The thing about Libertarians is that they are defined more by what they don't want than what they do want. This gives rise to large swaths of people who hold completely incompatible view points under a single umbrella term. People join political parties for different reasons and when the main reason to join one party is "keep government out of X", what X is is completely up to the individual.
From purely anecdotal evidence, it appears to me that the most "organized" group of Libertarians (and I use the term "organized" loosely) are those who do not trust the government with anything and tend to see any kind of new law as infringing on people's rights. It also seems to be the party of choice of conspiracy theorists (Alex Jones AKA "that guy your crazy friend won't shut the fuck up about").
From purely anecdotal evidence, it appears to me that the most "organized" group of Libertarians (and I use the term "organized" loosely) are those who do not trust the government with anything and tend to see any kind of new law as infringing on people's rights. It also seems to be the party of choice of conspiracy theorists (Alex Jones AKA "that guy your crazy friend won't shut the fuck up about").