Hardly surprising, given the way our hobby has been attacked incessantly by governments, in addition to being far more educated on (at least in America) government abuse. Skepticism or even distrust of government is quite reasonable.
(Fun fact: Scientists are WAYY more likely to be libertarian than the average citizen, and almost definitely atheists as well. Every single one of my friends that got a degree in a hard science are both, myself included)
Kataskopo said:
Also, is that libertarianism thing something new from the US?I don't recall reading about "Libertarianism" a few years before, but now I see them all the time, like whenever same sex marriage is being discussed, suddenly there's this guy that will say "let's get rid of marriage altogether!" Ehm, no.
Are you actually suggesting that marriage SHOULD exist as a legal institution? It only got really pushed in the US to ban inter-racial marriage to begin with, and is now being used to ban same sex marriage. We should just abolish the whole thing and stick to taxing based on residency and children, not an arbitrary definition that varies heavily from state to state yet includes literally thousands of tax/etc benefits.
(Another part of it is that it punishes/discriminates against single people, too).
So, yeah, libertarianism/Libertarianism largely involves questioning whether or not a particular institution should exist at all, with the goal being to limit it where possible. (This should be obvious, considering the vast majority of murderous dictators gained their power legally or, after gaining power, used their government's expansive power against their own citizens. The larger the government, the bigger the possibility of abuse).