Games You Enjoy But Are Bad At


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
Contra, Battle Toads, Double Dragon, R-Type, Ikaruga, etc.

I SUCK at these games, but love them.


New member
Feb 1, 2014
Awesomenauts because I get the wrong upgrades and Shovelknight the NES era is punishing but satisfying.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
Dota 2 and Star Craft 2. The better I get, the worse I think I am. It's like getting better in reverse.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Gotta go with devil may cry 3. Great fun, but I'm so rubbish at this sort of game. Last time I played, I rage quit on this boss fight against these 2 knights. Some day I will return. Some day I will beat it. (maybe on easy mode).


New member
Jun 30, 2012
Elfgore said:
So I usually just cheat.
How do you turn this on? How do you turn this on? How do you turn this on? How do you turn this on?

...Waits for like all 7 of you to get what the hell I'm referencing xD

OT: I am god damn awful at the original mario now after playing some of the others. I never got "re" used to how floaty und less controllable it was. I've been playing through again on my 3DS and I've just been save scumming every level.


New member
Jun 29, 2013
I'll repeat the Skyrim answer that has been given above; then again, the highest I've ever gotten was 40, so maybe I'd get better at the higher levels. Anyway, anything fairly powerful would just destroy me, I was constantly hiding behind Lydia, Serana and whatever Atronach I summoned at the time, because otherwise I could get dropped like a sack of flour.

Edit: Oh yeah, there's also Warcraft, because I get my ass handed to me by the easiest AI. I need to take 2 more AI partners and set them higher in order to survive.
Jan 27, 2011
Kid Icarus Uprising.

I freakin LOVE the game. But since I'm a lefty, I end up playing with a buttons-only control scheme which doesn't offer the flexibility of a stylus control scheme, making the game much harder. Not to mention that the flying segments spit so much projectiles at you that it's too much for me to keep track of. ;_;

Oh, and the multiplayer? I suck at it too. I keep missing my charge shots and get sucker punched and die horribly half the time against level 5 CPUs. :(

I love the game...But I typically stick around intensity 5 at most (aside from a handful of early levels). -_-


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
sanquin said:
RedDeadFred said:
You may just be the first person I've ever seen describe Skyrim as hard. I'm assuming you don't use any of the crafting system since that makes the game very easy.
Never really used Alchemy. Only a bit of enchanting. And I'd only work on blacksmithing the most. So I didn't used most of the crafting system. ^^;; I recently made a Destruction/Conjuration/Alchemy/Enchanting mage though so I guess this time will be a breeze? :p
Once you can summon Dremora Lords, the game becomes a breeze. They can take on all but the very strongest enemies in the game. You will grow to love their screams of "I SMELL WEAKNESS!"
Destruction, while not doing a whole lot of damage later on, is very strong since the impact work allows you to stun lock enemies. If you're using PC, I recommend getting the Apocolypse Spell package since they are quite a bit more interesting than the vanilla spells.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
Any of the Civilization games. I just don't know how to properly balance building and army and building an economy.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I really enjoy Starcraft 2, but I am not good enough to play against other people. I can only deal with the AI of the storyline. Hell even the bots in the multiplayer mode kick my ass. I just don't play it fast enough apparently. Which is fine, I don't care.

The other would probably be Team Fortress 2. I am not really fast enough on the shot to be a good combatant, so I usually pick the role of Medic or Engineer, since their utility to the team isn't dependent on having twitch intensive shoot reflexes. I'm sort of decent with sniper, but only on some maps. I find the game damn fun, but damn I'm not very good at actually shooting other people. xD


New member
Jan 29, 2010
necromanzer52 said:
Gotta go with devil may cry 3. Great fun, but I'm so rubbish at this sort of game. Last time I played, I rage quit on this boss fight against these 2 knights. Some day I will return. Some day I will beat it. (maybe on easy mode).
Do it. Those two guys are so fun when you learn how to beat them. Watch a youtube playthrough or something.

On that note, I think I'll include for myself: Devil May Cry 3 using the Royal Guard stance. I love games that involve using well-timed counters, or responses to attacks, but in Devil May Cry 3, it has to be SO precise, and the game has you focused on keeping up your Style meter. Not to mention, it can be so crushing to know that a failed counter is going to hurt your score at the end. I have a lot to learn there.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. I'm not too bad at Deadliest Warrior though and plus I find DW to be more fun, but both games make me laugh for all of the shenanigans that goes on.


New member
Oct 15, 2014
Shovel Knight. Most retro-style platformers, really. Even though I have hundreds of deaths, it's so much fun.

Alma Mare

New member
Nov 14, 2010
League of Legends: I've played since early Season 2, but I still fuck up like a champ. It doesn't help I don't have any patience for children, so whenever someone starts raging I lose my focus.

Dark Souls: I've got 600 hours logged on my main character, currently on NG+5, but I still screw up and do silly mistakes all the time.

Crusaders' Kings 2: I always have a blast playing, but I inevitably end up steamrolled. I get the feeling I haven't begun to scratch the mechanics.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
RedDeadFred said:
Once you can summon Dremora Lords, the game becomes a breeze. They can take on all but the very strongest enemies in the game. You will grow to love their screams of "I SMELL WEAKNESS!"
Destruction, while not doing a whole lot of damage later on, is very strong since the impact work allows you to stun lock enemies. If you're using PC, I recommend getting the Apocolypse Spell package since they are quite a bit more interesting than the vanilla spells.
I took destruction because I've never played around with spells above Adept. Highest mage I've had was 18 or so. I plan to keep a bit of a challenge by not taking dremora lord though. I'll get it to test it out but that's about it. As for the apocalypse spells, I've seen them and to be honest, I wasn't sure. But I guess I can give them a try.


New member
Aug 3, 2014
I'm terrible at Red Orchestra 2. I accidentally shoot my teammates, get blown up every 5 seconds by artillery, miss enemies at point blank range, and always get killed by enemies I can't see. But I still have a damn good time, and there are moments where I kick ass, like when I tossed a perfect grenade through a window at just the right angle and killed 5 enemies, or the time when I was sniping and took out several MG nests, allowing my team to push up the hill and win.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Dark Souls. Everybody says it's really hard, but a lot of people brag about having finished it. How many of you tried to pass the cemetery first, and after the 100th try realized that wasn't the correct path?

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
Fighters for me as well but I should say most fighters im at least decent at SF2 (as long as its not super) and the Soul Calibur games.

I dont suppose im bad at them (usually) its just im not at a level I want to be at in most I just dont have the time to practice like I used to doesnt stop me buying and sucking at them really enjoying P4U atm but have switched to stick and that is painful suddenly I cant move how I want on a controller I did not have to think about movement and defense like I do now it was instinctful but on the plus side my execution has improved. Finally getting the basic Shadow Chie combo down, that felt good when I actually pulled it off, bye bye opponents lifebar :).