games were you hate the character you play as


New member
Apr 2, 2009
Starke said:
What's with all the hatred of CJ from San Andreas. I found him remarkably sympathetic for a GTA player character.
You have to ask?

CJ is a black dude who rolls with gangstas, speaks with an accent and dialect these "good old boys" can't stand and is so far removed from these cats that of course they are going to hate the experience. Basically that one game they had to sit through was torture for 'em. Well congratulations guys you now know what it feels like for black dudes 99% of the time.

Turn about is fair play right?


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I agree with anyone and everyone that said Final Fantasy leads. I'd be hard pressed to make up my mind on which one I hated most, but I suppose I could narrow it down to Yuna the "oh poopie" girl or Squall for reasons too numerous to list.


New member
May 25, 2009
All JRPG characters, Squall is only partly tolerable because of his weapon, a revolver with a lightsaber on the end is cool, but not enough to keep him from being annoying.

Also Amy from the Sonic series. She was only playable in the two Sonic Adventure games (outside spin-offs), and was absurdly annoying in each. Her levels in SA1 were just small sections of Sonic's, so nothing new besides being follwed by the pedo-bot. She was a multi-player only character in SA2, only slightly more usefull than Tikal. Only upside is rubbing the fact you won with Amy in your opponents face.
Tikal who was only playable in SA2's vs mode. She was absolutely worthless and was in the most irritating of all the game modes in the game.
Any other Sonic characters outside the original 5 or Sonic, Tails, Knux, Dr. Robotnik, and Metal Sonic also qualify as annoying to play as.

Booze Zombie

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Dec 8, 2007
Jackie from The Darkness... that fuck wouldn't stop with the "clever" remarks during the loading scenes, which just pissed me off.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Niko bellic from GTA, seriously. idc abouthis cry baby cousin you have to take care of, i just want to run over hookers with helicopters and if i'm lucky boats. dont give me this Niko chatacter, give me Jason or something.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
Marcus Fenix - He is so stupid maybe he should have been in a Fear game with all the "Lets split up" for the 1 millionth time


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Great thread idea.

notsosavagemessiah said:
Just about every FF character after FFIV. Minus zidane, he was tolerable.
But the one in Final Fantasy X was the most beautiful lady I have ever seen. (What?! Taylor Hanson is a dude?!)

Hail Fire 998 said:
The new Prince of Persia annoyed me really badly.
I actually like the way he and Erika bantered about like mid-20 somethings having a discussion over frappaccinos while listening to Feist and reading the lastest bestseller.
Okay, it didnt fit with the gameplay, granted, but I enjoyed it all the same.


How about anything where your character is supposed to be 'badass' but is written so poorly that he just comes off as trying too hard, and ends up being a lame poser. Like Master Chief, or the Prince of Persia from the 'Warrior Within' sequel, when the lovable disney character became an emo filled with bland hatred of nothing in particular.


New member
Nov 14, 2008
Tidus. That "daddy didn't love me crap" got old the first time you brought it up Tidus. Seriously, that kid was a broken record. I just want someone to bitchslap him everytime he mentions it every chance he gets.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Jeronus said:
Tidus. That "daddy didn't love me crap" got old the first time you brought it up Tidus. Seriously, that kid was a broken record. I just want someone to bitchslap him everytime he mentions it every chance he gets.
I also did not find it easy to relate to a smug, irritating, whiney jock...

...who really needs to punch his tailor in the face.

A random person

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Gears of War would have been a lot better if Marcus' voice actor played the character of Bender instead (for the disinclined, they have the same voice actor).

Also, Edward the Bard is why I didn't like Final Fantasy IV. He was absolutely useless.

Patchi Knowledge

New member
Jul 17, 2009
Tidus and another one.
Ill give you a hint,
"Im Captain Basch fon Ronsenburg of Dalmasca!"
"Dont listen to Ondore's lies!"
Guess who?


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Gonna have to say Alec Mason in Red Faction Guerrilla.
"Well, my brother was killed for doing something illegal. I think I will destroy billions of dollars worth of buildings owned by an already unstable economy, probably resulting in the starvation of millions of innocent earth families, not to mention killing thousands of soldiers who were drafted because of the previously mentioned poverty. Let's rock! Oh and I almost forgot, despite the title of this game and the actions I'm taking, I'm not actually a member of the Red Faction. I'm just doing this for lulz."

Lord Thodin

New member
Jul 1, 2009
Jepix said:
I have jsut felt this once, and that is that whiny S.O.B in Call of Juarez. Play half of the time as reverend Kick ass, then som darn whiny semi-indian. No thank you.

Lord Thodin said:
O god how ive waited for this question.

The Bioshock guy
Marcus Fenix
Sgt Jackson in CoD4
Chris Redfield
Main guy in ANY of the Timesplitters games
Any character in L4D thats not Fracis
Army of Two, i hate them both
The original Red Faction guy
Master Cheif
Issac Clarke AT TIMES, not all the time mind you
Any of the TF2 characters. Ill admit ive never played, but regardless of how popular it is, the characters just seem annoying to me.
The Bioshock guy
Any of The Bouncer's characters sept for Koe, cause hes a smartass
The guy from Gungrave
The guy from Drekengard
The guy from Red Dead Revolver
The main guy from The Getaway
Sly Cooper
Donkey Kong
The Bioshock guy
The guy you play as in The Summoner
The Characters from the first Baulder Gate Dark Alliance
That douchebag you play as in The Force Unleashed
Sgt Forge in Halo Wars
Mortal Kombat VS DC whenever you have to play as the DC characters
The Panzy main character of Run Like Hell
Sonic in any of his games after the Sega Genesis
Wolverine, cause i hate him period
The Brute Force characters
Ratchet and Clank when you have to control Clank
FFVIII cause whats his names a baby. Leon, Sion, or something like that
The Bioshock guy
Those are just to name a few
Wow you hate all the protagonists, how original.
well the thread didnt ask if you hated all the little annoying side characters like Foxes Slippy. He asked the characters you hate to play as, IE THE PROTAGONIST

Lord Thodin

New member
Jul 1, 2009
Smokeydubbs said:
Lord Thodin said:
Sgt Jackson in CoD4
Hmm, explain yourself please. If you don't like him, why don't you dislike Soap?
I like soap cause hes more an oprative than an army guy. Mostly because i prefer the idea of a tragic hero. like soap at the end after Captain price tosses you the pistol and you black out. The scene where Jackson dies is certainly tragic but the way he dies is not. It was honorable to save the woman in the downed chopper, but to be killed in Vain just sucks. Its more of a personal thing


New member
Jul 30, 2009
The main guy from uncharted is unbelievably annoying and keats in folklore is like plain musli, he is really bland. Oh and the main guy from grand theft auto vi annoys me so much i take the time to see new ways of killing him off.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
I think you sometimes play as him but the African doctor from Trauma Center 2 the ds one. And any game where you play as Sonic the Hedgehog post Sonic Adventure.