Games You Keep Installed


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I'm not surprised you find my list not surprising. I'm also not surprised you responded to that.;)
Im still surprised that people keep so much stuff constantly installed on their systems. I rarely have more than 2 or 3 titles installed at any given time. 1 of which is my downtime game ff14 because its my current "endless" game. Otherwise i play a game finish and remove it because i can always redownload or reinstall from disc on a whim should i want it.

And with ps5 now, i can install something 80+gb in about 30min so it isnt even big downtime to return to something.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Im still surprised that people keep so much stuff constantly installed on their systems. I rarely have more than 2 or 3 titles installed at any given time. 1 of which is my downtime game ff14 because its my current "endless" game. Otherwise i play a game finish and remove it because i can always redownload or reinstall from disc on a whim should i want it.

And with ps5 now, i can install something 80+gb in about 30min so it isnt even big downtime to return to something.
The reason why I keep so many games on my PS4 is cuz I got a 4 terabyte drive attached to it. Also, I keep the games I love or play a lot. Plus, if the game has a lot of updates, I don't want to go through all the bull crap of redownloading them and having them update again. I only delete games I know I'm never going to play again after beating them or losing interest. And if you noticed, a lot of the games I play on there I intend to keep installed.


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
Installed I have:

40 Games on Steam
11 Games on Origin
5 Games on GoG
4 Games on BattleNet
5 Games on UbisoftConnect.

Incidentally; Dear UbiSoft. Do not auto-launch you games after updating. Literally no other client does this. It is not handy, its annoying. Please stop, you fucking tools.

And for my sins that amounts to 1.13TB of games on a 2TB SSD. Sooo, room enough for the Mass Effect Remaster Collection and Cyberpunk once they unfuck it.
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