what they actually mean is just the total number of crimes and compare say... New York to Tallahassee and wonder why the former has more crime than the latter... (it's because of the population x50 higher)


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Please tell me this has nothing to do with the Omegaverse.
Yes, it is exactly the Omegaverse. Right winger who do the Alpha male thing came up with Omega males which is worse than a normal Incel or anti-Chad. Then a bunch of Femcels wrote Mills and Boone like literature about Alpha/ Sigma men impregnating Omega men. Because they are so manly

Is that their word for female ?
Well, men that are so feminine that they can get pregnant

Honestly, it more progressive than Ron DeSantis


May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
Tucker and Greenwald mysteriously going against their patriotic law-and-order alleged beliefs and defending military document leaker after reports he was a typical racist gun enthusiast - conflating with whistleblowers like Snowden - what a sudden turn around! Not going to think about this. Just going to take it all at face value.


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Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
Ah, the Pakistani thing is like how Chicago or LA gets its record of one of the top ten crime ridden cities in the US.
Just like Ethiopia is about four times richer than Luxembourg: those Ethiopians must be living it large and able to pave their streets with gold!

Tucker and Greenwald mysteriously going against their patriotic law-and-order alleged beliefs and defending military document leaked after it's reported he was a typical racist gun enthusiast, conflating with whistleblowers like Snowden, what a sudden turn around! Not going to think about this. Just going to take it all at face value.
Glenn Greenwald, eh. There's a sad-as-it-comes decline of once-good journalist for anyone to see. Fascinating to see how he shies away from speaking the truth if it would threaten his profile by getting him disinvited from his best bud Tucker Carlson's show.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Yes, it is exactly the Omegaverse. Right winger who do the Alpha male thing came up with Omega males which is worse than a normal Incel or anti-Chad. Then a bunch of Femcels wrote Mills and Boone like literature about Alpha/ Sigma men impregnating Omega men. Because they are so manly

Well, men that are so feminine that they can get pregnant

Honestly, it more progressive than Ron DeSantis
I learned about it from Lindsey Ellis, particularly all the crazy Drama over who owned the.....concept? Execution? Whatever of the wierd not-werewolf niche erotica.


And twice is the only way to live.
Jan 25, 2023
The boring one

Democracy is about means. Under it, citizens don’t have to agree on ends (abortion, healthcare, guns or whatever else we disagree about) as long as we agree on democratic means for handling our disagreements. But for Trump Republicans, the ends justify whatever means they choose – including expelling lawmakers, rigging elections through gerrymandering, refusing to raise the debt ceiling and denying the outcome of a legitimate presidential election.
(Same with Macron in France, btw.)