Games that you've abandoned playing


New member
Jan 22, 2009
BoogieManFL said:
What platform for Mass Effect 2? To be honest I can't recall any notable glitch or bug in any of the Mass Effect games, other than Shepard's head spinning around poltergeist style once during a conversation in ME3. However, there were a few (mostly fixed) bugs in Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, some of which still exist but thankfully are uncommon enough to not be a serious issue.

I agree that Dragon Age generally gets better as you go along, especially as your characters get their skills filled out more.
On PC, falling through the world constantly.

with Dragon Age it was ostigar and the mages tower


New member
Aug 28, 2014
I abandoned Crysis 1 and The Witcher 2 recently.

Crysis' nano suit is the most worthless suit ever; i had to mod the config file to make it more enjoyable and then i just cloaked through entire levels and the toggle sights made combat terrible. i quit right after being told to fly a VTOL and crashing a minute later.

The Witcher 2 bored me so much that I quit 47 minutes into the game. The combat was horrific and i bugged out the engine to where there was a permanent blue bloom effect and hue in game.


Not actually a Japanese pop star
May 26, 2011
Grouchy Imp said:
shrekfan246 said:
I abandon probably a good majority of the games I start playing, to be honest.

Most recently was Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2. It's a squad-based tactical-lite FPS, and I was quite enjoying it up until I got to the beginning of Act 6, where you're sent into a mission without any squad. At that point, big problems I had with the game and its predecessor (namely the sheer volume of enemies in levels and how they were often simply spawned in rather than having deliberate placements on the map from the start of the level) basically killed the fun I was having, because without the moderately-competent AI to help me out I was just dying over and over again.

I don't mind a rock-hard FPS, but the Vegas games tried to straddle the line between tactical FPS and CoD FPS too finely, and I don't think the mechanics really meshed together all that well. It's a shame, too, because I quite like the actual gameplay itself and the character progression mechanics they added in to Vegas 2.
The oil refinery level? Yeah, I got stuck there myself and gave up after a month of battering my head against it to no avail. Getting up to the refinery itself wasn't a problem, it was just inside the refinery complex where there are three guys on overhead walkways and a sniper on top of a chimney stack that got me. Well, not them, but the squads of guys that breach the area after you take those four out.

I don't know why they thought it would be a good idea to remove the squad from a largely squad-driven game. Because it wasn't. And I find myself having little patience for complete and utter BS these days.

I might eventually go back and try it again, but for right now I'm pretty satisfied with doing other things instead. I just installed Dark Souls II for the first time, for example.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Kingjackl said:
You know where this is going, right? I got as far as loosing the first boss fight in Warrior Within against Baroness von Fetish-gear before I chucked it in. I knew about Warrior Within and it's emo-ness going in, but I figured I'd be able to look past that if I could at least enjoy the gameplay. That boss fight just shit me to tears and I haven't touched it since.
Those Boss fights against her really are the worst part of that game. Yes, there is actually a second fight with her later on and it's even worse than the first. The second time you fight her on top of a plateau and her random kicks can knock you off killing you instantly.


King of the Celery people
Jan 18, 2012
Catstyle said:
duwenbasden said:
Not sure if quotes to peoples posts are noticed or if you will miss this.
to enjoy Dark souls on PC, take a look at :)
Not sure how far it come but the early days it made a huge improvement for me that used mouse for dark souls.
Oh trust me I spent at least 3 hours scouring Google and the Nexus before giving up.

There are other problem with that game, technical and functional:
- Refuse to acknowledge my 360 controller, despite the Steam overlay / GFWL detecting it.
- Suffers from the "infinite dungeon" syndrome where the entire game feels like a dungeon; it kills the mood 2 hours in.
- Respawns, they are fine for the first 3 or 4 times, but it will feel old when you have to fight them 20-30 times. I tend to stop playing when I feel my contributions have no meaning.
- Does the Sun ever fucking come out?

Sean Hollyman

New member
Jun 24, 2011
I recently got Halo 1 Anniversairy and I got to a bit where I had to destroy some generators.

I got fucking lost, walked all the way to the start of the level and just gave up.


New member
Jan 30, 2008
I stopped playing Skyrim because crashes ruined my immersion in the game. Replaying things just shits me. Had the same issue with ME1's autosave system fucking me which ended up with me leaving the game unplayed for years before going back and finishing it.


New member
Jul 3, 2011
duwenbasden said:
- Does the Sun ever fucking come out?
It does, and you'd better praise it ************.

OT: The Last of Us. Just...ugh. 'Resource Management' isn't putting artificially low caps on items. You still just pick up every last item you see until the game decides you're at the cap for that item, as opposed to an actual inventory system. You can only carry 20 9mm pistol rounds, even though your character is wearing a backpack.
The zombies are blind, but when you touch a progression object (even inaudibly!), they all charge at you.

I've tried to get into the game twice, but six hours in and there's still no fun aside from punching groups of the basic zombies to death. Also, the game gets special hate for having terrible upgrades. Fuck a game where I open the upgrade screen for the first time and say "I don't want any of these"

You can say what you want about the storyline, I'm a gameplay man. (And as tired of zombie stories as can be.)


New member
Mar 5, 2012
duwenbasden said:
Catstyle said:
duwenbasden said:
Not sure if quotes to peoples posts are noticed or if you will miss this.
to enjoy Dark souls on PC, take a look at :)
Not sure how far it come but the early days it made a huge improvement for me that used mouse for dark souls.
Oh trust me I spent at least 3 hours scouring Google and the Nexus before giving up.

There are other problem with that game, technical and functional:
- Refuse to acknowledge my 360 controller, despite the Steam overlay / GFWL detecting it.
- Suffers from the "infinite dungeon" syndrome where the entire game feels like a dungeon; it kills the mood 2 hours in.
- Respawns, they are fine for the first 3 or 4 times, but it will feel old when you have to fight them 20-30 times. I tend to stop playing when I feel my contributions have no meaning.
- Does the Sun ever fucking come out?
Oh thought it was the mouse/keyboard issue in general and just not the game itself. :) my bad.
Sad to hear you didnt enjoy the game, I wish I could share some joy I have gotten out of it.


New member
May 7, 2012
Well I think there is a difference between ragequiting and abandoning. There are a few games I've ragequit, but when it comes to abandoning a game, mainly out of boredom or mild frustration, I would say most recently I abandoned Dark Souls II. It didn't so much as piss me off, but just became so difficult that it wasn't fun anymore. I quit after attempting the Guardian Dragon once or twice. Getting past the trolls just to get to the boss became tedious and boring. I'll probably pick it up again, but not anytime soon. The DLC was hard as balls, too. Never did beat that Dragon, even after many tries.

Other games I've abandoned: Fallout New Vegas(I've been wanting to try it again recently, though), Dead Space 2, Wind Waker. Wind Waker was really great, but I got distracted by some other stuff and never got around to finishing it. Same with GTA V.


Dec 1, 2011
Evonisia said:
shrekfan246 said:
Who needs the campaign when you've got Terrorist Mode to get split in half by five seconds in?
I know, right? It's so much fun. I want to play Vegas 2 now, where the hell did I put my copy of it?

More On Topic: There are several games that I've more or less abandoned. Halo 4 I abandoned after an extremely bad day in multiplayer. I also stopped playing Gears 3 after a game of Hoard mode where the game physically screwed me over on the final round. Then, of coarse, there are the Bethesda games, though I abandoned those mostly due to having played them for like a month or two strait. I'll want to get back to them eventually, but it ain't happening any time soon. That's about all I can think of.


New member
Jul 3, 2011
ShinobiJedi42 said:
Well I think there is a difference between ragequiting and abandoning. There are a few games I've ragequit, but when it comes to abandoning a game, mainly out of boredom or mild frustration, I would say most recently I abandoned Dark Souls II. It didn't so much as piss me off, but just became so difficult that it wasn't fun anymore. I quit after attempting the Guardian Dragon once or twice. Getting past the trolls just to get to the boss became tedious and boring.
Sounds like you didn't pick up an important trick throughout the game: Forget the enemies, go for the boss. The trolls don't actually follow you to the boss room, despite it being right there. If it didn't occur to you, you'd be surprised how many enemies you can just outmaneuver your way past.


Senior Member
Mar 6, 2011
Resident Evil 6 - It just wasn't fun. I played through the Chris and Leon missions with a friend, which made it bearable, but can't find anyone willing to play through the last set with me. And the game isn't good enough to be entertaining without someone to make fun of it with.

Skies of Arcadia Legends - My ex stole my copy of this game when we broke up, and I don't care enough about finishing it to go pay the exorbitant prices secondhand copies of it reach these days.

Assassin's Creed IV - After 26 hours of gameplay, my PC crashed and ate my save. I just can't work up the will to play all the way through to were I was all over again just to get to see the end.

Dishonored - I keep starting it, making it through a few missions, and then something more interesting comes out and draws away my attention. By the time I get back to it, I don't remember anything that's happened, and start it over again to get back up to speed. By the time I'm done with that, something more interesting has come out and draws away my attention.

Fable Anniversary - Fable: The Lost Chapters was one of my top five games of all time. I thought Anniversary would be a fun little romp through my fond memories of the past. Instead, it turned out to be the worst kind of remake - the kind that makes you wonder why you liked the original so much in the first place.

Animal Crossing - Because Animal Crossing isn't a game you win. It's a game you escape from.


Aug 16, 2012
Dead Island and Dead Space. Both after getting roughly half way through and encountering a bug that broke the game and physically prevented me continuing.

Up until that point I was quite enjoying both games, particularly Dead Space, however the thought of spending dozens of hours doing the exact same thing again was enough for me to give up on them entirely. The really irritating thing is when I played these games it was at least a year after launch and both the bugs I encountered were known and yet the devs still hadn't bothered fixing them.


Eats Nuts, Kicks Butts.
Nov 17, 2009
bit odd this one. i really like it. i bought it at lauched played it for a while but never completed it. i guess i got distracted by other games and i only got back to it this week. finally finished it, with the same character i started 5 years ago. (in the interum i've beaten Borderlands 2 five times with three different characters.)

Witcher 2
again, really like it but been distracted by other games. will get to it eventually though.

Dark souls.
i tried. i reeeeally tried to get into it. i played it for 10 or more hours until i realised i wasnt having any fun at all.


New member
May 7, 2012
Benpasko said:
ShinobiJedi42 said:
Well I think there is a difference between ragequiting and abandoning. There are a few games I've ragequit, but when it comes to abandoning a game, mainly out of boredom or mild frustration, I would say most recently I abandoned Dark Souls II. It didn't so much as piss me off, but just became so difficult that it wasn't fun anymore. I quit after attempting the Guardian Dragon once or twice. Getting past the trolls just to get to the boss became tedious and boring.
Sounds like you didn't pick up an important trick throughout the game: Forget the enemies, go for the boss. The trolls don't actually follow you to the boss room, despite it being right there. If it didn't occur to you, you'd be surprised how many enemies you can just outmaneuver your way past.
Oh believe me, I tried that multiple times lol. Kept getting squashed by them before I could even make it to the boss door. I tried luring them out into the hallway and then running past them, but so many enemies spawn in that hallway, I was just worn down. I died several times just trying to get to the boss. At that point, it just wasn't worth it anymore.

Ryan Minns

New member
Mar 29, 2011
Well FF13 for the "Eh, I can't be bothered any more with this shit"

But Lost Odyssey is my most confusing game I've abandoned. I was playing it, I was enjoying it, I saved my game and... Nope, never played again. I got my partner to try it and she played it, enjoyed it, saved it almost at the exact same part and... Nope, never went back and neither of us know why we seem to lack the motivation to do it.

Poetic Nova

Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus
Jan 24, 2012
I recently stopped caring for Bioshock Infinite, 10 hours in, story almost done but it started to feel like a drag.


New member
Oct 29, 2012
giles said:
Dark Souls.

I took some gargoyle flight to the city, these things shoot at me while I try to balance along the rooftops or something... then I realized I only came so far out of a sense of obligation, not because it was fun.
I finished Demon's Souls and it was a complete mess of a story, but at least it was straightforward on where to go. I'm tired of looking up where I have to go next or look for more NPCs to tell me what the fuck is going on. If the game doesn't care then I won't.
No, Dark Souls, I won't explore corners of your world and read optional dialogue and texts, because that's something a game has to earn by being interesting.

The Archers of Anor Londo strike again!!!

Most people I know astoped playing at that point.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Final Fantasy 12, which oddly though, is one I really like. It's a straight Star Wars: A New Hope ripoff, but at least the plot is understandable (at least up to the point I played). I actually enjoyed it compared to the other insanities that are a Final Fantasy game, but for some reason I just couldn't stay interested in it, and put it down every time I tried to play it.

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. I got to the point where they introduced the villianess with a full screen closeup of your metal thonged ass, and I was like "....ok nope, not playing this, I'm not going to like this at all." Coupled with the horrible metal music, instead of the cool Arabian-esque music from Sands of Time, yeah, screw that game.

A game I almost put down and stopped playing last night was FTL. Kept having trouble accomplishing anything in that game, so I bumped it down to EASY difficulty....and died on my 2nd jump. That almost made me punch my monitor. But, things got better, as I finally unlocked a ship that's worth a damn, instead of the default one, so things are going better, a bit.

Archeage. Was in the most recent Beta, and got annoyed with the game after about an hour of play. Uninstalled, and don't plan on checking it out again.