Funny events in anti-woke world

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009

I'm leaving whether or not this is a serious answer up in the air.
But look at that jawline though... the size of that nose... :unsure: The eyes are too close together, the face is too long - Yep, they made her masculine on purpose.


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2016
The modern redesign is much more practical and realistic. It takes into account how Lara Croft would actually be moving around. What muscle groups would be more developed based on her rock climbing background, etc. I actually really like the 2012 redesign that Crystal Dynamics did. I don't think the show's design is as good (I find it a bit bland), but it's on the practical and realistic end. Like I said, the reason that Lara Croft isn't likeable in this show isn't her visual design, it's her personality.
I like the reboot redesign as well and much for the same reasons. (The game has other things that harm credibility)

However, i have difficulties recognizing the Crystal dynamics design in the pictures from the animation at all. I actually assumed it was supposed to be another new version/interpretation of the character.

Well the reason why her iconic outfit was...iconic. Was because she had a great set of tits on her. And revealing outfits are revealing. But in the modern era you cannot have a sexy character (at least not from western made media), but what's even worse is that they are also trying to delete the feminine out of the characters as well, making them as androgenous as possible.
For example, for all the complaints and media attention AC Shadows is collecting and all the supposed wokeness some people seem to perceive, the female main character Naoe seems to be quite attractive, at least in cut scenes.

Yeah, just look at the output of Blizzard, or Riot, or Larian, or CD Projekt, not a single sexy character in sight! The west should be ashamed. Nothing but uggos as far as the eye can see. /s
Or that.
Wait, does CDPR even count as "Western" ?

On the whole i won't complain too much about current designs. Sure, sometimes there are stinkers, but ~ 15 years ago the situation was not much better. Studios might have tried more universally for sex appeal and you would rarely see a female protagonist/love interest that was not supposed to be sexy. But all had the same idea what sexy means : very skinny, optionally with big breasts that doen't fit the rest of the proportions. You will generally find less curves in old games than in new ones if the curves in question are not breasts.
I found it quite annoying as those mismatched breast size/body types pushed many designs into uncanny valley territory for me.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
It's also worth mentioning that the West didn't even have the best track record when it came to (human) character designs. You compare games from Japan to the West during the PS2 era, and Japan ate the West's lunch every single time. It's only during the PS3/360 era that western games started to catch up a tad when it came to character design and ingame character models, but Japan is still overall beter at it. Even now, I like the new God of War and Spider-Man games (minus SM2), but the character designs are still pretty tepid, or in Spider-Man's case downright flat and generic.

What really killed that MJ design in Spider-Man 2 was removing that original hairdo; the one thing that gave her design a bit of personality. Without it you're left with a rather awkward generic face and generic long hair. Similar to Peter's bed head. Regardless MJ sucked in the first game anyway, and the fact that people got this upset over her redesign, and this alone, shows they either never played the previous game or have really short term memory.