I'm sorry but I've had this argument other places already and I was going to leave this be here but as it's coming back again I feel like stepping into it now.
This is a couple's argument they're not pretty really and this is the smoking gun people have vs Crowder? This?
To lay my cards on the table. I've seen some Crowder, not a huge fan, dude sometimes has good points, other times he's a complete moron that doesn't know what he's talking about. Some humour lands for me, some really doesn't and he comes off as a jackass sometimes. Not watch more than maybe an hour total of his stuff.
In terms of the video he comes off and weirdly almost autistic (set schedule, doesn't want to deviate from things etc etc) while his wife comes off as weirdly almost sociopathic (in this context attempting to use weighted emotional terms to get a desired result).
Watching the seemingly original version of the video leaked online
Conservative media host and commentator Steven Crowder can be seen on a Ring Camera video berating his wife Hilary, who was at the time nearly eight months pregnant, and demanding that she handle medicine for his dogs that she was concerned was toxic to pregnant women. In the video, he snaps at...
It's actually possible to tell the video has been edited including segments where audio appears to be muted and subs not added for things being said and some cuts or jumps in the content too.
To actually reference Anita Sarkeesian here (and not the bash her) hasn't it been Anita and others telling people not to treat Pregnant women like china dolls incapable of doing anything?
You want an own on Crowder for this?
Dude apparently is living in a place with a fucking pool but can't afford a 2nd car for his household, that's stupid messes up stuff there.