The Random One said:
I would most definitively spend a few dollars now rather than a bunch of dollars later.
Even if later it turns out to be a piece of crap. Usually, even if a game is overall bad, I'll still like it if it has an alluring concept. The only way I'd lose would be if the game didn't actually come out (which is possible, after all, and I don't think getting a refund is a possibility...)
The most interest result of such a thing would be that there could be a nice point between the mainstream games and the indie games. It'd still have enough money for it to be a A quality game (modern graphics, tight programming) but it could thread new ground without the weight of investors (or, at any rate, a bazillion¹ investors of a few dollars, who would be a lot less angry if the project failed than a few investors of a bazillion dollars).
¹A bazillion, if you don't know, is a blillion blillions.
Something tells me it will take more than a few dollars, in essence you're probably paying the cost of the copy (£30-50 in the UK) prior to its existence.
This concept throws up a huge bundle of issues, and unfortunately Newell is a pie-in-the-sky optimist, so it's not wholly thought out. If the game is great, there are no problems, the company got its funding, we got our game, everyone goes home happy. The problems arise when the game is not up to scratch:
-If the game is poor, you've already paid for a game you would never buy normally
-To convince people their game is a safe bet, vast amounts of groundwork will have to be put in on concept art, early screenshots, gameplay demos and videos, it forces every game to be of the highest calibre in all fields, a promise some developers can't make
-Merely by human nature, some will not like the game, and will no longer fund development, and with every future release the pool of willing buyers will decrease.
-What rights does this minor backer get? Any creative input? Will the companies worry on big risky gameplay decisions or put them to public vote; a make you own game en masse?
-If the game is a failure, or delayed, can refunds be expected?
There are too many holes in the idea to be viable, and while a noble concept (which tend to be concepts humans can't fully accomplish, like pure Communism*) it will not work...
* I know someone will call me on this so I'll qualify by saying that in its purest form, Communism is a wonderful idea, everyone shares fully and works as one unit to better the species, but it relies on absolute equality, and no corruption, two things which are impossible in this world.