Game of Thrones Actress Will Be Sarah Connor in Terminator Reboot


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Game of Thrones Actress Will Be Sarah Connor in Terminator Reboot

Emilia Clarke will star as the mother of humanity's savior in Terminator: Genesis.

If the prospect of a Terminator reboot, one named Terminator: Genesis no less, leaves you feeling a bit a dubious, don't worry because we're right there with you. It's not that we don't think Hollywood is incapable of producing a good Terminator, it's just that <a href=>recent years have pretty well demonstrated that the franchise's best days are well and far behind us.

Regardless, we're getting a <a href=>new Terminator franchise in 2015 and it just found its Sarah Connor. Who you ask, will you be playing the mother of mankind's savior? None of other than the mother of dragons herself: Emilia Clarke. The Game of Thrones actress, apparently an early favorite for the role, officially snagged it on Friday. She, of course, will be the second Game of Thrones actress to portray Connor's character. Lena Headey, a.k.a. Cersei Lannister also held the roll in the ill-fated <a href=>Sarah Connor Chronicles TV series, which was cancelled in 2009.

Just personally, I'm mixed on Clarke's casting. While I do think she's a capable actress, she's just not someone I look at think "Sarah Connor." Granted, there is definite bias on my part, owing to the fact that I love the original film and consider Terminator 2 to be probably the best action movie ever made. While you can, of course, thank the robotic gravitas of Arnold Schwarzenegger for that, a lot of it also came from how much Linda Hamilton owned the role of Sarah Connor. Of course, they might go in a completely different direction with the character, but I somehow just can't see Emilia Clarke delivering in a comparable way. That being said, we probably have more to worry about with Schwarzenegger who will be returning as the titular Terminator despite being more than 30 years older than he was in 1984.

Source: Variety



The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Wait... they're rebooting Terminator?


Don't get me wrong, I'm not an outraged fan or a rabid hater on this. I have little feeling either way for the Terminator series.

It's just well... it's one thing to keep pumping out souless sequels. It's another to throw up your hands and say, "Fuck it, we're out of ideas, let's just make them all over again."


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Eh, are they still going to have Arnie? Apparently that was in the running for some reason.


New member
Mar 5, 2012
Heheheh, it's kind ironic seeing how another actress [] from GoT also played Sarah Connor in Terminator: The Sarah Conor Chronicles


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Hey, the Sarah Connor Chronicles were AWESOME. Almost every episode made some sense on the grander scale of things and weren't just "Terminator of the Week", and both Lena Headey as Connor and Summer Glau as the obligatory "good terminator" performed admirably.

However, I do feel that the new actor might be a bit..Eh..Too young to play a convincing Sarah? Maybe they can make her look older.
Dec 16, 2009
don't know how I feel about this, I like her in GoT

s'pose it depends how well the reboots done. Its going to be a new take on things, I wonder if Sarah Conner whill make the transition between films from victum to bad ass, and I wonder how Emilia Clarke will play it. Hamilton was ripped for T2


New member
Mar 17, 2010
No fate but what we make for ourselves. Well of all possible fates why did it have to be this one?


New member
Mar 12, 2012
What are you talking about? Hollywood is so capable of producing a good Terminator. See Terminator and T2: Judgement Day for reference. Why they think they can do it again is beyond me, because they won't be able to.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
What a waste of time and effort. It's not even like the original Terminator was in black&white with cardboard for special effects.
You can make the ADHD generation sit through the original just fine already.

Lono Shrugged

New member
May 7, 2009
I couldn't give a shit who they cast personally. It's going to be a pointless remake and we all know it. It won't have anything new to say and will flop at the box office so it won't be a "franchise" Terminator works as 2 films and anything else is twisting the core concept and throwing it out the window. I thought it worked to some extent with TSCC but only divorced of the older films. (If you can even call them old)

Also it's funny how everyone seems thinks that the Terminator films are great because of Arnie. Nothing at all to do with solid writing, directing and awesome stunts and special effects.


New member
Mar 19, 2013
What is the point of such a remake? We have already accepted and familiarized ourselves with the original actors as THE characters of Terminator. It's like trying to re-make Titanic, Lord Of The Rings or Harry Potter with different actors - you'll just be sitting there the whole time thinking "wait, something isn't right".

Not to mention the franchise has already been milked to death thanks to the 3rd and 4th sequels, neither of which had any right to exist because Judgement Day was THE END as far as I'm concerned.


New member
Nov 25, 2011
I, for one, am quite EXCITED to see a remake of Terminator.

For exactly the same reason as everyone seems to hate reboots, I love them. I love them because, so often as not, they're rehashes of the original material made from a different cultural and social perspective. Anyone deluded enough to believe that EVERY MAJOR MOVIE EVER MADE wasn't a shameless, self-serving cash-grab... and therefore demonizes sequels and reboots... deserves to live in the miserable imaginary world they've made for themselves.

I've accepted the film industry for the monster it is, and have learned to simply enjoy what I enjoy regardless of the incessant obnoxiousness hurled around on the internet as if it somehow matters.

"Boo-hoo-hoo, I'm an angry fan and I like to rage about everything I see if it doesn't exactly fit in with my vision of what should be. Anyone who disagrees with me is wrong. I know better than everyone!" -cried the internet. "Won't anybody think of the fans?"

Not I.

No, not I.

Better luck stopping the reboot of Back to the Future, kiddos.


New member
Jan 18, 2011
Why are they even remaking Terminator? There was nothing wrong with the first one that requires a reboot. I do love Emilia Clarke though, she's so cute! (Too cut for Sarah Connor unfortunately)


The Purple Mage
Nov 9, 2009
Oh look... another reboot. Of something that was popular a long while ago.

I don't even care anymore. I can't even get up the energy to be dissapointed. It's like if you had a sibling who couldn't stop having babies. After baby number twelve... you couldn't be happy for or dissapointed with that person anymore. You'd just be "oh, really, another one, whatever". That's where I'm at with this crap.

You can say that this older stuff were just ripoff's of even older stuff... but at least they were putting a new story and setting and the like. Avatar might've been a ripoff of Dances with Wolves (which was a ripoff of something or other) but at least it was somewhere we'd never been before with visuals that were newly designed.

But this has just worn me down in the same way constant comic book reboots wear me down.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
T3hSource said:
Heheheh, it's kind ironic seeing how another actress [] from GoT also played Sarah Connor in Terminator: The Sarah Conor Chronicles
Frankly I don't see the irony. Coincidental, not really ironic.

I'm not to sure on Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor. She's too... well, pretty and doesn't really look like the type to one-arm pump a shotgun then shoot her twin. She can be intimidating, but in a different way. More like grand-wizard malevolence "you are nothing but an inconvenience" rather than "I can and will kill you by myself if you get in my way" intimidating.


New member
Apr 14, 2008
I wonder why they just didn't get Lena Headey again. I thought she performed the role well.

Still a bit annoyed at the cliffhanger cancellation of the TV series. They should have at least allowed them to wrap the story up.