Games you consider overrated


New member
Nov 26, 2011
Diablo 2. I found it boring as fuck. Matter of fact, I'm gonna go ahead and say that every "Diablo clone" I've played was boring as fuck.


A Simply Dignified Manly Man.
Feb 3, 2011
Dragon Age : Origins. Stodgy, bland and impenetrable. Nothing that we haven't seen before with heaps of lore dropped on you that is neither original or engaging.

Deus Ex: HR. One dimensional characters, average gameplay and it seems to be a 3rd person shooter with chest high walls. Not to mention, you always seem to be chasing your next new ability, as in receive a quest that is easily completed with an ability that you need to level-up for. Perhaps it gets interesting when you can throw vending machines?

Psychonauts. Imaginitive I will give you, but the whole game seems dated and the voice acting in parts made we want to poke my eardrums out with a knitting needle. Smacks of the auteur, which I will admit, is not necessarily a bad thing. You can never truly understand another person's art. But, the whole thing is decidedly average in my eyes.

CoD games, I love playing CoD and probably always will, but it's never going to be the Shangri-La of online gaming, so just enjoy it for what it is.


New member
Jan 24, 2011
krazykidd said:
Deus ex : HR. That game was so flawed and boring . I even made a thread seeking people to explain why that game was so great , nobody could . So either Deus Ex : HR was of an inexplicable greatness or it really wasn't as great as everyone said .
I think it's good because I had fun playing it, isn't that what really matters.
OT: I'm gonna go with every CoD game since MW.
Not that I don't enjoy occasionally playing the games but a large chunk of the community makes a huge unneeded deal over a copy pasta game.

Skyrim is another one. I enjoy the game, and it's better than Oblivion but it wasn't as good as everyone said it would be.

Bioshock II: Do I really have to explain this one?

Half life 2: Episode 3: Yes, I'm aware it hasn't been released, but I'm sick of hearing about it. If Valve doesn't want to make it, they aren't gonna make it, stop talking about it already!


Offensive Muggle
Jun 12, 2011
Well I know this is going to be a shocker but I think the Uncharted series is an overrated piece of crap. Nathan Drake is just a copy/pasted flawed action hero. His girlfriend is the same. The only interesting characters are.....well everyone else. Don't get me wrong, it's not BAD just not GOOD.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Dangit2019 said:
You would hate Arma 2 even more then. The other day I played a map that starts you off on a ship.

1. Get your stuff, get in chopper

2. Wait for everyone else to finish mucking around in getting their favorite weapons and get in chopper

3. Silently flail at the screen when the pilot turns back around when 1 idiot decided to ignore the warning that the chopper was taking off soon, and now we have to go back and get him

4. Objective is 6000 meters away

5. Pilot was a moron, decided to fly directly to objective and ignore the safe landing zone designated on map. Anti Air takes out chopper... Half of team dead.

6. That guy who wasted our time because he was to slow to get on chopper? Yeah he dies immediately.

7. Not enough gunpower to secure area... No one packed AT to take care of armored vehicles. 20 minutes of cease fire while people keep showing up with sniper rifles and wondering why they die immediately, until...

8. One of us finally decides to call for an evac to get said AT weaponry... wait for chopper.

9. Pilot forgets about AA... you all die.

Fun game! Just definitely not PUB friendly...

Anywho... Overrated games? Just about any hyped game this day is overrated to some degree. Anything Modern Warfare has to take the cake though. I actually find it offending these days to have some one ask me if I want to play.

I almost want to add Planescape to this list, but I won't, simply because I feel that I need to give that a second chance, and that I just didn't understand it at first.

((Saying something is overrated simply because you do not understand it does not count.))


New member
Feb 26, 2009
Zydrate said:
Don't see why. It's like everything else.

Want perfect multiplayer? Go play Starcraft.
i like how you dismiss Halo's multiplayer and then suggest Starcraft 2 has better multiplayer, even though they are not even close to being similar...

on a completely unrelated note, i dont understand why people like apples so much. now, oranges, those are delicious.

Shady Dealer

New member
Jun 8, 2009
hmm its quite a list but my tops would be: Moderwarfare adn alll shooters similar to them (ex battlefeild etc)Final Fantasy as a whole, Halo, GTA, Gears to an extent, MGS and i think i'll end the list there.

Edit: forgot one that fail rip off of Tomb Raider known as Uncharted


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Kahunaburger said:
Every TES game since Morrowind. Don't get me wrong, Skyrim is great, but it's only the third best AAA RPG from 2011 at best. Also, I will be entirely disappointed if this thread hasn't degenerated into an argument about something by the time I post this :)
So the 4th and 5th... wouldn't it be easier to type that instead since morrowwind?

ummm i would throw down ff7, but someone else already has that.

Although i'm super confused by F-Zero G/X from the OP. That game was amazing... nail destroying annoying at times, but amazing.

If i had to choose, i'd have to pick wow. Mainly because i don't often pick up new games and when i do i play through them so damn often that i don't mind the nitpicks.

But yeah WoW, i've been playing [off and on] since Beta and I'm pretty sure i'm officially quitting. Kinda wish i threw all my gold to my gbank but oh well. It's extremely underwhelming once you've killed all the game's end boss. Short of Vanilla, because Kel'thuzad was a sumbitch. Once you hit 60, 70, 80, 85 [and soon 90?] There wasn't really much to do. I mean yeah Heroics. SWEET the exact same thing i was doing while leveling... just with more life? k..... Raids? Well you gotta do all them heroics and grind to get that gear. While i am describing ALL mmo's, wow is clearly the most relevant at the moment [i personally hope Star Wars blows it out of the water, but that's a long ways away]


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Every game ever made ever. There are more video game fanboys than there are for any other thing. It's actually much harder to find an "underrated" game because everyone loves everything.


New member
Feb 16, 2012
Anything BioWare made starting from Mass effect 1 up till now. Almost everyone here, and every BioDrone heralds these games as the best storytelling ever, but they're just pretty average and predictable if you're a trope savvy person like myself. Not to mention DA:O is not really trying that hard to hide the fact that they're basically trying to copy LotR.

And if the story argument doesn't work through you, then they explain that they have the best characters instead. Which for me, is kind of average-bad as well, I mean, I don't go to WRPGs for characters, JRPGs create better characters for me since they don't try to imitate gritty boring reality. The characters from JRPGs know they're in a fantasy land and they try to stand out, unlike the characters in DA or even Mass Effect where they have their own boring class and they never even try to stay away or even avert the tropes of their class.

Also Skyrim, its just good even though it's my GoTY, and that's because of mods, and without mods, I would've uninstalled it already.

Thomas Hirst

New member
Feb 6, 2012
Id have to say the uncharted series is overated. I mean they're solid games and definitely worth about a 7 or an 8 but i really dont understand them all having perfect 10s. Yes they are very pretty and the gameplay is ok and at times you feel like ur playing an indiana jones movie. But then I finish them in 2 days and get bored and can't be bothered continually playing as the unlikable drake retard.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Misterian said:
Okay, I think we all have stumbled into those games at least once. I'll list mine.

F-Zero GX; I know there are quite a handfull that do like this game, but I still declare it the worst game I've ever played, I don't know how the players that do like this game are able to get over the isues I had with it. but I've b****** about it in previous posts before, so I'll just say in short that playing this game to me was like having to solve a rubix cube blindfolded and with recently burnt hands.
Why exactly is it the worst game you've ever played? And most of all, what issues are even in it? I don't get it o.o I've played it, I don't see any problems. Mind explaining for someone like me who is confused bout this? XD

On Topic: Skyrim (though it was great fun when I played it), any CoD game (all of them from 4 and above), Gears of War, God of War, GTA, Halo, Uncharted (series) Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy (maybe in general, but it's mostly 7 and 13/13-2), Bioshock, possibly Half-Life, Resident Evil (anything after 4), Super Mario Bros (after Sunshine), Zelda (after Majora's Mask), Metroid (after Prime).

Sweet zombie Jesus, that's quite the list o.o But hey, I call overrated on most games these days (cause that's what they are. Overrated)


Senior Member
May 8, 2011
The original Deus Ex, it is a great game probably one of the better games ever made, but I don't think it's the best game ever as many people say. But, that's just because how massive the expectations were.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Bioshock. It was a (lacking) spiritual sucessor to system shock. The gunplay was awful (there was no reason to ever use guns over plasmids), which translated to boring fights.

Mass Effect. It's just not for me, probably good but just not my thing.

Skyrim. Seriously, this level of buggy is acceptable? The game has maybe a quarter of the depth of Morrowind (I can't recall a single game breaking bug in either Morrowind or Oblivion), somehow manages to have worse combat than previous elder scrolls games, a broken magic system, shitty skill trees (perks can be a good idea but it was executed poorly, especially for magic users) and a reasonably un-engaging story (admittedly better than that of Oblivion). Yeah it was OK, but it sure as hell wasn't worthy of all the praise it got. They need to stop trying to make these hardline RPGs accessable to the general public or give up trying to make games like this, because you simply cannot have a game of this scope that appeals to everyone.


A flayed man holds no secrets.
Apr 22, 2011
I kinda want to say every big game ever.

But ones for me would be.

Mass Effect - Tried the demo recently, couldn't finish it. It is probably because I haven't played the others, but the demo has a chance to get me into it a bit but it failed.

Dark Souls - It's my 2011 GOTY, but people saying it's super hard and stuff? Really? No, it's not. I know every person has a different play experience with every game, some people find things easy that others would find hard and such, but while I did think Dark Souls was hard, it wasn't the "This game will make you so angry you'll break a controller" hard like most people say it is.

Skyrim - It would have been my GOTY, but it got over taken by Dark Souls. It just didn't cut it for me. I preferred Oblivion over it. It's not a god send of a game.

I'll probably edit this when I can think of more.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
The entire Halo series. Yeah I know, I'm either going to get flak for it or have everyone saying its an easy target. Still I've always been completely underwhelmed when playing it. The only times it piqued my interest was when I was playing Arbiter in Halo 2, at all other times I didn't really understand what was going on other than "Aliens shoot them" and "Zombies shoot them." Oh, and "Halo goes boom, everyone dies." Shooting was boring, I would only use the chopper because the AI was endlessly dumb, and it really was just ok, not great.

But the biggest criticism lies in the story. Not in the story itself, but how it was structured. Let's be honest, the entire trilogy could've been done in a single game. There was enough story for one game. The practice of only telling a third of an entire story just because you want to sell more games is awful. Halo 1: aliens and zombies! woo! Halo 2: there's a thing in a place, oh well. Halo 3: SHOCKING ENDING Chief's still alive.

And just because I'm rambling, two more points. Firstly if Bungie decided to end that particular franchise, I really think it's in bad taste to just hand it off to another studio just so you can make more money. Create something original instead of humping the Halo dead horse. Lastly they actually released the first Halo just with better graphics as an entire game. The only new feature added to this? The ability to switch the graphics between chunky edges and bloom-o-death. Bad bad bad bad.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
From my experiences, everything Bioware and Bethesda does.

Oblivion for example. NPCs don't talk any differently to you, often, right after you've STOLEN something. It's also difficult to avoid accidentally taking something. Jumping is horrible. And some of the worst face designs in the entire video game industry. Not to mention the same voice actors doing the very same very bland and annoying voice for the entire game in at least the English version. I absolutely hate the English voices(I haven't tried the other ones). Come on, you could hire more than at least 6 random deep voiced voice actors. Oh, did I mention the magic system isn't good? The list of moves to learn and acquire isn't horrible. But the GUI for it is. If you want to go all out and use every one of your moves to your advantage in a battle, good luck. In fact, the combat in general, is just bland hack and slash. In Tales of the Abyss, you may not have as large of a free roam area as Oblivion, but at least you have an amazing battle system with the challenge of trying to get good at combos. There's "so many things to do"? There's a decent amount, but most of it is getting from place to place(if you don't use quick-travel or whatever). The major saving grace of this game is that it's big and the landscapes are pretty. But it's not that big, and if you want a pretty, atmospheric "game", you can play Dear Esther.

I may be a pretty big weeaboo who likes my anime games(tough luck if you don't like anime, most games are Japanese, even if the Japanese industry is on the decline), but these are some pretty legitimate complaints.

I'm not saying that Oblivion is this bad game or anything. It can be fun for what it is. But treating it like it's the most amazing game ever, like many people do. Yeah, no. And after an experience like that, there's no way I'm paying even close to over $30 for Skyrim.