Games you couldn't understand the hype over?


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Kahunaburger said:
...Kingdoms of Amalur. Just... why?
Kingdoms of Amalur was hyped...? Not trying to be a smart-ass but I missed a whole lot of the ads and, all of the anticipation for this one. I tried the demo though and it felt like Dragon Age: Origins with a brighter color palette. Then I noticed the Todd MacFarlene name attached to it and figured...well, there's a reason to hype the thing up.


I agree with OP when s/he mentions Uncharted. It was done before by Lara Croft except for the cover-based shooting but that was done by everyone else around the time Drake was getting ready for his first adventure.


Dragon Age 2. It deserved all of the hype it got BUT the hype train was really deceptive about the sequel to one of Bioware's (then) greatest new IPs. The thing is, this game was being talked up as a great role-playing game blah-blah-blah...This game played more like a beat-em-up than an RPG and if it were released in any other era or, as an arcade cabinet this would have been classified as a beat-em-up with RPG elements and different quest lines.


Dec 1, 2011
Mass Effect 3- I've not played any of the previous games and with all the bitching and whining that's been going on in the forums since the third one came out I don't think I want to. Ever.

Final Fantasy series- I just don't get it and I could really care less.

Anything that is a PS3 exclusive- Don't have a PS3, so could care less.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Halo...all of it.

I guess this is going to some extremely petty but, I just can't connect with a protagonist that lacks a face. All those fancy dramatics, all of those super emotional moments, and we stare at a featureless green helmet with a gold visor.

If the Master Chief is void of facial expressions, and emotion, why should I care about him at all? he's just a robot, and to me, from my interpretation of the lore, he kinda is.

Story wise I never 'got' why it's so hyped up.

Orks da best

New member
Oct 12, 2011
skyrim, any cod games, quild wars 2, half-life. hmmm ya thats my list, i do not understand why these games are or were so hyped.


New member
Mar 30, 2012
Every Sports Game Ever Made - Barely changes
Every Racing Game Ever Made - Barely changes
Every Modern War Game Ever Made - Barely changes
Every Final Fantasy Ever Made - Barely changes (Starting to see a pattern here?)
Nearly Every Cover Shooter Ever Made - Barely changes AND becomes repetitive (BROKE THE CHAIN!)
Every Dancing Game Ever Made - Barely changes, hate dancing, although DDR can be fun at times.

EDIT: Oh yeah you can throw Journey, Limbo, and Flower in there.

As for games that I actually back up the hype?
Persona 4
Ocarina Of Time

And finally, games I believe should have gotten more hype.
Dead Island - If people were patient and showed some love this great game would have been fixed.
Psychonauts - Sure it's a cult favorite but it's sales were poor, they deserved so much more.
Brutal Legend - Same as Psychonauts.


New member
May 2, 2011
Is it just me or do a lot of people not understand what the OP question was asking?

Seems like it's turned more into a "I don't like game x" rather than "I didn't understand why people were excited for game x".

My vote would be Dead Island. I mean yeah, that trailer was epic, but the game was never going to be like that, the only real press releases prior to release painted the game as a fairly generic zombie game. Really couldn't understand why people were so excited about it.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
Kingdoms of Amalur: Recking is one that I really don't get.

There was a big hullabaloo about this game because of all who was working on it and it turns out that it was 'meh'. I wasn't a huge fan of how the game looked, and the combat didn't rock my world when I played the demo when I heard just about everyone tell me how great it was.


New member
Jan 13, 2011
Mass Effect.

I`ve never understood why fans get so hyped for Mass Effect.

I mean I loved the first one back in like 2008 don`t get me wrong, and I preordered and sort of enjoyed the second one. But never would I have gotten to the point where I start petitions and lobby with Bioware to change the fucking ending to one of the games in that series. I never considered the series particularly well written, nor did I find it`s gameplay as intriguing as other titles released around the same time. I mean don`t get me wrong I enjoyed both ME1 and 2 when I played them but they are the science fiction game equivalent of potato chips really.

I mean it`s insane. I don`t even consider the original Mass Effect Bioware`s best game, not even in recent years. I didn`t even buy ME3 because I didn`t consider it worth my time, but apparently people treat Mass Effect almost like it`s their entire religion.