To me that was maybe enough to dock the game like .5 on a 10 point scale. So if it were a solid 9 maybe take it down to an 8.5, because while depressing it really didn’t affect the gameplay before it, which although repetitious was pretty exceptional overall. I would’ve only made Max’s movement feel a bit weightier as he did kinda feel a bit lofty and not-so-sure-footed when jumping to and fro.Honestly I would've been fine with the "and then he drives away", as that's pretty standard for max. It was the whole "and everything is worse than how he left it" that turned me off. I mean, I recall very distinctly playing that game, a few years after it came out, and thinking "man I really don't see why people are shitting all over this. it's really fun. it feels fitting for the source material, I'm enjoying the progression, the storms are awesome and terrifying.....oh....oh that"
Oh and actually now that I remember it, the couple of sections where you had to drive through long dark tunnels full of water and debris can be thrown in a dumpster fire. That might’ve brought the score down another .5 points