I really do hate the Crucible thing. It's a big thing that nobody really knows what it is or what it does but apparently cycle after cycle has been building onto it and such despite knowing next to nothing about it and apparently they just update the plans before everyone dies and leave them for the next cycle despite again, not really knowing what it is or what it does. Oh, but it's not introduced till ME3, and it's kinda wierd considering the SOP for the Reapers until this cycle had been "Get everyone to use the Mass Relays for everyone, base their government at the citadel and then have the keepers turn everything off JUST before the reapers pop in to kill everyone, so everyone is isolated from the word go and the reapers just systemically klll everyone for as long as is needed". So how the hell the previous X iterations of the catalysts even got started when the Reapers had apparently swept half the board on move one is a mystery when everyone is probably barely holding out so probably doesn't even have time to even entertain throwing resources at some mystery project.....Sorry, am I putting more thought into this then the writers did? I'm sorry....no I'm not.Also yes, there should have been the capability to just beat the Reapers in a straight fight instead of this Catalyst superweapon that's pulled out of nowhere to justify the galaxy winning, when they could've very easily simply had the Milky Way armies be improved to the point they could go from taking a whole armada to kill one in the first game to being able to take out the same sort of Reaper with two or 3 ships at the most. The Reapers were written to be so powerful as to be near invincible that they needed a deus ex machina to be beaten, even at the end of the series when any competent writer would have had them losing their edge by that point precisely so they wouldn't need a deus ex machina to beat.
And then it turns out it's part of the Reapers plan all along, and because Shephard got up there they just decide to let him push whichever button for....reasons. It's such lazy storytelling trying to pretend it's meaningful in a game that's full of otherwise really good writing(not all of it, but a lot of it). I really do like a lot of ME3 but man that whole part of it feels like a ketchup stain on The Last Supper.
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