So you want what footage of the child abuse happening before you'll even suggest maybe Polygon / Vo should investigate the claims?
No. Just the normal details. Even knowing if its actually related to Polygon would be nice
So you think Ben Kuchera or his kids are making up said claims?
I don't know. So far Ben has accused Polygon for sexually harassing his kids. I don't know how that's possible. A company is not an actual person and cant rape kids. Perhaps its an employee of Polygon or something. Some sort of derails would be nice
Didn't we have a whole thing going on about how people wouldn't do that though recently??
I'm looking for more information. Your original post didn't not provide further details. It's not about believing and disbelieving
Here, maybe this will help you understand. I haven't point out the flaws in the logic of yours or Ben's argument regarding any protentional abuse. It's not that I don't believe Ben. i wasn't given enough information to understand what was happening from that twitter thread
You can check the thread. Vox or Polygon should have at least acted to investigate it and the simple logic is if Vox / Polygon were accused of not investigating it then clearly it likely is relevant and links back to them.
In that twitter thread? Ben claimed Vox and Polygon didn't investigate it. That doesn't prove there wasn't an investigation. I was only give one twitter thread to decide on things
Like, when I try to look this up, here's what I get
So if this is true, Ben's kids were sexually abused but not by anyone at Polygon. Polygon didnt give him time off to look after his kid that was abuse (this is still shitty but not as bad as covering up abuse.) This news report could be true. It could be false. I don't have enough information
Do you have ANYTHING different from this?