Gabe Newell: Most DRM Plans Are "Dumb"


New member
Jan 21, 2008
Jumplion said:
It's all good and well to say that most DRM plans are dumb, but if you don't have a suggestion for a DRM plan that isn't dumb then be quite until you do.
Jump, steam. There are downsides to the idea, but over-all, it's leagues better than what's offered by EA, Ubisoft and the like.


New member
Oct 24, 2007
He didn't say DRM is dumb. He said most schemes that people are currently using are dumb. Steam is, among other things, DRM. It manages your right to access digital content. Personally I like Steam (though I wish it would crash less and know whether it was coming or going) but this statement is not that of a messiah. Newell says that most DRM schemes should be abandoned in favor of something better. It just so happens that other companies can publish through Steam, which is owned by Newell, and use the Steam DRM scheme, which in turn creates profits for Valve.


Random Lurker
Jun 6, 2008
GoblinOnFire said:
Still don't know what DRM is.. And proud of it!
DRM is the stuff that says "See that game sitting on your hard drive? I'm not letting you play it. Phlbbbbpt." See also: SafeDisc, SecuROM, StarForce, etc. (Wikipedia [])


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Seems the current opinion is DRM is good, unless it's bad DRM, Steam has pretty much convinced most people to like a DRM system, by checking you bought the game, then giving you the community and extra free stuff and not messing with your system.

I can see Steam winning the war over the next 5 or so years myself.

EA: Which would be strange, because normally its the behemoth that steamrollers over everyone else, Steam's big, sure, but I think part of the reason EA are like that are, is because they are so big and have so much cash flowing about.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Miral said:
GoblinOnFire said:
Still don't know what DRM is.. And proud of it!
DRM is the stuff that says "See that game sitting on your hard drive? I'm not letting you play it. Phlbbbbpt." See also: SafeDisc, SecuROM, StarForce, etc. (Wikipedia [])
GAH! Starforce! My nemesis! We meet again! Developers who put DRM's on their games, don't deserve my money! May they burn and rot in hell! Hacking those games became an obsession for me in my younger days...

The worst example on an evil DRM is that old Robin Hood Adventure game (Something, something Sherwood). You could play about 20% of it before the CRM came creeping up on you from behind and shoved a "druid-and-plants" question up your rectum. The answer of course was in the manual. Evil, evil...