Funny Events of the "Woke" world


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Demanding a specific time because his day is planned "to the second", and then getting immediately snippy when she doesn't know precisely.
Except it's not even an estimated time it's "When I'm back" which implies this was more of a spur of the moment thing and not planned out.

Completely missing the fact that he throws that line out in a petulant, fuck-you tone of voice, directly in response to her saying she still loves him.
Yeh cause it's an obvious tactic to get what she wants "I love you" with the bit not said out loud "If you loved me you'd let me take the car" or at least "You clearly don't love me because you won't give me this / let me do this".

None of which address the details provided by his coworkers.
None of whom were around with them for the relationship or while it was happening while the friend who helped leak that info out was.

....? Who's stopping him doing his job? Was his wife making him do it?
That was a response to the idea that was put forward regarding treating pregnant women like china dolls basically and "biological realities" of pregnancy.

Seems like you have a hostility and bitterness towards women.
Nah, I just treat them as equally capable to men that means equally capable of malice too. Rather than be sexist and believe they are all pure incapable of anything underhanded.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
Except it's not even an estimated time it's "When I'm back" which implies this was more of a spur of the moment thing and not planned out.
Really? When you go the shops, for instance, you've able to give a return time down to the second, and you'd consider it perfectly reasonable if a family member/ partner responded with outrage if you couldn't give one?

Yeh cause it's an obvious tactic to get what she wants "I love you" with the bit not said out loud "If you loved me you'd let me take the car" or at least "You clearly don't love me because you won't give me this / let me do this".
Ah yes, because those duplicitious womenfolk are always secretly conspiring against us. They never say anything just up-front. It's all venom hidden underneath, rabble rabble rabble.

None of whom were around with them for the relationship or while it was happening while the friend who helped leak that info out was.
...But they were around him during the work. You know, which constitutes a huge chunk of the behavioural allegations.

That was a response to the idea that was put forward regarding treating pregnant women like china dolls basically and "biological realities" of pregnancy.
"Make them walk everywhere even when we have the car, just in case I /might/ want the car later" = "treating women like china dolls". And here I thought it was just basic human compassion and not being a shithead.

Nah, I just treat them as equally capable to men that means equally capable of malice too. Rather than be sexist and believe they are all pure incapable of anything underhanded.
😂 Of course you do. Perfectly equal. Which is why you attribute absolute malice and sociopathy to someone saying asking to borrow the car, and attribute pure intentions to the guy having a massive hissy fit about it.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Ofcourse Dwarvenhobble defends Steven Crowder's domestic abuse. I mean, why wouldn't he.

I'd post another cat-vommiting gif, but this isn't even worth cat vommit.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Really? When you go the shops, for instance, you've able to give a return time down to the second, and you'd consider it perfectly reasonable if a family member/ partner responded with outrage if you couldn't give one?
No but I can normally say "I'll be back by this time if not before" especially if I'm specifically going just for a certain item.

I'd understand it if a family member etc had plans and me being out then would disrupt them. It's why scheduling exists as a concept. Because yes they have every right to be upset that my spur of the moment thing is disrupting a planned event.

Ah yes, because those duplicitious womenfolk are always secretly conspiring against us. They never say anything just up-front. It's all venom hidden underneath, rabble rabble rabble.
No cause I knew a sociopath for quite a while and HE used similar (though non romantic) versions of these kind of approaches to things.

Additionally this is a video that can fairly easily be seen to have been edited (Even just seeing the recording time codes in the bottom right).

...But they were around him during the work. You know, which constitutes a huge chunk of the behavioural allegations.
Except the main allegations against him was being abusive in a relationship with Zoe.

"Make them walk everywhere even when we have the car, just in case I /might/ want the car later" = "treating women like china dolls". And here I thought it was just basic human compassion and not being a shithead.
I didn't know Ubers were Flintstone cars where you had to walk to make them move.

😂 Of course you do. Perfectly equal. Which is why you attribute absolute malice and sociopathy to someone saying asking to borrow the car, and attribute pure intentions to the guy having a massive hissy fit about it.
Oh I'm not pretending it wasn't some level of self interest on both parts but I can see Crowder's justification in this one having far more validity than hers.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
I'm sorry but I've had this argument other places already and I was going to leave this be here but as it's coming back again I feel like stepping into it now.

This is a couple's argument they're not pretty really and this is the smoking gun people have vs Crowder? This?

To lay my cards on the table. I've seen some Crowder, not a huge fan, dude sometimes has good points, other times he's a complete moron that doesn't know what he's talking about. Some humour lands for me, some really doesn't and he comes off as a jackass sometimes. Not watch more than maybe an hour total of his stuff.

In terms of the video he comes off and weirdly almost autistic (set schedule, doesn't want to deviate from things etc etc) while his wife comes off as weirdly almost sociopathic (in this context attempting to use weighted emotional terms to get a desired result).

Watching the seemingly original version of the video leaked online

It's actually possible to tell the video has been edited including segments where audio appears to be muted and subs not added for things being said and some cuts or jumps in the content too.

To actually reference Anita Sarkeesian here (and not the bash her) hasn't it been Anita and others telling people not to treat Pregnant women like china dolls incapable of doing anything?

You want an own on Crowder for this?

Dude apparently is living in a place with a fucking pool but can't afford a 2nd car for his household, that's stupid messes up stuff there.
Crowder underwent surgery to make his chest bigger while his wife was eight months pregnant with twins. He also complains about her leaving him even though he got a divorce lawyer first, making it seem like he knew his marriage was already on the rocks. Him not having a second car seems more like an issue of control than anything else but frankly, that's neither here nor there why he doesn't have one. This video shows him smoking a cigar while insulting her.

There is no acceptable context that would justify what Crowder says and the fact you're immediately assuming the wife is equally at fault with flimsy-at-best evidence to back it up says a hell lot about you.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
No but I can normally say "I'll be back by this time if not before" especially if I'm specifically going just for a certain item.
You better not be off by even a damn minute, then.

I'd understand it if a family member etc had plans and me being out then would disrupt them. It's why scheduling exists as a concept. Because yes they have every right to be upset that my spur of the moment thing is disrupting a planned event.
....except it wasn't. The wife had an actual plan. Crowder wanted her to nix it because he /might/ want to do something.

No cause I knew a sociopath for quite a while and HE used similar (though non romantic) versions of these kind of approaches to things.
If your bar for sociopathy is "says they love you and you don't believe them", then you may well have made that up out of a persecution complex too.

Except the main allegations against him was being abusive in a relationship with Zoe.
And also all the other allegations.

I didn't know Ubers were Flintstone cars where you had to walk to make them move.
Nope, they're just stupidly expensive, when you have a car of your own available for use.

Oh I'm not pretending it wasn't some level of self interest on both parts but I can see Crowder's justification in this one having far more validity than hers.
Of course you can. He has a penis and you have an automatic and seemingly visceral distrust of women.
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
... ... There's surgery for that?
I mean, in fairness he had a sunken chest. Also in fairness, it wasn't really bothering him for 30 years and he apparently didn't have a health problem with it that would preclude him from smoking, so fuck him, it's purely cosmetic

I have a friend with the same issue who isn't a weenie about it. His nickname is Divit.


Elite Member
Apr 3, 2013
Couples have petty fights every once in awhile, but if it happens all the time they will probably end up getting divorced. I wouldn't get berated like that and stay around for long. Crowder bet his marriage on """discipline and respect""" and lost.
You can make the argument that there is a lot of wider context that we don't have - this is one tiny snapshot of a disintegrating relationship, and who knows what else has gone on.
To me it sounds like Mr. Crowder has thought about their marriage problems a lot and come to the conclusion that he can put the blame on his wife and offer a piece of impersonal advice like a motivational sticker. The communication in that video is nonexistent. No connection whatsoever. The benefit of the doubt I'd give to Mr. Crowder is that he could genuinely think like that, and thus we're seeing manbaby behavior instead of abuse. Things would change, if he admitted (or has admitted before) that he's a manbaby only when he feels he can mess with his wife.
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Elite Member
Jan 4, 2023
To me it sounds like Mr. Crowder has thought about their marriage problems a lot and come to the conclusion that he can put the blame on his wife and offer a piece of impersonal advice like a motivational sticker. The communication in that video is nonexistent. No connection whatsoever. The benefit of the doubt I'd give to Mr. Crowder is that he could genuinely think like that, and thus we're seeing manbaby behavior instead of abuse. Things would change, if he admitted (or has admitted before) that he's a manbaby only when he feels he can mess with his wife.
Honestly, I just don't think people come out with that sort of "wifely duties" line unless they believe in it. If they didn't, they'd just be saying stuff like "You never do anything round the house why do I have to pick up your shit all the time". Plus that contextually Crowder is conservative Christian, where the whole wife obeys husband concept is very much a real thing.

However, what stands out for me is the belittling and browbeating he employs from start to finish. He doesn't attempt reason, negotiation or explanation (e.g. "I need the car at X.") he simply demands compliance. She on the other hand is generally placatory. She only really fires anything back when she asks him to stop abusing her, and note how he immediately escalates with a threat.

This is really ugly stuff. If you ever do something like bystander training, this is exactly the sort of thing you'd be expected to spot as an indicator of risk.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Crowder underwent surgery to make his chest bigger while his wife was eight months pregnant with twins. He also complains about her leaving him even though he got a divorce lawyer first, making it seem like he knew his marriage was already on the rocks.
All legitimate points that he's a moron and pretty awful

Him not having a second car seems more like an issue of control than anything else but frankly, that's neither here nor there why he doesn't have one. This video shows him smoking a cigar while insulting her.
Disparaging? yes, insults? No
Unless the standard of insults has fallen dramatically

There is no acceptable context that would justify what Crowder says and the fact you're immediately assuming the wife is equally at fault with flimsy-at-best evidence to back it up says a hell lot about you.
Ok so he's not allowed plans and has to drop them at a moments notice for his wife to do her thing even though his plans were known about in advance and this isn't some emergency thing?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
You better not be off by even a damn minute, then.
Except it wasn't a down to the minute issue it was a no time frame at all issue.

If a person is reliant on me being a certain place by a certain time or they can't do their stuff then "I'll be back when I'm back" doesn't really cut it as a a time frame for me to give them and I wouldn't expect them to take it if me not being there stopped their plans.

....except it wasn't. The wife had an actual plan. Crowder wanted her to nix it because he /might/ want to do something.
Except we don't know:
what the plan was
When it was come up with

Two vital things. She could have decided 2 minutes before the video she wanted to go into town and planned how she could then do the thing Crowder was going to do (Picking up groceries).

If your bar for sociopathy is "says they love you and you don't believe them", then you may well have made that up out of a persecution complex too.
No it's the deployment of it in context of an argument like this. What relevance does her loving him have upon this situation? None. Thus it's important to try and discern reasons such a point was raised. It's entirely possible there is more context to this but judging it in isolation of this video alone and the information we can infer from it yeh it comes off as somewhat sociopathic reinforced by the added context the video was leaked and the video has been visibly edited to remove some sections and had audio adjusted in others.

And also all the other allegations.
Which were what again?
Oh right He had anxiety and sometimes was a bit of a dick to work with and wasn't the most socially aware / conscious person in the world and apparently had some fucking demons.

Nope, they're just stupidly expensive, when you have a car of your own available for use.
Yeh 1 car which as I pointed out the maths would mean it would work out more expensive potentially for Crowder to use the Uber than his wife.

Of course you can. He has a penis and you have an automatic and seemingly visceral distrust of women.
Me: Says it was self interest of the part of both parties
Silvanus: How dare you say women are untrustworthy and not virtuous pure creatures.

And you say I'm the sexist one.......


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
... ... There's surgery for that?
If there's surgery to make your butt bigger then I see no reason why there wouldn't be one for some dudes to have weird peck implants lol.

Honestly, I just don't think people come out with that sort of "wifely duties" line unless they believe in it. If they didn't, they'd just be saying stuff like "You never do anything round the house why do I have to pick up your shit all the time". Plus that contextually Crowder is conservative Christian, where the whole wife obeys husband concept is very much a real thing.

However, what stands out for me is the belittling and browbeating he employs from start to finish. He doesn't attempt reason, negotiation or explanation (e.g. "I need the car at X.") he simply demands compliance. She on the other hand is generally placatory. She only really fires anything back when she asks him to stop abusing her, and note how he immediately escalates with a threat.

This is really ugly stuff. If you ever do something like bystander training, this is exactly the sort of thing you'd be expected to spot as an indicator of risk.
Or you know the obvious Crowder is a moron and Wifey duties is short hand for stuff you'd expect from some-one who is your wife e,g, helping out with stuff round the house and not leaving all the work to the other party and not expecting them to drop all plans for a flight of fancy just cause you suddenly decide you want it.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
Disparaging? yes, insults? No
Unless the standard of insults has fallen dramatically
Telling her she has no discipline and self respect.

Mocking her voice and repeatedly refusing to let her even get a single word in.

There's also him admitting to saying he'll "fuck her up". Which is way beyond an insult.

Ok so he's not allowed plans and has to drop them at a moments notice for his wife to do her thing even though his plans were known about in advance and this isn't some emergency thing?
She asked to borrow the car to get groceries and maybe wasn't sure if she'd be back in time for him to take the car out for oh so important duties like going to the gym. This does not, by any reasonable definition, even imply she is a sociopath. And that's not even getting into the fact that Crowder himself doesn't actually say he has plans in the video, but rather is just listing a bunch of hypotheticals of what could happen if she takes the car. Why doesn't he get an Uber? It's not like he can't afford it.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
If there's surgery to make your butt bigger then I see no reason why there wouldn't be one for some dudes to have weird peck implants lol.

Or you know the obvious Crowder is a moron and Wifey duties is short hand for stuff you'd expect from some-one who is your wife e,g, helping out with stuff round the house and not leaving all the work to the other party and not expecting them to drop all plans for a flight of fancy just cause you suddenly decide you want it.
What exactly do you think grocery shopping entails? Are you under the impression she was taking the car to a party or something?

In one corner you have a guy who's laying around on his ass and smoking a cigar around a woman who is eight months pregnant with twins, got completely unnecessary surgery so he wouldn't even be present for the birth of his children, moved out of their house after their children were born, got a divorce lawyer before his wife did and one of the "wifely duties" he insisted she take on was walking his dog and feeding it medication while she was pregnant.

In another corner, she asks to take the car for grocery shopping and says "I love you" in the middle of an argument. And you think this qualifies as proof of her being equally at fault?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Telling her she has no discipline and self respect.

Mocking her voice and repeatedly refusing to let her even get a single word in.
Actually it wasn't self respect but respect which would entail respect for his time and plans too so technically not pleasant but would be right.
The discipline thing could be argued the same as seemingly this wasn't some planned way in advance excursion with the implication the Dog needed to be given meds and walked and she was just expecting Crowder to drop his plans to do it while she want off to do her thing.

There's also him admitting to saying he'll "fuck her up". Which is way beyond an insult.
Yes, it would be if there was an actual admission.
The article says he's admitted it but there's nothing to back up that claim.
The same article that's presented a video with nearly 1 full minute of cut footage without bothering to actually note the cut footage or offer any kind of reason or explanation.
So lets just say my trust in the source for him admitting this apparently is very little to start with.

She asked to borrow the car to get groceries and maybe wasn't sure if she'd be back in time for him to take the car out for oh so important duties like going to the gym. This does not, by any reasonable definition, even imply she is a sociopath. And that's not even getting into the fact that Crowder himself doesn't actually say he has plans in the video, but rather is just listing a bunch of hypotheticals of what could happen if she takes the car. Why doesn't he get an Uber? It's not like he can't afford it.
The actual wording and context is she'll also get groceries along with doing the unspecified thing. Not that groceries is the reason she wants to take the car.

Also not the word choice and her going to the "I love you Steven" stuff rather than reasoned argument suggests the use of more social persuasion techniques commonly used by sociopaths.

Why doesn't he get an uber?

Already explained as it would work at at best 3 Ubers for him and at worst 5 for the potential multiple things vs 2 Ubers for his wife.

What exactly do you think grocery shopping entails? Are you under the impression she was taking the car to a party or something?
Again it wasn't specifically grocery shopping, she said she'd also do that partly in response to Crowder bringing up his plans to do that.

In one corner you have a guy who's laying around on his ass and smoking a cigar around a woman who is eight months pregnant with twins, got completely unnecessary surgery so he wouldn't even be present for the birth of his children, moved out of their house after their children were born, got a divorce lawyer before his wife did and one of the "wifely duties" he insisted she take on was walking his dog and feeding it medication while she was pregnant.
Mostly fair points and reasons to call him a jackass. Well except the last one as her being Pregnant wouldn't I'd say hugely be a factor in the last one. Also it's their dog not just his as far as I'm aware.

In another corner, she asks to take the car for grocery shopping and says "I love you" in the middle of an argument. And you think this qualifies as proof of her being equally at fault?
Yes, as I've explained, I knew a sociopath dude for years and he would do stuff like this when I wouldn't drop my plans or give him his own way the ever present "I thought you were a good friend" or "I thought we were friends" or "Dude I need your help and you're being so unfair" kind of comments. You pick up on this stuff pretty fast.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
Actually it wasn't self respect but respect which would entail respect for his time and plans too so technically not pleasant but would be right.
The discipline thing could be argued the same as seemingly this wasn't some planned way in advance excursion with the implication the Dog needed to be given meds and walked and she was just expecting Crowder to drop his plans to do it while she want off to do her thing.
Because if there's one thing a woman eight months pregnant with twins should be doing, it's handling medication that could be dangerous to her with an animal that is very likely to be very difficult to administer it to.

Yes, it would be if there was an actual admission.
The article says he's admitted it but there's nothing to back up that claim.
The same article that's presented a video with nearly 1 full minute of cut footage without bothering to actually note the cut footage or offer any kind of reason or explanation.
So lets just say my trust in the source for him admitting this apparently is very little to start with.
It's a lot more trustworthy than any theory you've thrown out.

The actual wording and context is she'll also get groceries along with doing the unspecified thing. Not that groceries is the reason she wants to take the car.

Also not the word choice and her going to the "I love you Steven" stuff rather than reasoned argument suggests the use of more social persuasion techniques commonly used by sociopaths.
It's also used by victims in an abusive relationship trying to placate their abuser.

Also it's their dog not just his as far as I'm aware.
So why isn't he doing it? Especially when he builds his brand on being such a manly man who mans like a man.

Yes, as I've explained, I knew a sociopath dude for years and he would do stuff like this when I wouldn't drop my plans or give him his own way the ever present "I thought you were a good friend" or "I thought we were friends" or "Dude I need your help and you're being so unfair" kind of comments. You pick up on this stuff pretty fast.
You may have lived with a sociopath for a time but that doesn't make you some expert on sociopathic behavior. Because all you've done is project your situation onto theirs with flimsy evidence at best.

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
Also, the so-called "editing" was splicing 4 clips together to create one video. Ring cameras record 60 seconds after detecting motion. Maybe there's more, but right now, all you're doing is parroting the same talking points his sycophantic fans are making without understanding why the clip is "edited". I very much doubt anything he produces will make him look innocent, let alone make his wife look worse.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Because if there's one thing a woman eight months pregnant with twins should be doing, it's handling medication that could be dangerous to her with an animal that is very likely to be very difficult to administer it to.
Fair point, we however we don't know if she's already administered the stuff previously. Also agree or not we've been getting told not to treat pregnant women as vastly different. Also it's Crowder, you expect him to believe in the whole harmful chemicals shit? He probably doesn't even understand basic chemistry.

It's a lot more trustworthy than any theory you've thrown out.
So cut footage without context vs me using evidence in the actual video you can see?

It's also used by victims in an abusive relationship trying to placate their abuser.
Not generally until later on in an argument. So it would be after he brought up respect and discipline not prior to it

So why isn't he doing it? Especially when he builds his brand on being such a manly man who mans like a man.
Simple, he was about to go to the store to buy groceries that he listed in the beginning.

You may have lived with a sociopath for a time but that doesn't make you some expert on sociopathic behavior. Because all you've done is project your situation onto theirs with flimsy evidence at best.
True it doesn't, it does however make me hyper aware of the signs of it and more so over the years thanks to recognising methods to try and control people ways they work in other areas such as advertising.