Games that make you feel good / badass?

Lethal Music

New member
Feb 4, 2011
Freespace... Don't think that anyone remembers this. Had the original one when I was about 8 years old and lost it. Years later I remembered the game but didn't know the title anymore until I stumbled upon it a few months ago. Downloaded it and started playing, I'm actually downloading the second one right now.

I know, it's old as fuck and it takes a long time to find a control scheme that works decently (I'd recommend a joystick) and the graphics...

But there are only few things that make you feel more badass than going into a fight with just 2 wings of fighters as support, finding yourself vastly outnumbered and outgunned and still manage to take down a shitload of enemy fighters and interceptors, destroy 2 heavy cruisers and escape with half of your men still alive.

Don't be mistaken though, this game is hard. I mean HARD! Even on very easy, you still have to watch your back since a single enemy that manages to get behind you unnoticed can wreck your shit with a few well placed shots and one or two lock-on missiles.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Most of the end-game stuff in Bioware RPG's.

Fighting through the Star Forge in KoTOR made me feel totally badass, especially so if I was playing dark side.

Running in through hordes of soldiers and Sith, and just cutting them down to visit bloody delicious vengeance on my former student? Hell yes!

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
dyre said:
I felt pretty badass as Adam Jensen in Deus Ex HR. Despite being a small pawn facing enemies that wield more power than most governments, I felt pretty good taking out soldiers with a little help from my awesome augmentations. Also, I looked pretty badass.

Arkham City. Being able to play as Batman is such an incredible game and to do things Batman can do felt amazing.


New member
Aug 10, 2011

<a href=>*Shameless Self Advertising

Battlefield 3. I felt like Arnold Schwarzenegger from True Lies.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Evilsanta said:
Why has no one mentioned the Dynasty Warriors games? What is wrong with you people?!

You are a one man fucking army killing hundreds left and right. And if you aren't killing/swinging you oversized weapon every second: You are playing in wrong!

Also Lu bu.
Especially when you consider what weapons have been used throughout the series to create these genocides.

Some of which includes:

A feather fan that shoot lasers.
A flute that creates purple orbs of DOOM!
A rapid firing arm cannon
A detachable, double halberd pinwheel...thing.
A giant, stone column + coconut tree minigun + giant poisonous mushroom combination
A harp
A wrist-mounted, rapid firing, bladed crossbow

And more...

And then there's the Samurai Warriors series...

Playing as that guy makes me feel like a real badass.

*summon mini-tsunami*
"Cool off!"


New member
Jan 1, 2012
Half-life 2's final chapter, with the gravity gun, made me feel badass. Chucking people around and hurling them into electric stuff makes my day.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Vanquish hands down. Jetting around at ludicrous speeds before pulling the heavy rifle out and blasting a bad guys face in, in slow mo (overdone but still awesome) then taking a smoke break before punching the head off a giant mech
Jul 11, 2011
Beating someone in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 with using Phoenix Wright.I love hearing this phrase so much... "I've got all I need!"


New member
Oct 7, 2011
teh_Canape said:
Catfood220 said:
Infamous 2 on the good run, at the end when you are full charged and totally destroy The Beast. Ok, its not that hard but my God it felt good. The evil final fight just made me feel dirty.

Also probably the last game that I beat Mass Effect 3,

Shepard gets hit full on by a Reaper laser and still has the strength to get up and carry on the fight.
the fight one-on-one with the reaper on Rannoch, on the last part where he is going point-blank, man that felt awesome
or in Tuchanka when you're activating the hammers, hauling ass to one of them, then cloaking and hauling ass past the brutes to get to the other
OT: Warhammer Space Marine, just... Warhammer Spaec Marine
*scoff* cloaking is for pussies real men biotic charge into the brutes face now THAT makes you feel like a badass.
Go back to me3 and play vanguard. Batman: Arkham City, Like a poster said above me batman = badass(Shepard is more of one though). Any ac game other than the first one, again posters above me. God of War I guess but it isn't fun for me.
captcha: gung ho, that is sure what a vanguard Shepard is.


New member
May 18, 2010
The_Lost_King said:
Go back to me3 and play vanguard. Batman: Arkham City, Like a poster said above me batman = badass(Shepard is more of one though). Any ac game other than the first one, again posters above me. God of War I guess but it isn't fun for me.
captcha: gung ho, that is sure what a vanguard Shepard is.
did give Vanguard quite a consideration, seeing as how I enjoyed Charge and Shockwave in ME2, but really, I'm more of a sniper guy, so I just cloak and snipe
'cause I'm cool


Dec 1, 2011
I've had several moments where I've felt utterly badass over the last week or so. I've had at least three occasions on MW3 where I took out four or five guys before dying while near death and while I'm in the middle of a large firefight. I also felt like a total badass when I played Survival SpecOps with a friend the other day because he would keep getting downed and I would have to charge in and save him and it seemed like I just could not get downed and killed until about round 25.

Another game that I can feel like a badass in is Saints Row the Third. Hell, I spent about an hour or so massacring the STAG forces using mostly satchel charges and pistols.(would occasionally use the RC thing or hop into a tank)

Come to think of it, I remember having several badass moments in Gears 3 whenever I would be the last guy alive in Horde mode (which happened about as often as me ending up the first/only person dead in a round) and gunning down Locusts, preferably with a Silverback.

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
Left 4 Dead (2) Versus always made me feel pretty awesome. Especially when your team kills everyone only a few feet from the starting area and they all rage quit. Then you all give each other virtual high-fives.

L.o.L has it's moments. When you are on a great run with your favorite character.

TF2 Medic makes me feel suuuuper awesome sometimes, since that seems to be the only class I would consider myself good at. Find the right heavy, soldier, or demoman, ugh, the epicness just falls into place.

And of course, playing Commander Shepard. And Batman,...and Kratos,...Courier in Fallout: New Vegas, Dovahkiin in Skyrim. I am sure there are plenty more.