Games that EVERYONE should play at least once


New member
Sep 9, 2009
So, it's generally accepted that every person should experience at least bits and pieces from the wide variety of culture and past times placed before us. For example, most everyone has seen a film like E.T. or more currently relevant, Inception. Most everyone has read at least one Harry Potter book. Most everyone has played some kind of sport. It doesn't matter if you aren't a movie person, book person, or sports person. Almost everyone has sampled from the many hobbies and past times of our culture and there are always movies books or something that the general population tells everyone else to at least look into it once.

So I was wondering what you all thought about of this in terms of games. What game(s) should everyone play at least once in their life, even if they have no real interest in taking up gaming as a hobby? And I'm not talking about just suggesting a bunch of classics like Mario or Sonic or spewing out the latest triple A title that got a high score. What would be a game that we as gamers can hold up to the rest of the world as our Harry Potter or our E.T.? Something that can be enjoyed by the majority of people, gamer or not. Anyone have any good ideas for what that game should be?


New member
Jan 29, 2009
That is a hard question because many games require you to already have experience with previous games to really enjoy them. In addition many games have built on previous ones and are in most ways better versions of some old games....but us long term gamers still love the originals...often much more.

For instance I would say everyone should play final fantasy 3 (6) at least once as I think it is a classic turn based RPG and one of the best ever created. At the same time there are many that would not get it at all, and I had already been playing RPG's for years before I played that game. Many might not enjoy it as a first RPG experience.

The original Zelda was an awesome introduction to action rpg's for me. I had played games like Adventure before which might be considered action RPG in some way...but Zelda also is something I think everyone should play at least once in their life.

The best light gun game in my opinion is Elemental Gearbolt. It's one of the few games that really drew my wife in and we both still play it today....even though it's the only game we actually still need my Ps2 for anymore. It allows for an extreme level of skill and has a great scoring system that allows you to still be challenged even after years of playing the game.

Diablo II in my opinion is also a great game everyone should try. It's also in the Action RPG genre...but it redefined it so much and was just so much fun that I think it should also be tried by everyone.

For platform games I think the Ratchet and Clank series wins for me over the rest although the original spyro's were great and even the Gecko games were good. Super Mario 64 & super mario galaxy/2 are all great as well and any of those could really be used instead.

Still liked top gear 2 most of the racing games over the years probably. There have been better ones I guess, but nothing caught my attention for as long (Well RC Pro Am if you count that as a racing game hehe).

Double Dribble was the last sports game I really enjoyed heh....I'm not a big sports game fan.

I'd add plants vs zombies onto the list for puzzle type games (although to be honest we have spent farm more time with the bejewled series).

It really is hard to nail down just a few games even in each genre to be honest. Especially when you are considering that the people playing them are not already gamers.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
TacticalAssassin1 said:
OH! Portal.
Portal probably would be my suggestion as well, even though I didn't like it that much. Still, its an interesting puzzle game that isn't too hard and isn't too long, the controls are easy enough, the graphics are pretty good and it has a good sense of humour (however weird).


New member
Jan 20, 2009
There is not one, because not every genre appeals to everyone.

But if there was, it would have to be a game that runs on any aged old laptop, else not everyone will play it.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
ScoopMeister said:
Pong. Pong is at roots of gaming, and is easy enough that anyone can get into.
Sober Thal said:
ScoopMeister said:
Yep. Learn what it was all about. Find out how it all began.

Good call Scoop.
Would you direct a first comer of movies to the first films shown in theaters? I would think that would be rather boring if someone introduced film to me and it was short clips of trains coming towards the screen or people doing stupid stuff with no sound and grainy footage.

Also I don't think you would try to get someone into books by showing them early forms of writing and telling them how amazing books are because of cuneiform.

I have a feeling showing someone Pong as their fleeting glance with gaming would feel like this. More of a history lesson and less of an experience. I suppose if we want to bore the general populace to death, then it works.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
veloper said:
There is not one, because not every genre appeals to everyone.

But if there was, it would have to be a game that runs on any aged old laptop, else not everyone will play it.
That's true that everyone will not appreciate every genre. I know some people who have never read a Harry Potter or bothered to watch Jurassic Park, E.T., or Inception just because it's not their thing. But I mean as a general broad spectrum game, and also lets imagine that getting them the proper tech isn't a hurdle.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
Brutal Peanut said:
Psychonauts........ & Portal.
Yes! Psychonauts is the best! So is Portal.
I would say Monkey Island. It's easy enough for anyone new, but so much fun.
There's so many great ones, it's hard to choose which would be a good representative, even for each genre. All I can say is it should be fun and/or have a fantastic story/atmosphere to Ico/Shadow of the Colossus.

[small]Captcha: adygoo collected
Reminds me of a item quest in some RPG...[/small]


New member
Aug 20, 2009
FF6 just to see if JRPGs are your thing, Shadow of the Colossus, anything by Valve, Ocarina of Time. I'd recommend the Metroid series but somehow Metroid isn't mainstream enough. Oh and Mass Effect or Dragon Age.

As for bad games that must be seen: Zero Wing for broken(VERY BROKEN) translation, Dante's Inferno for how not to reinterpret a story as well as how NOT to emulate God of War gameplay.