Funny Events of the "Woke" world


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Except that these people are spreading harmful lies that other people are accepting as gospel truth, making the problem worse, allowing a deadly disease to spread and placing my life in danger. So yes, despite your "no no, don't look at the man behind the curtain" spiel, I do have justification to care about that, and to put an end to it.
Here's the thing though: I'm a conservative Republican. I like right-wing things, know right-wing people, watch right-wing pundits, and prior to AnxietyProne posting had no exposure at all to either of those statements. It only spread here because people like you care about it. "They're spreading lies that hurt people, so it's my prerogative to spread them further" makes no sense. Unless you don't actually care about the harm the lies are doing, and instead care about the opportunity to shame people. Like CNN, who does not care about minimizing the harm done by people poorly self-medicating relative to how much money they can make capitalizing on Joe Rogan hate boners.
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Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Here's the thing though: I'm a conservative Republican. I like right-wing things, know right-wing people, watch right-wing pundits, and prior to AnxietyProne posting had no exposure at all to either of those statements. It only spread here because people like you care about it.
And yet it is profoundly evident that material is spreading far and wide through channels you are apparently not clued into. For the most part, right wing social media nonsense has already run like wildfire through a significant chunk of the right before anyone from the left thinks to put up a Twitter post on it, because to a large extent it's the success of nonsense that makes it worth comment. Underneath what comes through for wider comment, there's undoubtedly a huge base of other garbage that never gets much traction. Next, just because the right wing media you are accessing doesn't explicitly address these issues doesn't mean they aren't influenced by them. So, a right media organisation might not spread vaccine skepticism, but they also decline to combat it so as to not antagonise their audience.

And herein perhaps lies part of this funny little bait and switch you're making about amplifying the signal. The reason right wing media organisations are staying schtum is this reluctance to oppose their audience, and secondly trying to conceal forms of embarrassing idiocy of their own "side" whilst allowing the idiocy to continue. And those are exactly the same reasons they don't want left-wingers talking about it either.

But they can't sell that to left-wingers, so they make up some argument that stuff is only spreading because CNN / left-wingers / etc. are talking about it. As if there aren't a ton of right-wing chat rooms, bulletin boards, Facebook pages and YouTube vids, and even Congressional Representatives from Georgia already busy hammering away spreading the gospel according to Q or whatever.

Like CNN, who does not care about minimizing the harm done by people poorly self-medicating relative to how much money they can make capitalizing on Joe Rogan hate boners.
CNN's job is to report the news. If the news is Joe Rogan's medication, it's CNN's job to report it. What we might hope from CNN is that someone's going to point out that Joe Rogan's medication, according to the best available evidence, is bunk.
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
Here's the thing though: I'm a conservative Republican. I like right-wing things, know right-wing people, watch right-wing pundits, and prior to AnxietyProne posting had no exposure at all to either of those statements. It only spread here because people like you care about it. "They're spreading lies that hurt people, so it's my prerogative to spread them further" makes no sense. Unless you don't actually care about the harm the lies are doing, and instead care about the opportunity to shame people. Like CNN, who does not care about minimizing the harm done by people poorly self-medicating relative to how much money they can make capitalizing on Joe Rogan hate boners.
You, sir, have spouted what has to be the most self felating right wing statement I've heard since the last time I read an Ann Coulter book.

So it's my fault for calling out the statements, not the people who make them. I'M the bad guy because I DARED criticize them.

No, sunshine, that's not how this works, and not a bit of that verbal effluvia is going to make me feel guilty about bringing it up.

But hey, if you want to amend the rulebook that way, how about we talk about how right wing anti-SJW channels love showing off any obscure leftist radical they can find saying things my left wing ass never heard before that nitwit got signal boosted by cartoon avatar SJW smasher #45? Can we do that?
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Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Can we do that?
Yes. Yes you can. And you do. When you complain about people treating you like some crazy communist, you're identifying basically the same issue. People who disagree with you are boosting the worst they can associate to guilt you by association. And you hate it, right?


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
And yet it is profoundly evident that material is spreading far and wide through channels you are apparently not clued into. For the most part, right wing social media nonsense has already run like wildfire through a significant chunk of the right before anyone from the left thinks to put up a Twitter post on it, because to a large extent it's the success of nonsense that makes it worth comment. Underneath what comes through for wider comment, there's undoubtedly a huge base of other garbage that never gets much traction. Next, just because the right wing media you are accessing doesn't explicitly address these issues doesn't mean they aren't influenced by them. So, a right media organisation might not spread vaccine skepticism, but they also decline to combat it so as to not antagonise their audience.

And herein perhaps lies part of this funny little bait and switch you're making about amplifying the signal. The reason right wing media organisations are staying schtum is this reluctance to oppose their audience, and secondly trying to conceal forms of embarrassing idiocy of their own "side" whilst allowing the idiocy to continue. And those are exactly the same reasons they don't want left-wingers talking about it either.

But they can't sell that to left-wingers, so they make up some argument that stuff is only spreading because CNN / left-wingers / etc. are talking about it. As if there aren't a ton of right-wing chat rooms, bulletin boards, Facebook pages and YouTube vids, and even Congressional Representatives from Georgia already busy hammering away spreading the gospel according to Q or whatever.

CNN's job is to report the news. If the news is Joe Rogan's medication, it's CNN's job to report it. What we might hope from CNN is that someone's going to point out that Joe Rogan's medication, according to the best available evidence, is bunk.
Well in part that's because the some of the American left just spreads it's claims via the news or at least prominent social media pundits more directly lol.

Did people ever find the Russians who hacked the US election voting machines like was claimed? How about the Trump Pee tape was there ever any evidence? How about when they claimed Boris Johnson becoming UK prime minister initially was unconstitutional in the UK and Treason? Trump is rushing the vaccine? How about the mostly peaceful riots? The Police shooting fireworks at protesters when the fireworks were coming from behind the front line or protestors? How about Trump stealing the boy hat?

There's an ungodly base of madness in "Alternative medicine" stuff and it's very much NOT confined to 1 side of the isle only unfortunately it's just it works as a better narrative to present it just as republicans being the issue for news sources that were shown to be taking literal payments from members of the DNC.

It's funny they can and do sell it to left wingers it's just not covered or presented that way. Just look at Goop and the shit they peddle

You could argue MMS was more right wing but Jilli Juice or whatever it was called way somewhat pushed by more left wing. How about Solar masks to improve skin, I dunno how much of a right wing thing that would be. Ozone Therapy. Hell the Head of Twitter does some of these alternative medicine stuff. Hell remember "Raw Water" when that became a craze among the progressive lot in I think it was San Fran?

You cant spread alternative medicine to the left? Gwyneth Paltrow has made it a multi million Dollar business lol


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Can I just point out to everyone that The View is a very small portion of liberal ideology. And its not progressive or conservative at all. Same with Fox and Friends or John Oliver. They aren't the monolith for Right/Left. There is a bit too much over generalising (which I think tstorm is pointing to)

Like, I kinda get why Gupta wouldn't really apologize for CNN. As far as I'm aware, he didn't make the claims and any apology could get him fired for making claims the bosses at CNN think are untrue. Or, just as likely, some editor/producer at CNN thought it was a clever idea and now the boss have to cover their asses. Some people here are very clear that you should never apologise for what other people have done. It doesn't help that they are hiding what the process is here but we all know what will happen if it does become known.... cancel culture on a person. Which generally is worse than them trying to cancel CNN, which is what's happening now. I don't know if this is a great idea all-round but I understand it.

Trump handled the BLM protesters last year pretty poorly IMO. He also didn't send tanks down cities streets like Bush 1 did. Or sent soldiers into Kent State to 'calm' things down. I would have said he handled things poorly but it's been worse. It's not like Obama's way ended up with real societal change either otherwise it wouldn't have happened in 2020.

I understand tstorm and Dwarvenhobble point on CNN about providing correct information. I just never relied on them in the first place and look for multiple sources. Them screwing up is just what I expect. It's probably why reacted against Rogan so much. I've been defending him not asking questions of his guest and just lettinf them rant. Now, I think this non-questioning attitude has caused him real problems because he's being lead by the nose and I thought he was better than that. I was wrong.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
Can I just point out to everyone that The View is a very small portion of liberal ideology. And its not progressive or conservative at all. Same with Fox and Friends or John Oliver. They aren't the monolith for Right/Left. There is a bit too much over generalising (which I think tstorm is pointing to)

Like, I kinda get why Gupta wouldn't really apologize for CNN. As far as I'm aware, he didn't make the claims and any apology could get him fired for making claims the bosses at CNN think are untrue. Or, just as likely, some editor/producer at CNN thought it was a clever idea and now the boss have to cover their asses. Some people here are very clear that you should never apologise for what other people have done. It doesn't help that they are hiding what the process is here but we all know what will happen if it does become known.... cancel culture on a person. Which generally is worse than them trying to cancel CNN, which is what's happening now. I don't know if this is a great idea all-round but I understand it.
In Gupta's defence I'll say this.

  • He didn't make the claim or at least he claimed he didn't so it's not him who should apologise.
  • The person who should apologise is the person who made the claim or CNN or some-one with the authority to speak for CNN
  • Gupta was in a not very good spot there and I don't think Joe really was fair to him there because as you said Gupta risks being fired if he apologises.
  • Anything Gupta said could have been used by Joe Rogan to prove some admission of guilt in a possible lawsuit with CNN so Gupta could have made CNN somewhat liable or harmed a possible legal defence if he'd apologised.
Normally the don't apologise matra comes from the idea of collective responsibility and attempts to blame collective groups for the actions of assholes. It's the old "People were talking in the class so I'm keeping all the class in" teacher thing where theory is the class will turn on those causing the problem. The reality is the class will resent the teacher for punishing them for doing nothing wrong. I mean do we blame all animal crossing fans for the fact Space Buns girl got bullied off the internet basically? No we blame the toxic assholes who tried to dox her an targeted her.


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
Yes. Yes you can. And you do. When you complain about people treating you like some crazy communist, you're identifying basically the same issue. People who disagree with you are boosting the worst they can associate to guilt you by association. And you hate it, right?
Yes. You're going somewhere with this, I assume?
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Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
Did people ever find the Russians who hacked the US election voting machines like was claimed? How about the Trump Pee tape was there ever any evidence? How about when they claimed Boris Johnson becoming UK prime minister initially was unconstitutional in the UK and Treason? Trump is rushing the vaccine? How about the mostly peaceful riots? The Police shooting fireworks at protesters when the fireworks were coming from behind the front line or protestors? How about Trump stealing the boy hat?
It's all stored in the same place you find the bamboo on voting ballots, Comet Ping Pong Pizza's child smuggling basement, the evidence of ANTIFA causing Jan.6, Michelle Obama's penis, and the place I make my secret communications with ANTIFA and BLM.

You could argue MMS was more right wing but Jilli Juice or whatever it was called way somewhat pushed by more left wing.
Oh you simple soul, you walked right into this one....

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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
It's all stored in the same place you find the bamboo on voting ballots, Comet Ping Pong Pizza's child smuggling basement, the evidence of ANTIFA causing Jan.6, Michelle Obama's penis, and the place I make my secret communications with ANTIFA and BLM.
And how many of them were reported on by any real mainstream republican source (no not Alex Jones come on now an actual one)

Oh you simple soul, you walked right into this one....

Well then replace her the the Turps cult that was a thing. There's plenty of fools to go round Jilly being one of many I listed lol


Elite Member
Jul 13, 2021
United States
And how many of them were reported on by any real mainstream republican source (no not Alex Jones come on now an actual one)
All of them.

Alex Jones had a press pass to the White House and speaks to crowds of thousands. He's mainstream. If any random SJW communist gets to speak for me, Alex gets to speak for Repbulicans.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
So another one for woke World.

The Miss France Beauty Pageant is being sued because it picked the most attractive lady as the winner

Three former Miss France candidates are suing the beauty pageant for alleged discrimination by selecting contestants based on their appearance.

The women, who remain anonymous, have joined forces with the leading French feminist group ‘Osez le feminisme’ (Dare to be feminist) to file a complaint.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
All of them.

Alex Jones had a press pass to the White House and speaks to crowds of thousands. He's mainstream. If any random SJW communist gets to speak for me, Alex gets to speak for Repbulicans.
I'm pretty sure most weren't reported by actual mainstream republican sources. Hell I doubt they even made a fringe place like The Blaze.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
Yes. You're going somewhere with this, I assume?
Don't be the thing that you hate.

To be clear, I'm not deflecting blame off of liars and sensationalists on the right. They are also to blame. But it's a cyclical and self-reinforcing process. If people on one side are sidestepping reasonable conversation to ridicule the worst aspects of the other, they also are magnified. Then those people sidestep anyone reasonable again and focus on the worst aspects again, and sooner or later you have this weird turf war where everyone is either triple vaxxed and locked inside all day or they're overdosing on horse paste, and anyone in between is obviously just shilling for the other guys. That's genuinely how the Nazis got into power. To the nazis, everyone else was a communist. To the communists, everyone else was a fascist. The communists took the position that they'd rather the nazis take power than let the Weimar Republic continue with the status quo (since that was already fascism to them anyway), and boy they got their wish. Extreme begets extreme. You saying Alex Jones speaks for all Republicans is genuinely the pathway to genocide.
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Elite Member
May 11, 2020
You saying Alex Jones speaks for all Republicans is genuinely the pathway to genocide.
Funny how it doesn't work that way when the shoe's on the left foot. Apparently, there is no problem at all in telling me that some random nobody on Twitter speaks for me.
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