Funny events in anti-woke world


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
All this is doing is pushing Russia to spend more on their own defense to be on their guard from you (and the others that have arrayed themselves against them).
Anyone who thinks Russia is in danger of being unilaterally invaded by Britain or an EU force is living in cloud cuckooland.

Only one state in the region has invaded and occupied its neighbours here. 3 times in the last 16 years. Just one.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Well yeah, a visa that basically did the same thing, but with actual albeit somewhat vague conditions, already existed. EB-5 or something. Invest $1M, create 10 jobs, you're in.
Easy citizenship for rich people is as old as the hills.

Even when society is - superficially - in a massive panic about immigration, drilling down into the data usually reveals that healthy majorities are quite relaxed about immigrants as long as the immigrants are believed to be doing a productive job.

Also, importantly, you have to remember the class solidarity of the rich: they have bonds that transcend borders, shared principles such as that being rich means being able to buy yourself to the front of the queue, etc.


Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
All this is doing is pushing Russia to spend more on their own defense to be on their guard from you (and the others that have arrayed themselves against them).

Sure the security dilemma is a real and very interesting trick. But it’s Russia which fell into that trap. If Russia didn’t have illegitimate desire for the land of their neighbors, and if they hadn’t repeatedly murdered western citizens we’d not be in this situation.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Sure the security dilemma is a real and very interesting trick. But it’s Russia which fell into that trap. If Russia didn’t have illegitimate desire for the land of their neighbors, and if they hadn’t repeatedly murdered western citizens we’d not be in this situation.
Any look at Russia's treatment of its neighbours would reinforce that argument.

For instance, Russia stripped Moldova of a chunk of territory immediately after the breakup of the USSR, which still has a Russian military presence to this day. Ukraine has repeatedly attempted to confirm a whole series of agreement with Russia, including for instance issues relevant to sovereignty including establishing agreed borders. Russia repeatedly failed to engage and settle many of these issues. As a much smaller country, what this lack of resolution actually gave Ukraine was insecurity and dependence - which was of course Russia's intent. Then there was Russia's invasion of Georgia. Russia has deliberately and consistently used its military might to intimidate and threaten other ex-Soviet states.

This is why the Baltic states are so uncompromising about the threat of Russia: Russia now is little changed from the USSR and Russian Empire before it, and Russia's leaders are steeped in that tradition, where imposing authority with violence is never far away.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
who said anything about unilaterally?
The suggestion, at present, is for a small European force to be present in Ukraine to deter future invasion. European countries are bolstering defence spending precisely because the US has indicated it cannot be relied upon to honour past commitments or defend the continent.

That's the context: In-house European defence, unreliant on the US. So if you want to cook up scenarios in which Russia is threatened by this increased European spending (despite never having been attacked or credibly threatened at home), that's the material you're working with.