Game of Thrones Actress Will Be Sarah Connor in Terminator Reboot


New member
Aug 13, 2009
wombat_of_war said:
she could probably pull off sarah connor the waitress pretty well but whether she has the ability to pull off sarah connor the freedom fighter.. i really dont know
While i would agree with you that Emilia Clarke is an unlikely candidate to pull this off, I am trying to temper my more cynical side by reminding myself that Linda Hamilton played both parts before, and everyone was just as suprised when she pulled off the transition.

On a side note, is it just me or does casting Arnie as the Terminator seem somewhat counter intuitive? Given that this is a reboot rather than a continuation of the series I can see no value to having the same actor play the role. Plus, surely one of the main reasons for rebooting the franchise must be casting? There was no hope of getting Bale and Worthington back for a sequel after how Salvation performed and most of the cast of the earlier films will have aged substantially. There isn't really another good reason for making this a reboot, as the series has never been precious about continuity, with each film pretty much trampling established continuity from its predecessor and using Time Travel = Reasons as sole justification.

Random Argument Man

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May 21, 2008
Am I a devil to think that the original terminator and Terminator 2 weren't that great? Maybe?.Maybe. Linda Hamilton did a good job being what most people envision Sarah Connor for: A strong badass character. In the first movie though, she was vulnerable character. Emilia Clarke showed that she can play a character that's vulnerable and changes into a sort-of badass. Honestly, so far, I think that it's good casting. She has the potential to pull it of.

I sure hope that they find a good actor for John Connor in the movie. Edward Furlong was fingernails on a chalkboard for me.

Last note, I'm wondering if they can bring back the robot apocalypse into the mainstream media. I have nothing against zombies, but this era is screaming for a "danger of technology" theme.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
She looks a bit too...wispy in that picture to play Sarah Conner. Of course, I'm sure that can change every easily, so we'll see.

Can I please, please, please just have my Terminator movie set in the future? With the purple lasers, flying attack crafts, giant tanks, burned out pickup trucks with turrets in the back, and humans fighting the terminators out in the open on top of mountains of skulls? Please? Those brief glimpses from the first and second movie are always so awesome.

Brian Tams

New member
Sep 3, 2012
You know what, I actually liked the actress who played Sarah Connor in the Sarah Connor Chronicles; it was everything else that I hated.
Lena Headey had the toughness, the tenacity, and the no bullshit personality that IS Sarah Connor. Hell, she even looked a bit like Linda Hamilton, so there's that.

They should've tried to get her to play new Sarah Connor. I just cannot see Emilia Clarke as that character, though, no matter how much I love her in GoT.


New member
Apr 2, 2013
They did also have a life-size model of the Terminator for the close up shots; it was made out of aluminum/steel and had to be carried by five or six guys because it was so heavy.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Yeah we really can't tell until we see some footage, at the very least an audition tape. I honestly have no idea if she could pull it off.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
More franchise milking, just what we need. Hollywood is so pathetic these days, I can't expect anything from them any more. It's so rare that I see something that interests me now. I guess it's like that so I can catch up on everything I wasn't around for. Never thought I would get into black and white films, but some I've watched recently have shown me scenes I haven't seen in cinema before, and it's awesome.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Why her? She does not look anything like the part. Oh well terminator will be very much different this time.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
I'm all for a reboot, if done well. But Arnie is so old, why not just recast him as well? For that matter, just retcon out 3 and 4, and start over after 2 (assuming they don't redo the story).

On another note, I'd like to see them revisit that Robocop/Terminator idea from old, what with both reboots coming out.

Man, that game was stupidly difficult and broken.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Kenbo Slice said:
I'm fine with a reboot of Terminator. But she's just too, pretty and girlish to play Sarah Connor. Sarah is a warrior.
Not at first she isn't. She's a flighty waitress in the first movie. She grows some in that movie. Her transformation for the second one is amazing and shocking but made sense. She realized all of humanity depended on her getting her stuff together.

It is because she is so girlish she might pull this off (watch her transformation in GOT.)

But, because the entire series is about a broken timeline, they can make this taking place in the same continuity, but a new story based upon this broken timeline.

They did have a musclebound computer generated Arnie in 4 so, I hope they can still do what I'm thinking.

Cameron originally wanted Lance Hendrikson to play the Terminator. It made no sense to use Mr. Universe to "blend in". And the T1000 showed us externally, it doesn't matter what the Terminator looks like. It's a freakin robot. So, a 70 year old Arnie could pull this off.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
She'll be all right as Terminator 1 Sarah Connor. The question is if she'll be able to pull off the totally ripped, slightly crazy badass Sarah Connor from Terminator 2 if the reboot series continues. Somehow I can't imagine Emilia Clarke with muscles, but maybe she'll surprise us.

In Game of Thrones she made a similar kind of transition from innocent victim to ass-kicker. Granted, a different kind of ass-kicker than Linda Hamilton in T2, but it at least shows that she has a good acting range.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
The funny/ sad thing is...for the franchise to keep existing in order to make more money, they can never have the future conflict resolve in a final way (machines win/ humanity wins).

So, you'll get a potentially infinite amount of, in essence, meaningless battles...scattered over time.

I would be very surprised if Terminator 5 would be any different.


Level 80 Legendary Postlord
Dec 4, 2007
Zhukov said:
Wait... they're rebooting Terminator?


Don't get me wrong, I'm not an outraged fan or a rabid hater on this. I have little feeling either way for the Terminator series.

It's just well... it's one thing to keep pumping out souless sequels. It's another to throw up your hands and say, "Fuck it, we're out of ideas, let's just make them all over again."
I completely agree. New stories in the Terminator universe, why not? The Terminator with Christian Bale was surprisingly awesome. But Terminator 1 and 2 are great movies in their own right that do not need a reboot.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
The correct answer is Ellen Hollman

She is ripped and in Spartacus shown she can play ass kickery really well.

Actually I don't care about terminator at all...just want moar Spartacus....


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Tiamat666 said:
Zhukov said:
Wait... they're rebooting Terminator?


Don't get me wrong, I'm not an outraged fan or a rabid hater on this. I have little feeling either way for the Terminator series.

It's just well... it's one thing to keep pumping out souless sequels. It's another to throw up your hands and say, "Fuck it, we're out of ideas, let's just make them all over again."
I completely agree. New stories in the Terminator universe, why not? The Terminator with Christian Bale was surprisingly awesome. But Terminator 1 and 2 are great movies in their own right that do not need a reboot.
I think its acceptable to reboot Terminator for one reason.

The first one came out 30 years ago.

I have no problem with them rebooting this franchise as I highly doubt people only a few year younger than myself (age 22) are going to fully enjoy watching the first Terminator. It's pretty dated. Terminator 2 was a technical marvel that still stands today and T3 was garbage. The show was good, but not T2 good and the idea of Terminator becoming a show didn't go too well with people and it came so soon after T3 ruined the franchise's good name.

Terminator needs a reboot.

Saying it doesn't need one really just seems to be more of a nostalgia based point.

For example, I'd rather see Dune remade (possibly by David Lynch with full creative control this time) rather than a sequel to Dune. Today's generation needs to know how some of these franchises started and some of them didn't age to well to simply recommend watching them now.

I think a lot of people complain about reboots for the sake of speaking about how great the original was. No one is saying the original of any movie is in need of a reboot due to a lack of quality. (Though Judge Dredd benefited from its reboot due to the first movie sucking.)

Yes, they're remade because Hollywood is bereft of ideas, but I wouldn't want to watch a reboot that is just verbatim to the original.

One of my friends didn't like the Total Recall reboot because they didn't go to Mars. Mars wasn't a focal point of the story, it was just a location. My answer to him was to keep enjoying the original.

I don't understand why people just can't enjoy both.


New member
Apr 18, 2010
I love all the people complaining that Emilia Clarke doesn't look badass and muscular like Sarah Connor did... who only looked that way in the second movie. In the first one, when she started out, she was just an ordinary girl. Sarah Connor of the second film was a completely different creature than that of the first. Her badassness was shaped by her experiences in the first film. The change in the actress's musculature and bearing was striking because she was very different in the first from the second. If we start out with an actress who looks all physically powerful, like people complaining about Clarke seem to think, then the transformation loses most of its power.

Also, about Arnold returning to the role 'more than 30 years older than he was in 1984'... Won't he be almost exactly 30 years older than he was in 1984? 1984-2014 = 30.