Games you didn't like... but finished anyway


New member
Apr 16, 2008
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.
Compared to vanilla AC2, the gameplay was awful, the story was awful, and the game just was overall not fun at all. After quitting it for a while I decided I'd just finish it up for the sake of continuing the story.

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberian Twilight.
The gameplay wasn't bad, but the story was absolutely horrendous and if it wasn't called C&C I wouldn't have known it was of that series. I did finish it to see how it ended, but now I kind of wish I didn't because the ending was the worst part of that game.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Duffeknol said:
Homefront. Only took 4 hours to beat, I was ready to stop playing it at that point, but then the credits started rolling and the game saved me the trouble.
Oddly enough, I started to absolutely love the last bridge assault mission, didn't keep the first 90% of the game from utterly sucking though.

Metro 2033 also took forever to really like but I ended up learning to appreciate it about 30% in.

Then there was Dragon Age II, the first few hours were great but I liked it less and less the further in I got. It was also the only get I switched to the easiest setting towards the end, I just wanted this mess over with as fast as possible and couldn't be bothered with dragging out my gametime with longer combat.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
I love Mario games, but mine would have to be Super Mario Galaxy. I kept getting thrown off by the shifts in gravity and control. Plus, I was doing it for a Let's Play, and I was not going to let that game beat me. (Don't bother looking it up, the video quality was atrocious.)


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Mayamellissa said:
Rogue Galaxy. Oh my god!!! that game was horrible. Not the battle system. I liked the battle and level up system. The story (the ending/second part in more precise terms) was absolute trash. I never want to play that thing again.
Lulz you just gotta play that game the way my neighbor did.

Skip cutscene! He doesn't play games for the story, he can read a god damn book for that.

I dunno... i guess WoW would be mine. And if getting 3 (almost 4) characters to 85 isn't 'beating the game' then i don't know what is.

I can't think of anything else. All the games that i don't like i usually drop. Like Little big planet, i think my save has about 5% complete on it. and then there's Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce... where i got to the lu bu fight, spent 30 minutes on it (can't progress unless i beat the thing he's guarding) and actually failed because i couldn't help, had to let my guards do it.


New member
Mar 26, 2011
Fable 2 and 3. God, Fable 1 was so fun... How did Peter manage to make them progressively less fun? By Fable 3, I felt like gouging my eye ball out with a screw driver (Philips, not a sissy flat head) would be much more entertaining.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Batman Arkham Asylum lost its fun about halfway through but I trucked on til the end. I wouldn't say I didn't like the game as a whole, but that second half just wasn't enjoyable to me. Crackdown 2 and Resident Evil 5 are two more I was excited for having enjoyed their predecessors, yet the only reason I finished them was because co-op was more fun than solo. What's worse is that RE5 would have been better if coop wasn't an option.

Mayamellissa said:
Rogue Galaxy. Oh my god!!! that game was horrible. Not the battle system. I liked the battle and level up system. The story (the ending/second part in more precise terms) was absolute trash. I never want to play that thing again.
This is my game I label as "Biggest Disappointment" solely because of that last third of the story. It was actually quite good up until then as well.


New member
Nov 30, 2006
Pools of Radiance, ruins of Myth Drannor. That is such a waste of plastic. the devs should have been taken out back and had someone kick them in their 'junk'. I beat it out of spite.

-a vendor (yes 'A' as in ONE vendor in the WHOLE game) that does not get any better gear
-spells that could ONLY be used in combat, even though you could see zombies laying on the ground but not able to do anything until they attacked you.
-needing to change the default combat timer. if you left on default, you would get your rear handed to you.
-useless 'fluff' items spread all over the place. why have scraps of paper that do not do anything
-...i could go on and on about how utterly horrible that 'game' is. The best thing about it was when i found the forums and the people trashing it. they came up with some funny stuff.


New member
Sep 22, 2011
Oh many to count...damn me being a achievement whore and completionist...

The game that made me cancel my gamefly because I had it for way too long and it was a mindnumbing 1000 gs: Fairytale Fights. It was horrible. I think I have a disease and that's why I kept playing it.

More recently, I'd have to say Batman: Arkham City. I loved Batman: AA and got this as a pre-order. I also beat it super fast and since I hate challenge rooms, promptly sold it back to Gamestop. It was very bland I felt...

Other games I've done this with: Oblivion, Borderlands and L.A. Noire. I don't even know why I played these to completion, I was bored out of my skull doing so....


New member
Dec 29, 2009
final fantasy 12 and kotor

i finished final fantasy 12 only because my friend bet me i never would

kotor i finished because i kept hearing it was the best game ever made so i was waiting for it to get good. it did not

Vorpal Chill

New member
Mar 31, 2010
Two Worlds

Everything about that game was bad... I only finished it as it was around 4 hours to get achievements for.


New member
May 23, 2011
-Drifter- said:
Hal10k said:
-Drifter- said:
Also, and this is a pretty petty complaint, but the player character kind of looks like a twat, a twat to whom the concepts of running, jumping and swinging a sword are apparently unfamiliar if the animation is any indication.
Actually, yeah, that's the case. One of the few things directly stated about the backstory is that Wander stole the sword as part of his bid to "save" Mono. He wouldn't be familiar with how to use the sword.
I don't have much experience with a sword either, but I could still tell you that the full body heave Wander does when he swings it around is ridiculous.

On the subject of jumping, that's something that should probably come fairly naturally unless you're six years old. The running animation comes down to opinion, though. I just think it looks idiotic.
Just rewatched a few bits on Youtube, and my thoughts:

Remember that, not only is Wander untrained with the sword, the only thing he actually swings it at in the game is literally made of stone. He's trying to hit as hard as he can with it, and he doesn't know any better way to do that than a flailing body swing.

I really don't see anything strange about the jumping animation. He just leaps forward with his hands outstretched in order to grab onto the next ledge. What exactly do you find odd?

Also, I think the reason the running animations look strange to you is that Wander always holds the sword or bow away from his body so as not to impede his movement. The only thing that strikes me as odd about his animation with those sheathed is that he takes long strides, which is to be expected from the speed he runs at.


New member
Apr 14, 2011
There was this Lord Of The Rings game which played a lot like Final Fantasy on Playstation 2, I forget the name. Anyway my friend had been playing it for months and couldn't finished it so to prove a point I beat the game in a school week. I hated that game.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
Final Fantasy 9 it just wasnt compelling enough for me to enjoy it but at the time i was trying to beat all of em hell i even finished FF 5 which really sucked.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
I've got too many unplayed games and too little patience to force myself through a game I'm not enjoying, usually.

I did find the final act of Crysis a real slog after having really enjoyed the game up to the point where the aliens take centre stage. I think I stuck with that for the moments of spectacle, and in the hope it'd get good again. God, that VTOL level sucked...


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Most recently would be Need for Speed: The Run. Truly awful game. The handling was rubbish, not arcade or realistic, just plain annoying.

Although the range of cars are nice (240Z, Skyline 2000, Supra etc.) it doesn't seem to matter which you pick because the AI will allow you to catch up or they will catch up (even if they're driving a crappy FWD which can supposedly do over 200MPH with the excuse being that it's an NFS edition).

The Resets are annoying. Instead of just replacing your car, it reloads the race from your last checkpoint and usually starts you off in a direction that causes another reset! You can barely go off road before it resets.

The races are mostly unexciting. Only one time was I pleased with a race which is on the snow mountain during a blast controlled avalanche. Even then, they could of had more racers in front being thrown off the mountain from large boulders, but no.

The story is weak, but I wouldn't expect much from a racing game anyway. The QTE that you get when on the chase cutscenes are about as exciting as it gets for me, which obviously isn't a good thing.

Probably the biggest surprise for me was the fact the game uses the Frostbite 2 engine. Which I imagine is why the cars handle so badly. I was also surprised to see the lack of detail on the cars with all the gfx settings set to Ultra considering the engine. The interior that you get to see (the seat and steering wheel) look like they came out of a PS2 game.

It feels like they've just spent a day or two writing up the story, then some hugely annoying environments to drive through (although nice to look at) and then just forgot about doing anything about making the actual racing elements any fun.

1/10 for me (only because I got to drive a Fairlady 240Z). I'd rather go back and play NFS: Carbon than this piece of trash again.