Games you like that are "uncool" to like.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Last night I was off work so I sat down and dedicated about 3 and a half hours to Castlevania: Curse of Darkness on the Xbox.

Both the game and the console are past their heyday but I think among Castlevania games this one was either under the radar or, outright regarded as 'meh'. It's a 3D Castlevania (which are always so very popular) but it seemed to have been structured in a similar manner to Aria of Sorrow. You're not playing as a Belmont (though you do fight Trevor), you level up, you craft weapons and, you find/summon familiars who also level up. It isn't as Metroid-like as other games but that aspect is definitely there to a degree. Either way, TON of fun. I haven't beaten it but mainly because I haven't focused on it like I did...last night. I blame Crimson Skies (a far more popular Xbox game or at least it fucking should have been)

By the end of the month I will have (and be able to play) Sonic the Hedgehog (X360) and, Shadow the Hedgehog. I don't think I can convince my girlfriend to bring me the Gem collection though...


New member
Sep 8, 2008
AuronFtw said:
Final Fantasy X-2.

I mean yeah, it had a ton of bad shit. The majority of the characters were really one-dimensional, all the pandering to teenagers with raging hormones with all the silly half-naked costumes, the mostly incoherent plot (even for a Final Fantasy game), etc.

But the rest of it... was pretty solid. There was an absolute ton of sidequesting, the combat system was really fluid and engaging, the class swapping mid combat added an element of challenge to some of the later fights, and even the list of accessories was more varied than the typical JRPG/FF game with some seriously powerful boons balanced by some really harsh negatives.

The world exploration felt a *lot* more open than FFX (which honestly isn't that hard, since FFX was the most linear final fantasy game ever made ever), with a lot of jumping over chasms and climbing walls that contributed to making the world feel bigger.

It gets a lot of hate, and it definitely deserves a good portion of it, but X-2 had a number of fantastic features that people always seem to forget about when talking about final fantasies.
Pretty much this, it's my guilty pleasure, but at it's heart if you trim off the obvious pandering to Rule 34, it's a really solid game, one of the best combat systems of the franchise, and towards the end even the story wasn't /that/ bad.

Though I will say that FF13 makes FFX look like the second half in FF6 in comparison. FFX /was/ linear, but it disguised it very well, there was sidequests, points where you could piss around and explore, and every now and then you could check out stuff off the the beaten path. FF13 just...dear god. Hold Up and go. No side paths in dungeons, no exploring, no towns, no npcs, no shops, just hold up and A/X and you'll be fine. Combat? Hold A and you'll be fine.


New member
Dec 31, 2012
I don't know, man.
Anything I play is automatically made cool for the duration.
But...I guess portable stuff? Might get some stares then.

Peeps on the bus just probably wouldn't understand EV training in the slightest.


New member
Jul 11, 2010
Does Duke Nukem Forever count? Because I loved that game and the Doctor Who Cloned Me.

I turned on the game, turned my brain off and loved it for what it was.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Uff definately World of Warcraft. Nothing but bile whenever it's brought up and despite my current quit status I believe it is a very good, very engaging game.

Sonic Heroes (Game Cube Version) Also... I find it's met with alot of hostility but I think the game play was amusing enough that I saw it through. Yes the story was cringe as is par for the course on most sonic titles but I didn't think the game was bad at all...
I didn't know what people were talking about until I played the PS2 Version and oh my god you have no idea the difference it made. I think the Gamecube version was the quintessential version of that game because the framerate issues and controls in the others were horrifying.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
Everyone seems to hate DmC with a passion, but It's now in my list of best games I have played this gen, right up there with Portal 2 and Fallout 3.

And speaking of Fallout 3, I'll go ahead and mention that too. Many hardcore "fans" consider 3 to be the bastard child of the franchise, but it's my favorite. I could barely stomach the first one.

x EvilErmine x

Cake or death?!
Apr 5, 2010
Umm I think mine would be Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (Zombies). The annoying thing is that it's quite hard to find decent players. By that I don't mean uber l33t players that can solo the game to like level 80 but rather people who don't rage quit the first time they go down or people who wont just run off and do there own thing.


Social Justice Rogue
Feb 1, 2011
Well, let's see. Right now, there's BioWare games in general, including Mass Effect 3, but especially Dragon Age 2. People seem incapable of comprehending that I actually enjoyed it, and so constantly try to convince that no, I did not, in fact, enjoy it, I was really miserable the entire time, that if only I understood then I would hate the game properly just like everyone else.

A little aggravating.

Apart from that, Assassin's Creed III and the Crysis series (particularly the later installments).


New member
Aug 30, 2012
I really like any Artsy Game like Dear Esther and really wacky games being anything by Dejobaan.

For some reason, liking artsy games is uncool because they are totally pretendous and lofty.


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
Charli said:
Sonic Heroes (Game Cube Version) Also... I find it's met with alot of hostility but I think the game play was amusing enough that I saw it through. Yes the story was cringe as is par for the course on most sonic titles but I didn't think the game was bad at all...
I didn't know what people were talking about until I played the PS2 Version and oh my god you have no idea the difference it made. I think the Gamecube version was the quintessential version of that game because the framerate issues and controls in the others were horrifying.
I had the PS2 version and thought it was alright but you're right, the Gamecube version is infinitely superior.


Feb 12, 2009
I've said in another thread that my "Top Five" list of final fantasies only has four games on it and includes 12, 10, and 10-2.

12 isn't a bad game at all. Well, yeah I can see what they say about the story. While I have fun with the game, the story is pretty lackluster and at some points comes to conclusions that don't make sense from what has happened prior. I don't agree with people saying the combat plays itself because of that auto-command system I can't remember the name of. You can turn those off because you get quite a lot slots for commands and using too many can be detrimental to your battle tactics. That's just how I found it but the point is you can still turn those off.


New member
May 21, 2011
Jandau said:
Most recently, the new Devil May Cry.

I like the new Dante. Yes, he's a prick, but it actually makes sense when taken in context with his backstory (no family, no memory of his early childhood, hunted by demons from a very early age, etc.). Furthermore, he quickly gets his act together, stops being a douche, opens up to people, shows his capacity for compassion and loyalty and generally develops in a fairly believable direction. The old Dante was cool, but he wasn't a person, he was a wish fulfillment fantasy taken to the extreme. The new Dante works much better as an actual person.

Other than that, the level design is awesome, with some levels being truly interesting setpieces and featuring changes of perspective and visual tricks that help freshen things up. The combat is crisp, tight and fun, with plenty of variety in weapons and moves. Sure, the "normal" difficulty is pretty easy, but once you hit Son of Sparda, the game will start kicking your arse if you're not careful. Even the plot is reasonable, with a few decent twists and a nice does of social commentary, which is welcome even if it us quite unsubtle.

All in all, I don't really have any complaints about the game and I'd rate it fairly high in most if not all categories. It's an overall good game and it's a shame people got fixated on the hair color change so much (which turns out to be a moot point anyway)...
This, 100%. Except, before I played the new DMC, I hadn't played DMC before. Or anything in the spectacle fighter genre. Ever. So, normal kicked my butt plenty (ho, lord, and I know it's supposed to be stupid easy, too. Kinda embarrassing), but I suppose that just leaves me with more room to improve. But I'm really, really hoping the fan backlash isn't enough to stop them from making a second one, because that game was fun. The aesthetics were freaking brilliant (I kinda want to go play Enslaved now, too), I like being encouraged to do come up with new ways to murder tons of dudes (although I still get points for doing the same one over and over, which was kind of awkward), and I loved the story. I have a soft spot for social commentary, even if it is pretty overt.

As for other games: I still like WoW to some extent. I liked the crap out of Diablo III until I realized just how much grinding I'd need to do (it's still fun, I'm just still not up for grinding). I liked the story in Starcraft II, but not Starcraft, which is apparently a huge faux pas. I like League of Legends more than Dota 2 (which is tantamount to regicide, depending on who you ask). And I still like Ragnarok Online, which might not be universally hated, but still has pretty much every element of Evil in MMO's that it possibly could (tedious grinding, item mall that sells power, economy that's heavily influenced by devs, I could go on...).

I'm pretty sure there are more, but I can't think of them. Nice to see these threads, though. I much prefer them to the "please list everything you hate and why others should hate themselves for liking them"-ones. At least here I get good ideas for games I haven't played, but have heard aren't good at all.
Aug 19, 2010
Assassin's Creed 3 - Personally, I really liked that game. Yes, there was a total of 2 assassinations. Yes, Connor was a pansy. But the story and the gameplay was great, and the ending wasn't bad, it just wasn't good either, it was meh.

Dragon Age 2 - everyone brings up re-used locations. Well slap me thrice and fuck me sideways, that's sure to ruin the game...
The characters were great, the combat was wondrous, and the story, while kinda all over the place, ended up being pretty epic. I think it was way superior to origins.

Mass Effect 3 - it's the journey that counts, and with the extended cut, the endings are pretty good actually. The MP is great fun, and the myriad of free DLC for it is quite enticing.


Apr 17, 2011
IronMit said:
I cried a little for Chief at the end, makes me wonder what will happen to him come Halo 5
I kind of hope that there won't be a Halo 5. Not that I think Halo 4 was bad, but:
It just won't feel the same without that mercury cool voice in your ear.


New member
Jul 24, 2012
BrotherSurplice said:
IronMit said:
I cried a little for Chief at the end, makes me wonder what will happen to him come Halo 5
I kind of hope that there won't be a Halo 5. Not that I think Halo 4 was bad, but:
It just won't feel the same without that mercury cool voice in your ear.
What now? You are replying to something I didn't write. What is going on?

Did you not like what I posted so altered it in your 'quote' to troll me lol?


New member
Dec 8, 2007
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Duelists of the Roses - probably considered uncool by almost everyone, but my friends and I had a lot of fun with it. I never played the CCG, but it seems like a pretty faithful translation to video game. Aesthetically, I don't dig it (see, I'm *cool*!), but it was a good game, if you stuck it out grinding the poorly-balanced single player "campaign" long enough to unlock all the cards - at which point you just build decks and play against your friends.

Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer - I sure am glad this got "tacked on", and "took resources away from the single-player", because it's the most fun I've had in this franchise since my first playthrough of ME1.

Rock Band, and Motion Controls - Still as fun as they ever were. Only called "fads" because the market was oversaturated for a while.

FF Tactics Advance series - Sure, they're easier and more "kiddie" than the original FF Tactics. But I think they're more balanced and fun. I'm not entirely sure that these are widely considered uncool, but I've heard enough people trash them, so I've gotten the impression that they are.

Grandia XTreme - It's a Grandia game with a shitty, barely-existent plot, ugly non-characters, and atrocious voice acting. You grind repetitive dungeons and fight things over and over again. But, see, I like the battle system; I never cared for a Grandia game's plot or characters anyway; and (IMHO) the only voice acting better than atrocious voice acting is no voice acting.

Zen Bard

Eats, Shoots and Leaves
Sep 16, 2012
SonicWaffle said:
Zen Bard said:
There. I said it. Yes, Bethesda started neutering the freedom and introduced the dreaded "leveling problem", and all the people had ugly fish faces...but I really enjoyed the quests. And it was fun to make a Dark Elf that looked like me., if I'm reading what you've written correctly, you're saying that you have an ugly fish face?

Harsh, dude.
Damn you. Trapped me in my own implied causal reference.

Should have clarified that all the NPCs have ugly fish faces.

I myself am more squid-like...

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!