Funny events in anti-woke world


Elite Member
Escapist +
May 29, 2014
Why do you assume those are his fans?
Doesn't sound unreasonable that a larger than 0 % of his fanbase also are fans of Hitler. He sprouts conspiracy theories, Jews are often at the center of conspiracy theories, Hitler was decidedly anti-Semitic.
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Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
Its weird Hitler has fans even among fascist. He was the one who discredited the entire movement for decades and is still the biggest obstacle to fascism becoming mainstream again.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Its weird Hitler has fans even among fascist. He was the one who discredited the entire movement for decades and is still the biggest obstacle to fascism becoming mainstream again.
The heart wants what the heart wants.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
Its weird Hitler has fans even among fascist. He was the one who discredited the entire movement for decades and is still the biggest obstacle to fascism becoming mainstream again.
That's why there's been so much "actually, hitler wasn't that bad and it's a media propaganda narrative because (((them)))" lately.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Yeah, I understand why you would think that. It makes total sense for you.

Still haven't seen any examples from you. None of this 'obviously this happens', but a concrete 'this is a game where it actually happened'. We do however have actual development staff refuting claims of being forced to do anything by Sweet Baby Inc., but I guess in that case we can't believe them just cuz. Sweet Baby Inc. isn't forcing anything in anymore than a studio that work is being outsourced to is. Studios were already putting progressive elements into their games before Sweet Baby Inc. existed. So who was forcing in diversity then?

Also, if Sweet Baby Inc. can just come in and change things if they want, funny how it's only relegated to side characters or side quests. You'd think they could just go and make Spider-Man gay or trans, being the evil woke company come to ruin our games and western society 'n all. But no, it's either a side-quest or a note showing or talking about someone non-straight. You know, those gay people we have walking around in the real world... sometimes one actually walks by in a game too.

You know how fucking nobody wanted microtransactions in Dragon's Dogma 2 (or any game), but Capcom put it in anyway? Where was the online hate mob and dozens of videos from reactionaries in that case? I mean, if the whole point is being against having things forced into a game. Almost like it has nothing to do with that and everything to do with hating gay, trans, black people, and woman being in games. Just as it has been even before Sweet Baby Inc. existed, but now that they do they've become the prime target for that hatred.

Why would I?
I still haven't seen any examples of harassment of SBI. If you think talking shit about people on forums is harassment, then you should tell some people here to stop harassing Elon Musk in the thread here. Can't you simply just agree SBI trying to get a gamer banned off Steam for making a list is harassment and fucking stupid?

Again, it's just probability that it has happened in some regard. I don't care enough to find proof as I don't find it that much of a big deal. I don't know why you find a dev staff refuting claims as some big deal. It's basic work politics to not throw people under the bus. You think when the 2 top dogs of Rocksteady left the studio a couple years back, it was all hunky dory just because they said so? They have no reason to burn bridges. You do realize there's a difference between "PR speak" and what actually happened, right? If the dev writing team is progressive and already putting progressive elements in a game, then what is the actual purpose of SBI? Sounds like they are completely unneeded just like I proposed in the previous post.

I wouldn't even know about microtransactions in Dragon's Dogma 2 if it wasn't from you guys here. I just put in the disc and play the game, there's no sign of them that I've seen. Did the microtransactions cause a change in the game in any way? For example, did the devs make something harder to get or less plentiful because there are microtransactions so it would alter someone playing through the game normally? That's the only thing I care about with regards to microtransactions. If someone wants to pay to get to max level or whatever and the company allows them to do so, then why would I care about that? Now if the devs made getting levels take twice as long so people would be more likely to buy levels, then I would then care about it. Basically, if a game has any option that doesn't affect the game and I don't have to partake in, I couldn't care less. For example, it's why I think the argument of whether Dark Souls should or shouldn't have an easy mode is fucking stupid.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Its weird Hitler has fans even among fascist. He was the one who discredited the entire movement for decades and is still the biggest obstacle to fascism becoming mainstream again.
They don't idolize his ability to form and run a functional government because he absolutely sucked at it. (It's why I always say, "If you want to lose World War II, go back in time and kill Hitler".) What they idolize is his rabid racism and plans to subjugate or exterminate everyone who wasn't "of the superior race". Fascism and racism may not always walk hand-in-hand, but they don't mind drinking from the same glass.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I still haven't seen any examples of harassment of SBI. If you think talking shit about people on forums is harassment, then you should tell some people here to stop harassing Elon Musk in the thread here. Can't you simply just agree SBI trying to get a gamer banned off Steam for making a list is harassment and fucking stupid?
The examples are in the video that you said you watched and agreed with.

Also, a billionaire who controls one of if not the largest social media site in the world, who is surrounded by yes men and millions of online sycophants... Comparing him with no-name employees of a small consultancy shows how out of touch you are. 'Online harrasment and cyberbullying can't exist because, hey, the president gets hate online too, right?'
Again, it's just probability that it has happened in some regard. I don't care enough to find proof as I don't find it that much of a big deal. I don't know why you find a dev staff refuting claims as some big deal. It's basic work politics to not throw people under the bus. You think when the 2 top dogs of Rocksteady left the studio a couple years back, it was all hunky dory just because they said so? They have no reason to burn bridges. You do realize there's a difference between "PR speak" and what actually happened, right?
In other words 'I assume this is how it is, but won't bother to fact check, so I'm just going to stick with my assumption'.
If the dev writing team is progressive and already putting progressive elements in a game, then what is the actual purpose of SBI? Sounds like they are completely unneeded just like I proposed in the previous post.
The same purpose a script doctor or just running dialoge past a team of people who might be more experienced in the themes you're trying to write would have. Being progressive means shit to a story when you've only known one side of the fence. And if you haven't noticed, a lot of progressive people (and writers) are white, straight, and cis. If I'm writing a story that takes place in a prison, it helps to actually talk to people who have been in prison, and not just base it on my own assumptions of prison.

Sweet Baby Inc. being unneeded in your opinion means less than nothing, and you having proposed it in a previous post doesn't back this non-claim up in the slightest. They either helped or didn't help the studio that freely hired their services, and you being of the opinion that they're unneeded provides zero proof of anything being forced.
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
The examples are in the video that you said you watched and agreed with.

Also, a billionaire who controls one of if not the largest social media site in the world, who is surrounded by yes men and millions of online sycophants... Comparing him with no-name employees of a small consultancy shows how out of touch you are. 'Online harrasment and cyberbullying can't exist because, hey, the president gets hate online too, right?'
In other words 'I assume this is how it is, but won't bother to fact check, so I'm just going to stick with my assumption'.
The same purpose a script doctor or just running dialoge past a team of people who might be more experienced in the themes you're trying to write would have. Being progressive means shit to a story when you've only known one side of the fence. And if you haven't noticed, a lot of progressive people (and writers) are white, straight, and cis. If I'm writing a story that takes place in a prison, it helps to actually talk to people who have been in prison, and not just base it on my own assumptions of prison.

Sweet Baby Inc. being unneeded in your opinion means less than nothing, and you having proposed it in a previous post doesn't back this non-claim up in the slightest. They either helped or didn't help the studio that freely hired their services, and you being of the opinion that they're unneeded provides zero proof of anything being forced.
What examples are there before SBI attacked a gamer? Because I saw none in the video. Afterwards, it doesn't make harassment right but SBI did start it. I doubt anyone came after any SBI employee to the level they came after the gamer. And harassment is harassment, it's wrong whether it's Elon Musk or some random normal person.

I'm not trying to prove this in a court of law and for like the 10th time, I don't care enough about it. It's just that probability of it happening is very high. It's not an assumption, just playing the odds. You're also under the assumption that what the dev said about SBI was true and not PR speak. You think the main people leaving Rocksteady and said that they were proud of working on the "EPIC" Suicide Squad game weren't using PR speak? You have to take those PR moments as grains of salt.

Usually revelations like this will eventually come out in such manners. I'd put the people leaving Rocksteady at high probability as it's something like why the Arkane people left, it's probability is all.

Much the same when I said before Cyberpunk came out there was no way CD Project Red could pull off that game, they had no experience making a FPS, no experience making an immersive sim, having actual choices that matter is really fucking hard to do, they had like no experience with anything but the most basic of enemy AI, etc. Did I have proof the game wasn't going to deliver, no; but I knew it was almost impossible that the game would be anything close to what they promised. Larian's RPGs are better examples of what CD Project Red promised with Cyberpunk but Larian actually has experience making those type of games.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
What examples are there before SBI attacked a gamer? Because I saw none in the video. Afterwards, it doesn't make harassment right but SBI did start it. I doubt anyone came after any SBI employee to the level they came after the gamer. And harassment is harassment, it's wrong whether it's Elon Musk or some random normal person.
An employee of Sweet Baby Inc. tried to get a steam user banned, so Sweet Baby Inc. and the rest of the people there - which is like 15 - did nothing. And it wasn't a coordinated attack, it was asking Steam to ban them, which was denied. You didn't have Libs of TikTok or prominent youtubers come after this one steam user, and make dozens upon dozens of videos about him, how he's evil and destroying games.

I'm not trying to prove this in a court of law and for like the 10th time, I don't care enough about it. It's just that probability of it happening is very high. It's not an assumption, just playing the odds. You're also under the assumption that what the dev said about SBI was true and not PR speak. You think the main people leaving Rocksteady and said that they were proud of working on the "EPIC" Suicide Squad game weren't using PR speak? You have to take those PR moments as grains of salt.

Usually revelations like this will eventually come out in such manners. I'd put the people leaving Rocksteady at high probability as it's something like why the Arkane people left, it's probability is all.

Much the same when I said before Cyberpunk came out there was no way CD Project Red could pull off that game, they had no experience making a FPS, no experience making an immersive sim, having actual choices that matter is really fucking hard to do, they had like no experience with anything but the most basic of enemy AI, etc. Did I have proof the game wasn't going to deliver, no; but I knew it was almost impossible that the game would be anything close to what they promised. Larian's RPGs are better examples of what CD Project Red promised with Cyberpunk but Larian actually has experience making those type of games.
Again, you're comparing apples to oranges. Leaving a company has a more obvious negative connotation than working together with a consultancy, and has a tendency to have non disclosure agreements.

But more importantly, there's people who actually worked with Sweet Baby Inc. versus the people who haven't. The former are talking from experience, the latter from biases toward diversity in games and movies. In which case I'm going to take the word of the individuals who have actually worked with Sweet Baby Inc. as the opposing side don't have anything to go on other than spite against preceived forced inclussion. Something that already got their hackles up before Sweet Baby Inc. even existed.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
The Dutch right wing has a very annoying habit of playing the victim when confronted with their own behavior. The moment the right gets criticized too much they get hysteric and bring up Pim Fortym, the murdered founder of Dutch populism, often accompanied with the tired slogan of ''The bullet came from the left!''. This of course ignores that since then political violence is typically done towards the left by the right, with Poland, the UK and Germany all having had assassinations of left wing figures.

The most recent exercise in this hysterics came from Geert Wilders who thought the very basic claim of the Labour leader that the left would do ''anything to oppose a Wilders government''(like an opposition party should) was actually a cloaked message advocating for his murder. He finished by saying personal attacks were unacceptable.

But if anyone can't make this claim its Wilders himself. He very prominently supported the witch hunt towards the former leader of the liberals who had to resign over threats to her safety, and photoshopped the liberal leader before her in the middle of a group of terrorists, as well as demonizing most of his other opponents or otherwise slandering them in less dire terms. Personal attacks have always been Wilders' bread and butter.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
Its weird Hitler has fans even among fascist.
It is not, because ultimately Hitler is the attraction of fascism.

Sure, you can listen to someone waffle on about Mussolini was the real deal and Hitler created a twisted version of it or various other performative criticisms designed to dampen the obvious difficult questions about why they back fascism, but in truth they're all hankering to clear out the undesirables for their lebensraum.


Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Imagine needing a background check to work at a glorified gas station. And Sheetz does pay good wages too, it's about the same as low-level admin support/accounts payable or recieveable wages.



The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
An employee of Sweet Baby Inc. tried to get a steam user banned, so Sweet Baby Inc. and the rest of the people there - which is like 15 - did nothing. And it wasn't a coordinated attack, it was asking Steam to ban them, which was denied. You didn't have Libs of TikTok or prominent youtubers come after this one steam user, and make dozens upon dozens of videos about him, how he's evil and destroying games.

Again, you're comparing apples to oranges. Leaving a company has a more obvious negative connotation than working together with a consultancy, and has a tendency to have non disclosure agreements.

But more importantly, there's people who actually worked with Sweet Baby Inc. versus the people who haven't. The former are talking from experience, the latter from biases toward diversity in games and movies. In which case I'm going to take the word of the individuals who have actually worked with Sweet Baby Inc. as the opposing side don't have anything to go on other than spite against preceived forced inclussion. Something that already got their hackles up before Sweet Baby Inc. even existed.
And... You can not pay attention to that shit. Whereas if his account actually got banned, he was likely out tons of money. If SBI didn't pull some bullshit and lie about them being harassed when they weren't harassed, then this wouldn't have exploded like it did.

It depends what the company was when someone leaves. Staying with game developers, if someone leaves an indie or smaller studio, the general view would be they are leaving to work on bigger games that they always wanted to, greener pastures so to speak. If someone very high up leaves a very big and acclaimed dev studio that they actually founded (Rocksteady for example), chances are there were issues.

Yeah, people totally love consultants!

I'm not trying to make you change your mind on SBI, just saying there's very valid reasoning why'd they would come and make changes that the devs didn't want. To act like that's some kind of conspiracy and crazy idea just isn't fair or true. And again, if SBI is coming to change some superfluous side stuff, why would the devs need some diversity expertise to make a character black or gay or whatnot if they probably only have a few lines of generic NPC dialogue? You can get ChatGPT to do that., that's one of the few things ChatGPT would be useful for is writing generic NPC dialogues. As long as they don't make the minority characters super stereotypical, they'll be fine. And writers don't write what they don't know so a writer that doesn't know about being say being gay isn't going to write a major character as gay or have homosexual themes. And if SBI is just doing some random side characters/quests, why are they needed? You don't need experts for that. If you had one mission in your game involving prison (as you previously mentioned), you think you need to research or bring in someone that's from prison to make that mission? If the whole game is about that, then that's a different story. There's stuff in tons of movies that they don't bring in experts to get right and those are movies not 50 hour video games. Some side quest that most players aren't gonna even play isn't getting more attention than any part of a movie movie where everyone that watches it sees everyone frame. The logic just doesn't make sense.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
What examples are there before SBI attacked a gamer?
We know that these people were going after Sweet Baby Inc on social media because the video shows accounts being blocked by SBI and them having to go private on their accounts. That seems like pretty strong proof of harassment.

You've also got Kiwifarms (a site whose members have openly admitted to wanting to drive people to suicide and has succeeded in at least three known cases) and 4Chan falsely calling Kim Belair Jewish in a disparaging manner, calling for every game they've worked on to be blacklisted, accusations of pedophilia based on non-existent evidence, repeated use of racial slurs aimed at Belair. Funny how these never get brought up by the people accusing SBI employees of bein racist never bring this up, but trying to get someone who was actively and clearly involved in a smear campaign against your company for petty reasons is seen as the far more egregious crime.

This company and its employees spent months being harassed and slandered by the worst of the gamer community, but the second they fought back they were the villains and everything that had happened before that (the racial slurs hurled at them, the accusations of being sexual predators, the online harassment) didn't matter. For Christ's sakes, half the idiots whining about SBI can't even tell (or are actively lying about) which games SBI actually worked on.

This is not a case of some powerful company trying to destroy gamers with backing from the media. This is gamers not being able to take a mere fraction of what they dish out and playing the victim. Or as the video calls it, "cry bullying".
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Yeah, people totally love consultants!
Apples and oranges again, huh? Because Sweet Baby Inc. was obviously deciding who gets fired.

I'm not trying to make you change your mind on SBI, just saying there's very valid reasoning why'd they would come and make changes that the devs didn't want. To act like that's some kind of conspiracy and crazy idea just isn't fair or true. And again, if SBI is coming to change some superfluous side stuff, why would the devs need some diversity expertise to make a character black or gay or whatnot if they probably only have a few lines of generic NPC dialogue? You can get ChatGPT to do that., that's one of the few things ChatGPT would be useful for is writing generic NPC dialogues. As long as they don't make the minority characters super stereotypical, they'll be fine. And writers don't write what they don't know so a writer that doesn't know about being say being gay isn't going to write a major character as gay or have homosexual themes. And if SBI is just doing some random side characters/quests, why are they needed? You don't need experts for that. If you had one mission in your game involving prison (as you previously mentioned), you think you need to research or bring in someone that's from prison to make that mission? If the whole game is about that, then that's a different story. There's stuff in tons of movies that they don't bring in experts to get right and those are movies not 50 hour video games. Some side quest that most players aren't gonna even play isn't getting more attention than any part of a movie movie where everyone that watches it sees everyone frame. The logic just doesn't make sense.
Yes, prove your point by claiming ChatGPT could write it. Well done - Side-quest finished. Yes, just don't make minorities stereotypical, based on our own preconceptions. Done.

Yep, this is what writing and game development should be. Totally.


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
This company and its employees spent months being harassed and slandered by the worst of the gamer community, but the second they fought back they were the villains and everything that had happened before that (the racial slurs hurled at them, the accusations of being sexual predators, the online harassment) didn't matter. For Christ's sakes, half the idiots whining about SBI can't even tell (or are actively lying about) which games SBI actually worked on.
Kiwi farm is not Steam. They should not have started a harrassment campaign on an unrelated platform as a way to "fight back". That is not fighting back. Is it likely that there is an overlap between the curator group on Steam and the online harassers ? Sure. But no one can even say how much overlap. And trying to get Steam accounts banned by making false claims is never OK.
And yes, that was only one employee. But from a very small company. That did nothing to distance itself from the action and such tacitly endorsed it.

Online harassment is wrong. SBI starting to do the same as some imagined form of payback (against people they are not even sure they were the harassers, just that they shared some opinions with them) makes them villains as well. If you emulate the "worst of the gamer community", you are as bad as them.

GG is nearly a decade over. I am not impressed by people holding onto their old grudges and fighting on. No matter the side. And even less by those trying to restart it. But one thing made that whole mess horrible was the mindset "I/someone on my side was harassed, so i am allowed to harass back to the other side" and i won't condone anything like that ever.
The harassment targets are usually those who have a public opinion that can be found easily. They often are not the harassers, who like to hide in anonymity or are otherwise unimportant nobodies. But using "sides" for framing allows to conflate them. Suddenly someone who has an opinion you don't agree with is deemed responsible for the harassment you receive. That is just wrong.

If you want to go for harassers, go for harassers and only them. Many forms of online harassment are even illegal in many jurisdictions, so there are tools.

But that is a completely different topic than the impact of SBI on games. Which i believe is pretty negligible in most cases.
But that discussion is full of strange ideas. Consultants don't take away decisions from devs. If you understand devs as commonly done as "people programming the game", those don't get to make any art or story decisions anyway. You have project managers, story writers, concept artists, maybe level designers making the important decisions. Oh, and obviously higher management (trying to appeal to investors) and even marketing (trying to push whatever their market research suggests) too. Not the actual devs unless you are a very small indie studio.
So what does SBI involvement actually change here ? Basically only that the decisions management and marketing has done (we want DEI investors/ we want to tap into the minority market ) are followed through competently. Basically it is about avoiding unfortunate implications that alienate the intended audience at launch or require a costly rework when discovered too late. That is what SBI is paid for. Nothing more. For a dev little changes.
I have found only one case where SBI reportedly was heavily involved and took over story writing and partial project management duties. But that was an unfocused mess in development hell even before, so... whatever.

Now the question whether SBI does a good job or is worth the money ... i can't answer. We don't have enough insight here. However, their conduct in the Steam case and various statements of higher up SBI employees paint an utterly unprofessional picture of a company you should never want to hire to tackle complex sensitive issues like minority representation in your games. For a consultant company i want to hire to avoid backlash, they look horrible.

I mean, i can see what other sensitivity readers or consultants do and it is way more professional, even when they get harassment from some random rightwing nuts as well. Most people with those jobs are actually good at deescalating and know that some shitstorm is not in their employers' interest.
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~s•o√r∆rπy°`Inc hope GrIfts etUrnaL
May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger


Far-Right Sheriffs Want a Citizen Army to Stop ‘Illegal Immigrant’ Voters
Speakers at a conference for Constitutional Sheriffs claimed that militias need to patrol polling stations to stop the “expected flood” of immigrant voters.

Collage of a sign among a crowd that says SDAND UP FOR THE CONSTITUTION layered on top of a group of immigrants in front...


As the presidential election approaches, and conspiracies about the integrity of the electoral system ramp up, election deniers and conspiracists have coalesced around a narrative they plan to push ahead of November: Blame the immigrants.

And not only that, election deniers are now advocating for a far-right sheriff’s group called the Constitutional Sheriffs to recruit an army of like-minded citizens to patrol polling stations and stop the “expected flood” of “illegal” immigrant voters.

Constitutional Sheriffs are a group of elected sheriffs around the country who believe that they hold the ultimate power in their county, and are not answerable to any federal or state authority. They also believe that all of their power stems directly from the constitution.

And the issue of immigration is currently igniting them.

“[Immigrants] have already disrupted the election because they are getting registered to vote,” Richard Mack, a former sheriff who is the founder of the far–right Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), tells WIRED. “That is election fraud; these people are not qualified to vote. They are going to vote for whoever got them here and gave them a bunch of free stuff to get here, and of course that’s the Democrat Party, who are complicit in all of this.”

Mack spoke at the CSPOA conference in Las Vegas on Wednesday, where over 100 attendees listened to speaker after speaker on stage push the debunked claim that immigrants voting for President Joe Biden posed the greatest threat to the integrity of the presidential election.

Mack spoke at the CSPOA conference in Las Vegas on Wednesday, where over 100 attendees listened to speaker after speaker on stage push the debunked claim that immigrants voting for President Joe Biden posed the greatest threat to the integrity of the presidential election.

Bob Songer from Klickitat County in Washington state, another Constitutional Sheriff who also spoke at the event, told the audience that he already had a “posse” of 150 deputized citizens. He also shared a guide with other sheriffs on how to build their own “posse,” including a 32-page guide on policies and procedures, reviewed by WIRED.

Speakers at the conference included a number of other Constitutional Sheriffs, people jailed for taking part in the January 6 Capitol insurrection, right-wing media figures, alternative health practitioners pushing debunked treatments like med-beds, entrepreneurs working along the US-Mexico border, and GOP candidates running for office in November. In the wake of 2020, bogus claims that the elections were stolen focused on ballot stuffing, mail-in ballots, and election machine malfunctions; but in 2024 and at the CSPOA conference on Wednesday, the focus for most of these speakers was on the border.

Leading the charge was Michael Flynn, former president Donald Trump’s disgraced former national security adviser, who has been one of the loudest promoters of election conspiracies since 2020, when many GOP leaders began pushing the myth that Trump actually won the election. In Flynn’s speech, he warned the audience about an “invasion” and claimed without proof that the number of “illegal” immigrants in the US today was the same as the entire population of 36 US states.

Patrick Byrne, former Overstock CEO and a major promoter and funder of the election denial movement, said that Constitutional Sheriffs would need to play a vital role in fighting the influx of “15 million military-age men.” He also claimed that a “well regulated militia is not a dirty phrase,” and urged sheriffs in attendance to “build some kind of surge capacity through auxiliary forces, or alliances with the militias.” (Byrne did not say which militias he was referring to.)

Boone Cutler, who has written a number of books with Flynn about “fifth-generational warfare”—military actions like social engineering, misinformation, and cyber attacks—described immigrants as “weaponized diaspora communities” who are being brought into the country to commit “terrorism.” Cutler announced, without providing any details, that he would be providing “irregular warfare training” to CSPOA officers ahead of the election.

John Ferguson, who owns an aerospace company that he claims tracks activity along the border, boosted the dangerous and untrue myth that immigrants are crossing the border with military training and could pose a serious threat to the US. “The problem is that a lot of these people, there's times where over 90 percent of the people that are being apprehended are all fighting-aged males, Chinese, Central and South Americans,” he said. “I have been south of the border doing missions in Mexico, and I have flown my unmanned aircraft over the training camps where they're training.”

The claim that “military-aged men” are being systematically brought across the border into the US is a conspiracy that has been around for some time and is increasingly gaining traction in mainstream GOP circles.

And though they appear to have reached a new pitch, these claims about immigrants voting have been around for years. Trump has been promoting bogus claims about “illegal” immigrants voting since 2016, when he said the reason he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton was due, in part, to many immigrants voting fraudulently.Trump repeated the claim in 2020 to explain the reason he lost to Biden in key swing states like Arizona—a claim he referred to in his speech ahead of the January 6 riot.

Trump hasn’t stopped: “Biden’s conduct on our border is by any definition a conspiracy to overthrow the United States of America,” Trump said last month during a speech in North Carolina. “Biden and his accomplices want to collapse the American system, nullify the will of the actual American voters, and establish a new base of power that gives them control for generations.”

There is no evidence to back up any of these claims, however, and research from the Brennan Center for Justice and other organizations has shown that the number of noncitizens voting in US elections is statistically insignificant. In one study from the Brennan Center on the 2016 election, researchers found that non-citizens were suspected (not even confirmed) to have voted in just 0.0001 percent of the 23.5 million votes cast.

Still, these assertions have continued to gain traction as tensions at the US-Mexico border escalate. Republicans have also continued espousing the belief that the US population is being systematically replaced by minorities, a conspiracy known as the great replacement. Despite the theory being widely debunked, the conspiracy has taken hold in MAGA and increasingly mainstream right-wing circles, with speaker of the House Mike Johnson recently announcing a bill to prevent noncitizens from voting in elections—even though that is not an issue.

Earlier this month, the far-right X account known as EndWokeness posted misleading statistics about a supposed dramatic rise in the numbers of migrant voters registering in the US to vote without IDs to its 2 million followers. The stats were quickly debunked by election officials, but the post, which is still on the site without a Community Note, has been viewed over 65 million times. Elon Musk, X’s CEO, shared the post with the comment: “Extremely concerning.”

At the CSPOA conference, Wayne Allen Root, a right-wing radio host who promoted the false conspiracy about former president Barack Obama’s birth certificate, repeated Trump’s claims about immigrant voters.

“The [2020] election was stolen in the six battleground states that would have given Trump a landslide win, instead of a landslide electoral loss,” Root said, without providing any evidence to back it up. “Those six states were decided by the votes of illegal aliens who came in through our open borders. That's who's voting. That's our elections.”
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Because AI has such a good track record on racial, gender and religious sensitivities... :rolleyes:
Or just anything to do with art.

'Why have the dialoge of this extra or side character written by an actual writer, just use ChatGPT, no one will notice.' This is the direction we're headed unfortunately, at least for the next 5 or 6 years.

Isn't the PS5 Pro supposedly going to use A.I. to remaster older PS4 games? If so, hurray for the Bloodborne fans?!?!?


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May 26, 2022
Clear 'n Present Danger
Qanon murderer took advice from her qanon buddies to fire her lawyer and represent herself. Results;

Neely Raye Pesognellie Petrie-Blanchard sentenced to life in prison following Qanon murder trial

Following a trial process, in which 37-year-old Neely Raye Pesognellie Petrie-Blanchard...

Following a trial process, in which 37-year-old Neely Raye Pesognellie Petrie-Blanchard represented herself in her murder trial of 50-year-old Christopher Hallett, jurors deliberated on Friday, April 19, 2024, for roughly 30 minutes before finding Petrie-Blanchard guilty of Murder in the First-Degree with a Firearm.(WCJB)

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (WCJB) - Following a trial process, in which 37-year-old Neely Raye Pesognellie Petrie-Blanchard represented herself in her murder trial of 50-year-old Christopher Hallett, jurors deliberated on Friday, April 19, 2024, for roughly 30 minutes before finding Petrie-Blanchard guilty of Murder in the First-Degree with a Firearm.

Petrie-Blanchard was indicted by a grand jury back in 2021 for one count of Premeditated Murder in the First Degree with a Firearm. Petrie-Blanchard had originally been arrested on November 16, 2020, in Lowndes County Georgia after a deputy with the Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office recognized her car matched the description entered into the national information center by the Marion County Sheriff’s Office. MCSO officials had previously secured an arrest warrant on Petrie-Blanchard, who was determined to be the suspect in the homicide of Christopher Hallett just a day prior.

MCSO officials had responded to a residence off SW 34th Court Road in Ocala about a shooting. Upon arrival, deputies discovered the victim, Christopher Hallett, deceased on the kitchen floor from numerous gunshot wounds . Eyewitnesses on the scene identified the shooter as Petrie-Blanchard.

The witnesses stated to investigators that they had heard what they believed to be a firecracker go off. Upon further inspection, they exited their room into the living room, where they observed the victim near the kitchen, while Petrie-Blanchard was standing behind him holding a pistol.

The witnesses further told officials that Petrie-Blanchard had turned and aimed the gun at them, attempting to shoot but the firearm jammed, allowing them to flee to safety.

While turning, both witnesses revealed that Petrie-Blanchard stated something to the effect of “You’re hurting my children,” before firing off additional shots. It was later learned that Petrie-Blanchard had enlisted the help of Christopher Hallett in a last attempt to regain custody of Petrie-Blanchard’s children. Both Petrie-Blanchard and the victim were determined to be associated with and conducted activities consistent with the practices of the Sovereign Citizen movement, as well as the group QAnon.

Based upon the totality of the circumstances from the eyewitness accounts, along with the physical evidence collected at the scene, Petrie-Blanchard was sentenced by the Honorable Judge Herndon to Life in prison, and was taken into custody and remanded in the Marion County Jail to await her transport to the Florida Department of Corrections.

RELATED: QAnon supporter accused of killing Marion County man in 2020 takes stand during 4th day of trial