Games you couldn't understand the hype over?


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Darth Rahu said:
But then I look at the rest of this series that has been around for ten years, and after seeing footage of Halo 4 I just want to yell, "IT'S THE EXACT SAME GAME WITH MORE BLOOM AND DETAIL! GET OVER IT!!!"
You really just have to have been a fan from the start to get it. Any fan will tell you that your capitalized statement is the biggest load of shit ever... But you have to have played the game to get it. Each game is MASSIVELY different and that's why thousands of players cried themselves to sleep the night Microsoft turned off Xbox Original's servers, killing Halo 2. I personally prefer Halo 3, but I love playing Halo Reach for my girlfriend's sake. It's not my favorite, but it's all right and it has a pretty good community.

I'm just worried your stance of "it's the same game" is borne of ignorance. Being a sequel to a game is definitely not being the same game, especially since Chief and Cortana are alone on some new environment fighting a new enemy (I assume... I haven't seen footage yet). If there's a series that's the same game over and over again, it's Call of Duty, and I've played them all. Since CoD4, they're all the same except for WaW which sucked extra hard.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Final Fantasy

people get really giddy over these games, I tried to play them I really have, but I just don't get it


New member
Feb 27, 2012
Starke said:
And lets not forget, standard military discipline is evil (apparently).
If Bioware considers military discipline "evil" then politicians feed off the lives of orphans and kittens after their afternoon smugness competitions.

Poor Udina :(


New member
Nov 1, 2011
Zhukov said:
Also, stop liking things I don't like. Don't you all know how rude that is?
Well said.

As for me, I didn't get the hype over Mass Effect 3. ME2 was awful- huge step back from the original in every area except the graphics. Played the ME3 demo and it was completely broken. The cover mechanics were sketchy at best, and your squadmate's AI was shamefully bad. Omniblade thing got real old, real fast. I felt like it was just thrown in to make the game look flashier and more exciting than it actually was. Bioware didn't even have the decency to crap out an acceptable ending, which is weird, because they clearly put all of the effort into the story. I don't get why people get all worked up about it either-the characters say words and do things but I feel nothing.
Aug 20, 2011
Sacman said:
Reaper195 said:
Half-Life 2. No...seriously. There is a reason FPS games stopped having grenades and melee weapons as entirely separate weapons. The story seems to have a shit load missing. Alyx Vance is NOT interesting (Nor is she really that likeable). I have no idea where the fuck the game takes place, aside from somewhere in eastern Europe (Possibly one of the Soviet satellites). What the hell happened at the end of the first game, which somehow connected with the second, and why is the G-Man even still....anything?

Seriously....Half-Life 2 seems like the kind of game people SHOULD be spending large amounts of time in the Internet complaining about, instead for complaining about how ME3s ending was crap. It seemed the only thing the game had going for it was the physics system and graphics.
What's to complain about? the very high standard of writing and characterization? the great understanding and implementation of a character/player driven narrative within an interactive context? the unique use of visual design elements as world building and expository devices? well balanced and dynamic gameplay that easily incorporates action, puzzling and mood building? pioneering a physics engine as a gameplay element? the masterful pacing?

Even your few criticisms have little actual weight... it doesn't really matter where the game takes place... it's not relevant to the story... having separate weapon slots is important to the pacing and flow of action... if it were set up... like say... CoD... it would suffer the same problem... in that the action would be far too fast paced to concentrate on anything else and seeing as how puzzles and thinking are an actual element in the game you can't just faze out and just run around shooting people in the face... as far as the story goes let's not forget that it's an episodic series and we're still waiting for some details that will no doubt be cleared up in Half-Life Episode 3 or Half-Life 3 or whatever... and a lot of the details concerning Half-Life 1 connecting to Half-Life 2 are actually easily cleared up in the second game... there are very few things... aside from the G-Man that hasn't been cleared up... that's relevant to the overarching plot anyway...<.<

Also, the bit on Alyx Vance is a matter of opinion...

OT: The Halo games... they've always been really bleh... nothing special... I mean they do nothing particularly wrong... but at the same time they do nothing particularly right... just always somewhere in the middle... though I suppose that's why... just bland enough to have a mass market appeal...<.<

Fallout 3/ New Vegas... I mean they're quite innovative I suppose... but that's it... clunky interface... clunky gameplay... impossible to roleplay... boring world... boring characters... boring plot... just nothing I particularly like about them... though I suppose up against everything else lately the series is a breath of fresh air... though I find it utterly unpolished...
lol @ HL2 having a well executed narrative and Fallout: NV having boring characters. HL2's story is shit. Besides the nice art design the game world is fairly unengaging. But Valve is untouchable, so gamers keep on parroting the same points about pacing and "narrative structure" and Alex Vance that they read in a review one time and overlook the numerous flaws in the games design. Obsidian, on the other hand, has some of the best writers in the business. They also make interesting, non-linear games. Half Life 2 = linear shooting gallery arcade-style twitch shooter. New Vegas = deeply non-linear well-written innovative RPG. Half Life 2 was a beautiful, dumb, easy game, so it's no wonder people rode Valve's dick so hard for it. New Vegas used the shitty Gamebryo engine, and was too complicated and difficult for casual gamers to appreciate.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Ahhh this good old thread. Where people can come to pretend that they weren't excited by games that didn't live up to their expectations. Or, to simply be hipsters who rail against popular games that they might even like, for the sake of not appearing akin to one of those sheep that actually fucking enjoys something that someone else does.

What is the point of this thread? Sure fandom gets out of control but why is worth it to say you didn't like how excited other people were?

Since I'm here.

Timesplitters was terrible, how anyone like it is beyond me.
Portal was valve stealing ideas from indie game studios and taking the credit.
The witcher 2 is the single most boring thing to ever come out of the human imagination.
Half Life 2 was a vanilla shooter with a vanilla plot delivered in a way that made it impossible to realize how stale it actually was.
Deus Ex might have actually been compelling as a fucking book.
Baldurs Gate 2 was like Diablo with all of the interesting bits ripped out.

How any of these abominations deserve any hype is completely out of my range of comprehension. Anyone who likes any of these games obviously has no taste and should go back to playing CoD or something.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Portal (2), Catherine, gears of war, god of war, DMC, bayonetta (basically anything hack and slashy like the previous 3 games), kingdoms of ameh, new vagas, dead island, journey, flower, ME3 (I like the series and still do but the hype around it! JESUS!), anything that involves plastic instruments ... there are probably more but I can't think at the moment, there is another game with a girls name that I can't think of that should be on this list aswell though.

Yeah, I don't "get" a lot of games.

Cheery Lunatic

New member
Aug 18, 2009

A hyped up life sim. Seriously, school is annoying enough irl, don't fucking quiz me over it in a goddamn game too.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Okay this is probably going to to get me some hate but...

Zelda Series...

No wait hear me out, the individual games are good, the series as a whole isn't worth the hype it garnishes. The games aren't that different from each other, at least not enough to garner the hype it has. But if all you ever had was a nintendo then I can see why you'd think it was.

They are a lot of games I don't think deserve the hype they deserve but I delegate the rest to a matter of opinion and nothing else.

If you don't like Final Fantasy games, thats cool its just the way they play, not really games as much as stories.

Don't like western RPGS, thats cool too a lot of them don't really have a story in them at all and are about choices and character development. Its not really your cup of tea.

Ect, Ect, Ect.

Da Orky Man

Yeah, that's me
Apr 24, 2011
TestECull said:
Mass Effect. Every gameplay video I've watched shows me a bland cover-based shooter that swapped bullets for lasers. Whoop-de-fuckin'-do, game of the year every year. /sarcasm
Just something small that annoyed me; you don't use lasers in Mass Effect. Apart from that one particle beam in ME2, which technically isn't a laser either.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Bethesda titles in general past Morrowind.
I absolutely loathe being a gamer when the Bethesda hype train comes a rollin' to cut off all other topics of gaming discussion like it's cutting off my morning commute.

I can elaborate all day as to why I feel this way, but given that the topic is just one of those sampler topics, I already know that nobody really cares. So why bother justifying an opinion? I have my reasons. I have a LOT of background-experience with Bethesda games.

This isn't an opinion brought on by one or two bad experiences; it's a long, winding trail of tears and misery in the land of "Bethesda didn't really give a fuck".


The Bethesda-MegaGame fanbase is the only one that I can think of who paradoxically continues to lower their standards while raising their expectations with each new game, and is the only fanbase that continues to grow under such conditions.
No other community I can think of does this; who has been so willing to pay top dollar for such buggy and increasingly shallow products.

It's come to the point where they were willing to blindly throw the highest of accolades at these games WELL IN ADVANCE OF THEIR RELEASE DATES. Given that trend, I'm rightly confused as to how it keeps happening, and how it keeps getting hyped to the heavens.


New member
Apr 7, 2012
For me it has to be Journey; maybe I'm just a soulless husk of a person but this game just didn't stir anything in me above a mild admiration for the concept.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Kahunaburger said:
Fable, Skyrim, and Kingdoms of Amalur. Just... why?
This is pretty much it.

Any other games that I felt were crap or mediocre weren't really hyped.


New member
Feb 28, 2009
Skyrim - pretty enough, nice enough gameplay but too glitchy and I didn't feel driven enough to actually complete the storyline (I didn't really do anything past the starting quests until I'd finished the Dark Brotherhood line...and still haven't finished the main storyline because I can't be bothered).

Prototype - Looked awful and I had no idea why I was supposed to care about any of the characters, least of all Alex Mercer. The only positive was that the movement system was fluid ;)

Anything with terrible graphics - I don't know why, it just really annoys me.

Don Savik

New member
Aug 27, 2011
Djinn8 said:
In b4 Halflife

Anyhow I'm going to go ahead and say Minecraft. Never before has such a mediocre game been lorded so highly. And the way Notch has been put on this pedestal as one of the industries greatest heros... it's like some kind of real life Talos. Case in point, on this site there was a new article on the main page relating to minecraft every single day for a whole year! They should have renamed the site Escapecraft. I guess we'll see if that kind of rabid overpraise continues when Mojang brings out its next game or whether the fickle nature of the public will result in a flop.
Now, the building aspect is fun, thats why I bought it when it only had the build mode. Then they tried to make a pseudo-survival rpg type...mess. I can't understand why THAT part is popular. Whats fun about stretching out the time it takes to build something and fill it with farming materials while getting killed over and over again? I don't know, its just not fun to me.

And guys, seriously? Some of you can't understand why CoD is so popular? Cmon now, its been years since Modern Warfare 2, we know this already.

=HCFS=Discoman said:
Katawa Shoujo.
Played it, found it badly written, inconsistent, and actually pretty offensive.
Curious. Now, I'm not a fan of jrpg games and dating sims, and find the concept of the game to be just...ridiculous (which translates to most people on the internet to: I'm an insecure, childish call of duty fan and "just don't get it"), but I would like to know what is offensive about it?


New member
Jan 19, 2011
Fable 3
I was a big fan of the original Fable, and after playing the abhorrent sequel, I couldn't for the life of me fathom why anyone would be even a little excited for 3. Sure enough from what I have seen it is also terrible.

Skyward Sword
I am not entierly sure why people were pissing their pants over the trailers. I didn't see a single thing in them that looked exciting. And yes, I am a HUGE Zelda fan. Skyward Sword just looked like Twilight Princess(but not as good) with really washed out colors. Now that the game is out the annoying sword, lack of any overworld and the mandatory motion controls really depress me. I would say no sale, but I am unfortunate enough to have already bought and played it. I can't believe this game is getting perfect 10s. But then again every game gets a perfect 10 now. People are just too damned excited about new things apparently.

Half Life 2
Cool, claustrophobic yet complex level design? Nope.
Amazing, new abominations from beyond the stars around every corner? Nope.
It killed the game for me that these things from HL1 were absent, mostly because I was looking for these exclusively. Overall it was an ok game, but it didn't even feel like an actual sequel, it just felt like a tech demo for their new engine with a Half Life theme added. I just wanted imagination, and instead of got what felt like a thinly veiled war shooter out in the country. Fighting other humanoids with guns was the most boring part of HL1, and HL2 was all about that, yuck.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
Casey Bowen said:
Fallout 3.... I was falling asleep through that game. The movement was clunky, the gameplay was stale, the VO was bad, the main story was un-interesting.

Funny -- 'cause I loved FO3 for the most part. But I hated New Vegas.

'Tis interesting how people can react so differently to such a variety of games.
I liked NV but hated Fallout 3. I put 25hrs into F3 and it didn't a damn thing for me.

Don Savik

New member
Aug 27, 2011
Metalhandkerchief said:
Guild Wars 2 and Tera.

The first one, everyone is expecting fireworks and a totally groundbreaking MMO, and so far, all the people I know in beta are completely indifferent to it because it's as bog standard as it gets.

The former, because this douche of a company has engineered the perfect titillating *shell* of a game to max out their appeal with pre-pedo teenagers who are just breaking puberty, and GROWN MEN are going to play it. GROWN MEN! That they aren't embarrassed to play that shit is beyond comprehension. Also, it is a really bad game, judging from beta. Full of bugs and shallowness.
First of all, they're entire race looks like that, and little girls don't have huge thighs like that, and they don't have males, so its ok to fantasize about screwing pre-pubescent looking girls. Its totally normal, sheesh.

^is basically what I have heard for defense of the loli race. Its quite pathetic to be honest. And I think it suffers the same problem Dragon Age 2 had with its combat. Making it actiony just made it so that you have to constantly spam buttons instead of auto-attack.

And in defense of Guild Wars 2, we can all see exactly whats its like from the footage and its quite different in many, many aspects from the traditional mmo. Just because a few people in the UNFINISHED BETA are a bit grumpy, doesn't mean we should automatically listen to their opinions without question. Does it have too much hype? All mmos do because everyone demands it kill WoW.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
Mass Effect 3, there was just warning flags going off in my head that it was going to be disappointing and yet it was hyped and failed to meet expectations. I just want to scream "how are you surprised?!"

Also Duke Nukem Forever, I can kind of understand the hype of him returning but I didn't get the unrealistic expectations of it being the best shooter. It's Duke Nukem, I don't recall it being better than any shooter, just shooting aliens with adult humor. And my adult humor I mean thinks that please your inner middle schooler who laughs at crudely drawn penises.

I guess it's less of people being excited over a certain game since people have different taste but how/why do they have such unreasonable expectations and think it's going to be the best thing ever or change gaming.