Game Informer's Top 300 Games

Aug 31, 2012
Hawki said:
Zykon TheLich said:
282 Worms Armageddon. Preferred worms
Curious. Care to explain why?
The later ones always felt less precise, like the hitboxes etc were a bit off from their graphical representation. Whether that's true or not I don't know, but it felt like it.

Hawki said:
Zykon TheLich said:
62 Secret of Mana. Liked it at the time, probably the first CRPG I ever played
Isn't that JRPG?
It's an RPG on a computer, i.e not PnP. That was the distinction I was making. I always assumed that's what the C stood for, do I have that wrong?


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Zykon TheLich said:
It's an RPG on a computer, i.e not PnP. That was the distinction I was making. I always assumed that's what the C stood for, do I have that wrong?
It was first released on the SNES, so I don't think it counts as a CRPG.
Aug 31, 2012
Hawki said:
It was first released on the SNES, so I don't think it counts as a CRPG.
British term of computer, generally doesn't make the distinction between console and computer. But then again, wouldn't that still be a C RPG? Point being, it's an RPG on an electronic wizardry box, not pen and paper and it was the first of such I had played, regardless of being J, W, C, X or whatever.

EDIT: This steam discussion feels relevant.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
CaitSeith said:
Hawki said:
It was user-submitted.
This is just conjecture, but old arcade games in relatively high spots and titles like Link To The Past and Mario Bros 3 ranked significantly above Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time (or any other 3D Mario/Zelda) might perhaps indicate an older audience.

Then again, there's just as many old school classics you'd expect to be up there that are way down the list, so maybe not.

[small]Yeah, I know it's kind of pointless to spend much mental effort on it, but I think how these lists end up the way they are is arguably more interesting than the list itself.[/small]

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Lessons to take away from this..

* People really like nostalgia.
* No seriously, did I mention people really like nostalgia.
* Noone likes strategy, except for old RTS games with nostalgia.
* RPGs live in a bizarro universe where noone likes nostalgia.
* If you're an FPS, mediocrity is the standard to beat.

Lufia Erim

New member
Mar 13, 2015
B-Cell said:
GTA5 at number 4


anyways as expected its a pretty bad list.
GTA 5 (Singleplayer) is the culmination of everything fun in a game since the begining of videogames. It's a masterpeice and deserves to be number 1.

And while you don't personally enjoy it, a truly critcal person should be able to appreciate what it has done, and represents to videogames as a whole.

Just like someone who doesn't appreciate art should be able to recongnize the significance of an art peice like the mona lisa ( just picked an easy art reference point).

Zombie Proof

New member
Nov 28, 2015
Well said Lufia. To pretend that GTA V doesn't deserve SOME kind of accolades even if its not your cup of tea only makes you look like the Edgiest of Edgelords lol.


Grand Admiral
May 17, 2010
It's definitely a rather....weird list.

No classic Lucasart adventure game on it, but you include The Walking Dead. Fallout 1 and New Vegas, but you also include 3 (which is by far the worst in the series). Dishonored and Thief: The Dark Project, but not Thief 2: The Metal Age (aka the best in the series). Assassin's Creed and AC: Brotherhood are included, but not Black Flag or Revelations, which are far better.

But the worst part is that there's no Tuork 2 in there. Which classifies everyone who made the list as a complete phillistine.

(also A link to the past at number 1? Lol get out of here with your Zelda).


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009
TheFinish said:
No classic Lucasart adventure game on it
Grim Fandango and Day Of The Tentacle are on there tho. Nrs. 169 and 242, respectively.

But yeah, there's some odd stuff in there.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
I love their choice for #1. Hell yeah, A Link to the Past was awesome. Easily the best Zelda game anyway.

No Full Throttle? Seriously? It had the single greatest line of dialogue in all of gaming, delivered by Mark Hamill himself:
"Now, this next slide demonstrates our new, more agressive corporate strategy."
They thought Grim Fandango was better?


New member
Dec 5, 2008
These lists are always kind of stupid, frankly. And only get stupider when you extend them as far as 300 games, because then the excuses for excluding something notable become harder to overlook.

Ultima IV was groundbreaking for computer RPGs at its time, but how does one even begin to compare it to The Binding of Isaac or Middle Earth: Shadow of War? It's not even like comparing apples to oranges; it's more like comparing artisan flatbreads to motorcycles. How do you directly rate an innovative game with a (by modern standards) awkward, bulky interface against a visually stunning one that cribs from a dozen others and will be largely forgotten in another ten?

And that's before one even begins to speculate on how a magazine that comes with an upper-tier GameStop membership might be *ahem* "compelled" to include as many games that are still on the store's shelves as possible...


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Callate said:
These lists are always kind of stupid, frankly. And only get stupider when you extend them as far as 300 games, because then the excuses for excluding something notable become harder to overlook.
Pretty much this; 300 games spanning nearly 50 years of steady technological improvement puts your oldest and latest games nearly in different categories of entertainment making any meaningful comparison an exercise in futility. Pong at #136 beat out Titanfall 2 at #236; I can?t imagine by what standards Pong is 100 games better than Titanfall 2. Hell, I can?t imagine by what standards Pong is even entertaining unless the other choices are watching paint dry or rigorous masturbation whilst wearing a sandpaper glove.

Still, people love lists, and this most certainly is one; I?ve played 109 of the 300, so just over 36%. Despite the list being completely arbitrary, I was still glad to see some games made the list: INSIDE (#107, but my personal #1,) Splinter Cell: Blacklist (#179,) Shining Force II (#215,) etc. Then I?m dumbfounded when I see shit like Destiny half way UP the list at #149?? Destiny, but no Halo 3 or Reach anywhere?


New member
May 8, 2007
Seems a bit random (Tetris, the third best game ever, still?), but I think it's a pretty good list overall. I'm glad to see smaller games like Inside, Amnesia, Journey, The Stanley Parable, and What Remains of Edith Finch on there. No Heroes III though, unless I missed it.


It's yer man Chewy here!
Apr 24, 2008
evilthecat said:
Lessons to take away from this..

* People really like nostalgia.
* No seriously, did I mention people really like nostalgia.
* Noone likes strategy, except for old RTS games with nostalgia.
* RPGs live in a bizarro universe where noone likes nostalgia.
* If you're an FPS, mediocrity is the standard to beat.
Pretty much this.

Also, as someone who has foolishly spent too much money on rereleases/remasters of both old games I've played but want to try again or games I never had the chance to play to begin with, a lot of them, even just from the previous generation, aren't all that great. At the time our tiny gamer minds were blown but, like watching Pulp Fiction as an adult, shit don't hold up so well now.

As such, I find lists like this (for all media) to usually be exercises in self-congratulatory wank. Film lists especially end up being super Western-centric, which is rather moronic if you're gonna make a list of the best of "all time".


New member
Apr 16, 2018
I was disappointed to see that, for some reason, Fallout 4 was not on the list anywhere. I know a lot of good games were probably left off, but I would have thought that Fallout 4 would have been included.